Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 DEDICATE NEW ORGAN . Heads C. of C. For The Office Ledgers-Journals--Day&Cash Books At prices as low as in Chicago and Evanston, you can get anyth ing fo r the office without leaving Wilmette. Invite Entire Community to Obaervances at St. John's Lutheran Church Sunday, January 9. Residents of the north shore haYe heen invited to attend the formal dedication of the new pipe or~an at St. J ohti's Lutheran cht!rch, Wllm~~tc and Park avenues, Wtlmctte, whtch. is to take place Sunday evening, Januarv 9. For this occasion the church has· secured Ar thur Bergmann, Wl"ll known Mihyaukee organist, who wi.ll be assisted in the program of mnstc hv Rollin Pease, baritone, of Evan~ton. ~liss EJecta Austin, organist of ~t. John's church, and the choirs nf ~I. John's church. The dedicatory address is to b~: given by the Rev. Paul Klunder, pa:-itur of St. Paul's Lutheran church at Mdrosc Park. The dcdKatory service will be :~..; Desk Pads&Calendars For 1927 Bound and loose leaf ; priced accordin g to binding. Filing Supplies&Equipment Alphabetical Files. C ards. Card Index Files, etc. I I I · Stenographer's Supplies T ypewriters - Ribb ons - Carbon P aper -- Second Sheets Notebooks - Pencils - Sharpeners - Erasers - C lips Inks - P aste - Glue, etc. I I I I I Emil A. 1\ord, \\'ell k11mrn tailor. has hecn eiected president oi the \ \ .ilmettc Chamber ui Commerce. ~lr . .:\onl is a charter member of the organization and last year was its treasurer. ! ~~}!~~~~·~-" I I 1-:itt Fu;tt· Hun(' .... Faull.; ·!" liYtllll ,,~· th· · ,.,,ngn ·g-:ttion :'\o. ~l.i:: Tho · .\JII·sll··~· l'rt·t·d Baritont· ~ctlo- a . lit· That l>wdlt-th ;11 tlw ~t·t·t·d l'l:tt ·.-:-; .. ........ ~ld>ermott l!.ll J:..; EttOIII-\h fn·m "l·~lijah" . ..... . .. . ··.··................ , :. . . . ~ft· nd ·ls:- .. h ·l Tilt> ~eript un· L· ·sson 1 WILMETTE STATIONERY AND GIFT SHOP 1155 WILMETTE AVE. O pposite Village Theater POSTAL EMPLOYES FROL IC Employes of the \\'ilmcttc post office will enjoy a dinner and entertainment in the Club house oi St. Augustine's church :Monday evening, January 17. tilt· ~·ongrt.·g-ation ~o. li:3 Tilt· ~\'l'lllPtt . . . . . . . . Pastor Paul Klund t:r Tht· Lord"::; 1'ruvt·r Tht· Offertory · Baritmw Sol~l-Thc Pt·oplt.· that \Valk(·d iu l larkllt·s:;-··~h·:-.siah" .......... Hat.'lHid Tht· I h·ukntion St ·r\'ice ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasto·r llt: rman V\'. :.\l f.'Y t· t· Tla· Ladi t·s· ..-\id ('horw;-l'raise Yc th·· Fatllt·t· ... . .................... (;oulH ·U Organ :\lt·dilation .. . .... ... ..... Stuq;.,.: :\t'thur l:t·n.:-mann Tlw lkn,·dil-t ion J m [11'(1\'isa tion Uoxology :'\umlwr :i!ll ll.nntt },y l-'ostlu<lt· Fi11all' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lho f'!-i .\Jr . .Arthur Bt·rg-mann, Org-anist PHONE 3051 :\Jr. H.ollin l'1.·:tst·, BaritOill' ~[ r. and ~1 rs. Harper E. Osborn of :\Iiss EJecta Austin, Atcompanist 715 Linden avenue had as her guests last week, ~1i~s Alice and ~liss Sarah ~I is~ \·irginia \Voodland, 336 Leice s-Bowen of Nanking, China, Mr. and ter road, Kenilworth, entcrt.tincd at a l ~f rs. ]. H. Upton of Prophetstown. luncheon bridg-e on ~londc1y. MY HUSBAND SAYS THEY DON'T SERVE BETTER ROASTS IN THE WHITE HOUSE, THAN THEY SERVE AT THE WHITE CASH MARKET FOR CONVENIENCE TRADE AT THE WHITE CASH MARKET NEAREST YOU. THE SAME QUALITY MEATS, LOW PRICES, COURTEOUS SERVICE. Special lor Ji'ri. and Sat., Jan. ' and 1 ....BETTER MEATS.... BONELESS RIB -LOWER PRICES.YOUR CHOICE OF THREE STEAKS FROM CORN FED STEERS. BOAST BEEP-Rolled NO BONE NO WASTE Lb. 3SY2e CLUB STEAK SIRLOIN ROUND STEAK Lb. 39c Home Made Pickled Herrin1 100% PURE OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY STYLE. Lb·............ .. ... ... .29e PORK SAUSAGE HOME MADE . DELICIOUSLY SEASONED Lb. 35e _ Roane Made POTATO SAUSAGE MADE DAILY PHO~E Lb. ORDERS 25e Feur Free Deli.-eries Daily. 9 A. M., It A. M., Z P. M., 4 P. M. To Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Evanaton and Wilmette. SPECIAL AITENTION GIVEN TO CHILDREN AND

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