Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 1

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LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for W#mette and Kenilworth \VILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 7, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS HEAR DRAMA LEADERS I Car to Every Family NORTH SHORE SOLOISTS EMIL A. NORD HEADS Here, Figures Show Trier High School Dramatic Club APPEAR WITH SYMPHONY · . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE New Announces Series of Special Discus Figures don't tie but liars figure, goes the old ":, aw." And by the Winnifred Mickey and Howard san1e token, "try thi s on your penPreston to Be Heard in OrBY G. W . C. cil." chestral Association Concert The Dramatic club of 1\cw Tril'r In \Vilmette there arc about 14,high school has al\\'ays tried to he 000 people, 3,250 of "·hich bought Fmil A. Nord. of the.: finn oi Srhultz more than just an ordinary dramatic village auto licenses last year. In George Dasch and his forty-fiye \Vinnctka 2,907 people out of 12,500 players comprising the Littlr ·Sym;md \"ord. tailors, wa s (·lertecl president club. The metnhers have strived not ' .,- thl' Wilmet k ChamhL·!· of . Com- onlv to give fine impc.rsonations in the drive a car; in Glencoe 1,133 plates phony orchestra, will present the thi.rd ml' n:e. at. the C!llnual nu.·ttt.llg o1_ tk~t pla~· s in which thev act but also to un\\'ere sold and the population is es- concert of the afternoon young peo. . 1 f 1 .. r ~atlJzatlon l\'fondaY t·ventng (d till~ 1 timatecl at 4,950; while in Kenil- pie's series and the fourth concert of 1 litHer 1 -1 \\'(··ek at the Centr~tl ·rafdt.·ria. ).f r. 1 ~ c_rstatH1 tIt ymg J(1 ea s 0 cramworth the cars numbe,r 530 and the the evening series of the New Trier l {'.t" .1 I po~u Iat1on . 2133 . . . \ . vrc I an(l otter Oi1CL'r:' e1 ectt·c I \\'tt 1 I.ttiC , , \\'Ork. . _ , . n· tvr'd'mg t h e pop- 0 rc I1estra1 assoctatton at N ew 'r ner 11illl assumecl <·Oire immediat· · l~- upon 1 hey l~an- al\\'~ys rcaltzcd, ot cour::. t-. · ulation hv the cars the conclusion high :-;chool }.(onday, January 10. A elt' ction. that thl'lr part 111 drama \\·as only a 1 is reached that there is a car to soloist \\'ill be featured on each proOfticcrs chosrn to sern- ,,·it :l Prl'si- \·cry snlall bit. ln.J,t this ha:-; not kept every iour people. and allowing iour gram. rll'llt Nord during 192i ar~' .F. H. thl'lll irom rl'arhing out t<m·ard greater pl·nple to a family, thL·re is a car to In the afternoon Miss \Vinnifred Knttdho11, vicc -pn.·siclt:nt: J. ),f. BtHl- \\"Ork. Al\\'aYs haYe they wanted to en~ r\' familv. Mich'y. pianis't. of \Vilmctte, will apingcr, treasurtr. and eig·ht <lirl'rtor:-: get in touch- with pcopl~ who know ~f~)re statistics. yes, but it's pear with the orchestra, playing the D1·. C. B. Blake. Henry B. Cak:', T.Jo,·d aiHl understand the great play:-; of the I pretty certain that the.re aren't Liszt "Hungaria11 Fantasie." In the Hollister and A. C. \\'olff. for a tc~m \rorld and "·ith people \\'ho really arc many over-labored feet on the eYening ~fr. Da:;ch announces the ap~·i two years; Bernard Meyer, \Vitliam splendid at the art of imJH. :rsonation north shore. · pearancc of Howard Preston, bass:. Taylor, B. B. lldell and A. S. Van and characterization. baritone of the Chicago Civic Opera Dut·srn, for a term of one vear. Almo:--t c\TI'\' one in the Dramatic company. Ur. Preston is an outstandThr annual meeting was marked !"· club probably i1as read the play "Macing figure among young Americans, the customary anm1al report~ of th.e heth ," and Yt.'t fl'\\" of them rcallv sec and, has to his credit. not- only n~mer'" arious officers, all oi whirh indicated the gn·at d-ramatic quality of it. -Thn· · ou:-; appearauces wtth the Chtcago a marked progress in eYery phasr of can't interpret it hy thcm ~ cln·s. So it 01 ~L'ra in it~ r~gula.r season. h.ut also :tctidty within the organization. Thr is with other thing~. The ml·mber:-; J> . f N ,. · . t \\"tth the Cmcmnatt, St. Loms and . \ kmhers also voted to hold a dinner in·! th;\t the~· netd people of great exH:~Jc 1 ents 0 . _ew 1 r~cr m~·ns 1 up are RaYinia companies. He has created ·d frolic later this month. the rxact pe.:ricnre to interpret ior them and to to han~. th<.~ pn\·dr!<:ge ot l~eann~ a co n-~ important roles in several American . t\' to be determinrcl bY thL' hoard of htl1) them to do better dramatic work ccr t th~:> Satur ay eyenmg. grven )y 0 · · 11 tab!· the tJart of \Villough·ctors. · t h\· Xe\\' Trier High 'tc.lt of Salenl, ·. in their own pre:-;en ta tions. · school hand. npe~a~C. · 111 a<1 man ~s "\\T t . ,~ m ·. 1 Nord Charter Member · Thi:-; year perhaps the biggest chance 'I he.· concert i=' to be ginn in the au- Preston will he heard in a Massenet _Tn choosing 'Mr. 1\ord as prc~idcnt ·J oi all !~as rome !~) the Nc\\' Trier dit<)rium of the high school at 8 o'clock aria on the first part of the program, Ill tfle organization the Chamber of Dramattr club. I he. coach~:-; .of the a:- a bene~t cor the band f?ncl.. The and \\·ill sing "\Votan's Farewell" Con 1 mer~c has again signall~- honorC'cl j c~uh 1;~\:c succeeded m bnngmg to program wtll he under the d1rect10n of (\\.agner) in the final part. He also one of tts -charter 111 emhcrs and. one · ~t·w l.ncr four well-kn~n\'n spea~ers. ]. C. Schumacher. director of the bar.td. is a 'resident of \Vilmettc. :dw has been actin:ly iclcntifie(t with I ll'rc . 1:' chanc~ for mterprct.atwn! "\\·e are in great need of more 111The t\\·o prograins which promise to :t..; lnterprises from thr Yen· heo·inninO' J ll're 1:'1 rllanc~ tor the broacknmg of strumcnt:"," ~[r. S~humachcr stated he of unusual intere~t. a.r e as follows: this \\·cek. "\Ve have developed a ,·ery Third Young People's Concert . During the past year ~fr. Nonl ~('f\'~~i dramatic kno\\'ledge! a..; treasurer of the (hamhC'r. C !n ~I nnda~- . January li. Prof. Da- g-ood organization and every musician f:f'Ol'Kf' Das<.'h, <'onducto~ . · ~fr. Nord Ita" . · l) "('tl <· . L ·t,"'l>lt'" ."- llc(l 1 ' Yi:-. Ed\\"ards (li the l'ni\·"rsit\· of Ct 11·_ is firrd \\'itlt ambition to do his best ' <Jn·rturt· Soloist:"Huv \Vinnifre~. ptamst 11 til·' ,, '" ' " ' 1 '" .l · · Bla!4 Mickey, ...... ~£endelsHohn tailoring husinrss in \\'ilmrttc for : ragcl will give a reading from ").lac- hut lack of some nnportant mstrumcnts Hungari:~n Fa.ntasie for Piano and Or\Yith an extremch· i beth." Opportunity is knocking! is going to seriously handicap our efC'lw~trn .... . ... . .. . ............. I...iszt fifteen years. 1 f1!0dest berrinnin!!', \\'lt(·tt II·' ,"'Jt(l l ·l<·ttt·~ · · On \\·ed,nes<_lay, Fcbruar_\· l'l, Prof. forb unless our good friends in the From Halll'l !::;ultt>, "f'ylYia" · · · · .Delibe!:; · t-o " , " u . . St><'otHl mo\·t·nwnt: 1 nh·rmezzo C't valse 1 (: Schultz opened a :-.lllall shop BntralJl .<.. I\rlson. head of the de- townslup lend thc1r support hy attendIPnte. thl all their own work. the firm has partment of pttblic speaking at the ing the concert. \Ve not only "·atlt _Tl~ir~ moYt·m·' nt .: Pizzi<'rt!i. ·. ;~1;::~~101 ~~ . ~~.~~. ;.t ·· ~·~·.r.1 ~1 ~.~. ~.~~.~.... Ol'lls dc\'l'loped wit!~ surpri:.;ing rapidity into l'ni\·ersit~· of Chicago, will read "Cy- them tn help _out "·ith our fund h~1t Fourth Evening Concert the _Iarg-c . . t tarloring- and cleaning es~ I r~:'w de Bergerar." one of the finc;-;t ·we do llJOst smcercly hope they ,,·tll tahlt~lnnent on thr north shore. rm- 1ot French play:-;. Opportunity again! a~so attc~td the concert. J: lar~e an- 1 Georg·(' Dasch, conductor . ploytng twer.lty-twc.) people. , _Third i1, the series is Prof. Frank I d1ence \\til ;;ave a~ a 13'cnumc st1111Uit1s Roluist: Howard Prf'ston·, ha~s-bar1tonP ~~ N 1 ts prcsl<1c.nt of the Ermine 1 C) ·1lara. who, on Tucs.clar.. :March_ 15, j to tl H.' 1 1 l1l tl te t>atH. 1" 0\'t>rturf'. "f>(>r Frt'd i~<'hUPtz" ...... Weher >Oys am1 ·g1r::, Cl.· r. ore I Suit£>, "Sdwheraza l'. , (O pus 35 . ) . ....·. : eaners, nc., of Ht~·hland Park an \\'!II ~1wak on "Dramatics t11 a l_lnt\·er· ..................... Rimsky-Korsakow as:--ociatiot~ of nort_h· sliore tail;ring ~it .\ · ." \\'hn ~aid opportunity knocks "Stop and Go" Light Third :\lo\·l·nwnt: "ThE' Young· Prince . . ,,() cl" t 11 ) 1Tc has on.'· 1 nnce.1 and tlw Youno- Prinrt>ss." " '"anlllg es.a > ts tmrnt!'i. p 1 11 I roves a ua e sset Ballet Suite from "Ct'phale ct Procris" .. lL'C · t le directing genius of that orLast in thr series is ~I iss Harriet ........................... Gretry-Mottl ..:ar11zation since its inception six year~ ' lane .-\llyn. who. 011 Tursda~·. April 19, The recent!~· completed stop-and-go 1. Tamhourin J.go . It 11 ?W dot' ~ a $100.000 wholr- " ·ill prcse."nt ~fonologues and Tmper- lighb at the intc.rsectic:m of Lake and ;: A\t~~~t:.t·tto (J,,·s X~· mphs dl' DianE') ~ille cl\'anmg- hm1ness annualh·. He sonations. RidgL' a\'rnues were placed in opera- Ari~l: "\"ision Fugltin"' from "HProdi- .. 1 ~ also l~rominently .id~ntified with the Tn this \\'ll~· . tltrn, will opportunity tio1i for the first time Tuesday of this adt··· . ........... . ........... Massent>t Tntcrnat!onat assonat1on nf Cutters knork nn the door of the Ne\\' Trier week. Built after the type recently lXTER~fTSSTOX I D H · Pr· .. ludt· to "LolwngTin" ....... ,,Vagner at~~ rstgners. e 1.; a nwmlH'r of the I>ralllatic rltth. And crrtainly this cltth approved hy the NatiJnal Safety couit- ...Waldwt>btm" ("Yokes of tht· Porest") \\ tlmette Rotar_ \· club. is to hL~ cn\'it·cl. for the speakers in cil. they re})rescnt \Vilmette's first f1·om "Sit'g-frit>d" . . . . . . . . . . . . Wagnc . r Boosts Community Athletics this lecture serirs that it is SJ)Onso.ring- step tO\\·ard an atitomatic control of "\Yotan·~ Fart'w'11" and "Magi<' Firer.r. A 1 · 1 1· 1 S('t·tw" from "Dit~ \Valkure" .. \\"agnN· One of 1\fr. Nord's iorcnl0st inter- ;trl' vet:~· fin<' indeed and worthy of any trautc. t t te present tnne t le tg lts (Baritone and Orchestra) \'Sh h.as l~een the promotion of clean ~atherlllg. fla~h on a 30 second interval; the time athl~ttcs m the community and, as duration on bot.h the red and green Will Not Extend Light president of the \Vilmcttr Athletic asECONOMY SHOP CALLS lights being the same. The amber Schedule, Trustees Say sociation, which is spotl . sorncl l)v tlte warning signal, hO\\'ever, appears only 11 '" Like most of the stores in \Vii f Any chang-e in \Vilmette's street C.h.amher of \om.m.erce. ha .s J)Crs. O.IlalJ\. ' het\\'l'l'll the change rom green tO red J mettc \Ye had a good Christmas ( not 1 ( t 11 ected the destm1es of the \Vt'ltttette >et\\'een t 1 tc c1 tange f rom .rec1 to lighting schedule is not at this time trade, in consequence of \vhich our green ) . B y t 1 · means t 1 lla:'e I)a It and football S<JU;td.s. He 1 ·5 ns te po I' 1cy o f warranted. according to a decision stock is very low. If you received · " 1 1 I' 1 a1 so k ·e.enly interested it1 \Vt'ltnette on t te am >cr· tg lt, r~ached by the Village hoard after a a victrola, piano, table, chair, tea- "cn'('[Hng · wa1ting · up f R rc reatton league activities. · \\·htlc.· or the green. rs e 1·1111- consideration of ever~: angle of the 'f cart, coat, dress, suit, underwear, . p.roposition. Tuesday evening. · Be.\ r. NonJ is a nati\'e of Su·edctt. · He n or. toys, w 1 ty not 1 et us h ave your inated as only the motorist driving on 1 I 1as .j een a resident of the north shore old article to sell, to those not 50 the green sees the warning of a cause of the manner in which the f or - 5 years and at prese 11 t rest'cles at li!!hting circuit is laid out it is imposf or t unate as you were .. change in traffic direction. 892 · r sihle to light any certain section of Park avenue. He is married and Mrs. I. A. Adkins, chairman has two children. K. OF C. MEETING the system or to light alternate light!' Economy shop, \ r·rce ~resident Knudtson was acOuilmette council, Knights of Col- and a half-hour addition to the present 1147 Greenleaf avenue umbus, \\·ill hold its regular meeting schedule. as su~gested by some local corded t~e distinction of election by Tel. Wit. 1544 ~ccla_matton at ~onday's meeting. Store open 12 :30 to 5 :30 all day Tuesday evening, January 11. at 8:15 g-roups, would represent a $50 increas<" o'clock at Odd Fellows hall, vVihnettc in the lighting expense for each montl1, l.ommg to the Wtlmette commercial Thursday." (Continued on page 42) it was said. avenue at Main st.r eet, Wilmette. Leader in Tailoring Field Named at Annual Meeting of Commercial Body sions This Winter l I l. N T B d ew rier an Gives Concert TomorrOW N tght 1 ° ancl l I' I· ). V 1 bl A ,. , ( I r I

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