January 7, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 43 J4_._ _ _ F_o_B_s_ ..\_L_E __ u_s_E_n_c_A_R_s ............~ I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEM~NTS NoticesGeneral . will be charged only to t't::st<.l·.ntl'> ot the district from Evan~ton to GleRcoe lllCIU:>I\'t whu~e uan1es apJJear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WfLl\IE1'TE LIFE WINNETKA TALK or GLBNCOE NEW~. · A v~ ra~t- o~ t1\'e words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on Rll cush "ltta ortler ad vertlsements ' tfhen brought to our ofllce at I!!! Central Au., 'Wilmette, or oU Lincoln ATe., Winnetka. . 121 1 FOR 'RENT-ROOMS I , j Cla~sitled a_dyerus~ments I l 1, i 1 1 1 ..... .. , 1 1 ,5 ··~ 111 ~' a ~irlfl In on~ paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. Rates- . .. o c:·:nts a hnQ Ira all three papers. 1\liNil\IUl\1 CHARGE 50 eents. I ,. ) FOR RE~T-LARGE FRONT CORNER A COLE "8," 7 PASSENGER SEDAN, room, well furnished, warm and sunny. good original finish, fine mechanically; Hot water always. Near bus and transgood ruboer; laew battery; rebuilt moportation. References. Phone Wil. 204. tor. l"or sale by owner, cash. Phone 21L15-ltp Wil. 1031. 7.18 Laurel Ave. 46LTN15-ltc FOR RE~T- 1 LARGE SUNNY ROO~l, or 1 bedroom and adjoining sitting nn. 1926 SPECIAL DODGE TOUR. $100 wt>ll furnished for one or two persons, down, bal. $35 monthly. Other models ladies preferred. 822 Prairie Ave. Phone on easy terms. Wersted Motor Co. 562 "\Vii. 5Ht. 21L15-ltc Lincoln A\'e., Winn. 46LTN15-tfc l·'OR RE~'i' FURNISHED SINGLE FOHD COUPE _ GOOD CONDITION. room, ideal for uusim·::;s man or woman. Heasonable. Wil. 2139. 46LUi-ltc Hde renees rt>ttuired. Tel. Wil. 9!J2-:\·I. 726 11th St. 21LTNH>-ltc FOR SALl~ _ 2 DOOR FORD SJ.o.:DAN. · Call Frank Kraft, f:lencoe 707. FOR RE);T 2 FRONT ROOMS, 46LTN15-ltc singlt· or suitf·. East side. ~ear transportation. Tt·l. \Vii. 1940. 21LT15-ltc .fR TIOO~I FOR O~E OR TWD GENTL]!;ANTIQUES men ; near trans. 725 Prairie Ave. Phone Wil. H2. 21LT15-tfc REf'RETARY DESK, CHERRY . TABLES, ~pindle slf.·igh-foot day bed. Stelgle g-lass, sporting, fashion and Hower :!2 }'(Ht JlF.~1'-.\.PA lt'fllE~'l'S prints· rat·e first l'ditions, Lincoln docu----------------------------------------------------ments' and hooks. Mirrors. A large FOlt l11-~~T- :> ROCnJ FLAT. LARGE assortment of antiques from which you J>or1 ·h and garag·t, if wnnh·d. ::\lr::o. ~_·a.n selt·ct anyfbing you desire. ~ou Wolsit·ftl'l', :t28 Elm l-;t. T e l. \Vinn. 12411. an~ welcom e to l'Utne any day, evE"mng 22LT15-lk or Sunday. )lr:o:. L. E. Dicke, 808 \Vashington St. Univ. !.18!>0. Evanston. L.\Wa: -t HUO:.\l .\PART~1l~X'1' FOR 48L'I'Nl5-1tc l't ' lll. ~jl) a tn<1nth. Phout: Winn. 265. 22LTN15-ltc .JAXl.IAH.Y SALE ON ~IY COLLECTION of antique!;, including pieces of old J.'Olt RF..X'f-FUit.S. llOUS.t;S 2~ mapl.: and mahogany furniture. China, g-lass and :,;ilvt>r; old English sport ---------------------------------------------FOH RE~T FUR~ISIIED 5 ROO~I prints ; picturN; on glass; fireside scats hungalow in \Vinnetka. Con\'enient to and wood box es. 1\lany other good ant r:ws. and stor"~· Good Hl·ighborhood. tiques reduC'Pd for sale. 312 South A\'e. Tmnktl. PoH~. H.esponsiule parties only. <}lt·ncoe n2. 48LTN 15-ltc 'I'd. llaymarkt.-t 4043. 25L1'~15-ltc 49 i : Deadline for Insertions- Classified advertisements will be acc~pted up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WILI L--- I ' METTE LIFE 'lr alr three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. · Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. .... \ >- J.O . \~s JIEJ,J· W .\.~Tt~U-l'JDJAJ,E ,· 1st and 2nd ~lortg-ages -------------------------------------------------· HELP \VA:"\TI.;D WHITE CliHL. __..___,___.___,___.___.___.___.___,___.___,___,_I_3_L_1_'~T_lo_--_1___ tP Light hou~~:wurk. Tt:l. Winn. 1888. Charles I-I. Brethold I~SURA~I'E 54iJ :\lain :;;t,, Wilmdte Ttl G5 LiLl;j-tf(· ----------------------------------\\.BITE \\' .\~TJ-:1> 11 ELP WA.:"\TED - WHITE GIRL FUR lli1J1 ht ·r ' s ht-liH'r. Hd!>. Tt·l. \Vinn. 2 ~7Z. 13LT15-lt)> for <;l,, tt. U7ll. maid g·t·twral EXPEHIE~<'El> hom~ework. 1 3LT~l5-ltc Call · I f \\'.\~TED -SEA:\I~TH.ESS FOR PLAJ:-; ~t.,,. i ng·. rreL \\' il. 3077. 13Ll 5-ltp c:I!.\IJlJATE TE.\CliEll \\.OCLU LIKE a l't· w pupils for pritnary grad· tutol"II t:J, P W .\XT .t : U-)L\LE ing. Pllow· \\'ilmt'ttt · til·~. ~liss \\'ood- U , ·<wk. I U.A L'L' ~ 15-1 tc -------------------------------------------W.\~TEIJ EXPI!;H.IE~CED REAL I"' J,os'l' ,\. 'S u FO t' ~-n ..:-'ta tt · !>ah'snwn for \Vilme tte oftic~: . :.\lust know \nlm~... ttl' ndu(·S and all J.OH'l' _ 7 )10.:-.iTHS OLIJ Fl~~L\LE, ..Jtar:t··~· · rs of prOJH·rty. .Exct·llcnt C~I?- F< m. HE);'!'- 1.:"\ CALll·'OH~IA . HOUSE hhtck Ul·rman polin: dog·, hrown 111<~1'1\l'd l"·rt_t~lllty. .\ddrC'ss \Vtlmettle-tLl'~.~~~ in pi tll' f Ol'+'st on·rlooki ng Paci tic·. Five fa('l', ilrowu pa\\s, light l1rown UIIUl· l'-~ B-J.,.. ·J" ht ·druotw;, 4 hath:-,. Also sma.ll bungalo\\". Both I'Olll)l) etl'ly fumi:-;h··d. 'l'd. lll'a~h. }nsw··t·s to . tlw Hamt· of \\' \:"\TFD- FXP BOOKVEEPER Fl'L "'l'nl'lu.;\'. l~an a wa ,. ··r stolt·n on · · "·innetka 81X. 25LT~15-2tc J> 1·e. ~l\: 1!l~ti . J h·\\ anl · for fi miL-L 11:! ··r pa _ t·t , t IIlli'. Apply '\\ tlnwtt~', ~~aml ' hurc h nc.;uJ . Tt: l. \\. inn. ~>7!· . IH ·J' ol ( ommen.· e, 14I...I::-;;la-ltp FOR RE~T CHOICE 1\lODERN 12LT:"\'lij-ltp bungalow furnish ed, 6 rooms, garage ; SlTI'.\TIO:\ WTU.-Ft:)IAJ,t: 16 ('011\'. to all C'ars. H.eas. rent with year LOST :.\W~lJA Y, .JA:"'l ~ AUY :l}{D, )(·al-ic. 796 Ce nter St. Tel. Winn. 28:~3. pait' 1,f tan pig·skin glo\·,·s, t"dg"t·tl with SfTL\TIOX WTD . - PLAT~ & F'A~CY 25LT~15-tie :--m·Jt·ldng. Young g-i.-1!;' and childr"'n~· hrown snaktskin; at tlw <iray & Un:cn o ·lotlws mad··. \\.inn. 2853. Lun('h room, Indian Hill or out~id (;ray l'Oit UE~'l'-STORES & O.lo'},lt;.t;S 16L15-ltp & <:r~:1·n anrl ':"\t·W Trit·r llig·h ~chool. fh·ward. l~l'lut·u tu llarrh·t ~Ions, 1&7 FOR HE~T STORES AND SHOPS. \\·uu<.l::;to('k A,.,.. Kt·nil. Phont! 228\J. ~JTl'ATJO~ \\' TD. DY 2 FRIE~DS Tl'lt:·Jlhone Winnetka 62. 27LT~15-U c as ,·ook and uurse to go to California . 12LT15-ltc Willing to do any kind of work. Ref. i;l FOJt s,\LE-JlOlJSES LOHT HAH. Pl.:\, 1-'L-\TI~U~T. OX8 Address Talk B-166. 16LTN15-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fair :-:;izdl uiarnond, ti tiny one~. s pearls; llt·ar -'1elrww An· . on Esst>x l!d. Ke nil. Sf'l'l 7 ATl0~ \VTD. - EXP. :\lAID A~D m· Orring·tun Hott ·l, E\·anstou . Heward. N·nk now fn·e to work by day. BI' St 121...13-ltc Ht·fs. '1\·1. Dn·xc·l aln. 16LT15-ltp J · ... · (: ', 10.\. ~(; HOOI.S k 'IT TO IU~ (~ 1-'0R SALE-JISEIID. GOODS ------------------------------]l · FURNITURE OF 36 APT. BUILDI~G .. 4 roorn suites each, worth $3,000, wllll take $550 complete or will separate; 3piece sill< mohair parlor suite ; 8-plece: walnut dining sPt; 4-piece walnut bedroom s t> t ; two 9xl2 Wilton rugs; library tabk ; floor and table lamps; 5-plece br(':tkfnst set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, Chicago. 'l'el. Sunny~lde 6190. Will arrange for deli.\'t·ry. 49LTN12-7tp · FOH HALE - 2 PPRIGHT PIANOS; 4 wooden lc)('kt·rs; 1 carr}et, 21x45 feet; 1 mirror ~ ft. 6 inc·h·~ s by 6 ft. 10 inches. ::\lust he dispost·d of at onee. PHILLIP STATE BANK & TRUST CO. Chicag·o, Ill. 7001 N. Clark St. Tt-1. H.og t- rs Park 3426 49L15-ltc Cou 1)le ")argatn f or " ~ oung- IR ,JML JJ ©1huru~1t©JID & C©a (Q)~~®If~ L I I ~· I ',(- ' ,.. ,, I LOST OH. ~TlL\YED FRO~T HO~IE~ JX ~ITL\TJO:'\ WTD. EXPERIE~CED Ke nilworth, ~ L: Otch tt·t'J'h.. r, ft>lllHil·, vl'ry laundt't·s!> \\' :tills \\'Cirk hy day. \\'iltlmid . An:>WL·t·s to tla~ name of "Scottv." tn..tlt' 1H8. 16L'l'N15-1tc ~viUSIC? Ht.·\\'ard. K t,uil. HH. 121.1 5-itc \\' "\);TJ;;IJ- LAC:"\DRY \VORK TO DO ::\IUDEHX S ROO)£ HO~IE IN BEST $laO Yil'TOR VWTROLA, $50, J~CLUDat lwuw, IJy t·X)writ>n<' r d laundress. Will ~orth Ea::;t st>ction; vapor heat, 4 large ing records. Ha sunset Rd. Winn. 2568·. LOHT - BEAGLl~ PUPPY, TAN WITH mal>tt·r bt.·drooml>; 2 baths; 3 porches : . 49LTN15-lte ··all and dt.: lh·t·l'. \\.il. 2o2:t 16LTH-~te hla<"k markings, 5 months old. Notit;r ht·all'd g-aragt>. Ownl'r lt>a\'ing, gives II. E. WL't' l>t ·, Kt·tJilwurth 2::22. splt-ndirl nllut.· at $27 ,aOO. 12L15-ltc \\'.\);TED W.\SlH~c; TO DO AT FOR SALE- nAS RANGE, $48.00. COST ----------------------------------------hom, .. ('a 11 a ud dt..·l i n·r. Tt·1. \\T i I. 36S 7. $160. Light gray and white. Excellent 16LT15-1tc 3~0 Lind:t' n .-\ \'1..·. LUST - BCXCH OF KEYH IX BLACK condition. Call Winn. 839. Phone Wil. 68 lt·atlwr 1':\S(·. Tu1 · sda~·. .Januan· 4th. 49LTN15-ltc 31Ll5-1t c Wilmt-tte Lif1..· B-16ri. 12LT~15-ltc 14 FOR SALE - ~EW 6 RM. SHINGLE FOR SALE -SCHOLLE PAINTED SUN ---------------------------------------------------13 Sl'ITATIU:"\' WTD.- EXP. ::\fA:-::r WA:"T~ hl!llst· watt·r lwat; natural fireplace; room furniture, taupe sati'n seats. Perfurnal'l' and house work. Tt'l. Wil. a23:~. <tH room:-; int·luding· RUn rm. are large. feet condition. Glen. 656. 17LT15-ltp HELP 'VANTED EXPERIE~CED Attraetive ::;urroundings. $17,500.00. Easy 49LTN15-ltc white woman for plain cooking. English, STEADY POl:;ftt.. rm:-:> . . Irish, or Scotch prefel'l'ed. R e f. Req. ~f1T.\TH>X WTD. F'Ofl SALE- :l PIECE OVERSTUFFED tion il!:i chauffeur. '1'1.'1. Wilmette 3687. ~wn. room and hath. No washing. Yt>lour suitt>, blue and gold with linen } anuly of 6 and 1 other maid. Good 17LT~15-ltc llf,j Wilmette A\·e. cowrs. $100. Tel. Wil. 3014. Phone Wilmette 640 wages. :\frs. l'il'J'Cf', 656 Ardsley Rd., 49L15-ltc 31LTN15-1tc SITL\TIO~ WTD.- A~ LABOREH OH 'W inn. Tel. c~ n·ning~. \Vinn. 2045. 312 tt.·:tmstt.·r. Tel. Cni\·. ::a57-R. ·:l:! }'OU SAL~-VAHA"ST SALE OF OLD HOOKED RUGS. 1:lLTN12-4tc South Ave. Glencoe 732. 17 LT15-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49LTN15-ltc WA~TED A HI<:lt'I~ED ELDERLY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'011. :;;ALE on RE~T NEVi MODwoman to as:sist in household duties. If ~l'ITATIO~ \VTD . I'~XPEHIB~CED '··rn 5 room brick bungalow, about oneyou m·e lookiug· for a good home apply man \Vants furnace and housework. Tt ·l. half <H'l'e. Rt.·nt $75.00 per month. Sale to :\Irs. C. H. Smith, 711 Laurt:' l An'. Wilnlt'tt(' 32:~3. 1iLT15-1tp Jll'it·t' , $15,000. 'l'Prms. A very desirable l>O Wi'n. TO BUY-.. HSEHD. GOOD~ Phont· \\'iltw·tte 2200. J3L1'~15-ltc pro 1wrty. WANTED TO BUY---- SECOND HAND IS SITUA'l'IO~ WA~'l't~Hfurniture and other household goods. ll.\.1,}~ ASH J.'t:liALE W..\~TED -GfHl. OH W0:\1A~. \VHITE. Highest prices for same. Crost FurExperit'l1l't.'d fur getu>ral housework. niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., EvBY Rl~LIABLE Hmall family, good hom,, and wages. SI:JTATIO~ WTD. anston. Ill. Phone Univ. 189. all ar·ound coupll'. \Voman good C'OOk, 1213 Wilmette A \'C. 1'(·1. Wil. 225 10·12 Grt>1·nwood .\ \'t·, 'Vii. 492. 50L1'N15-tfc n1an gootl housema11 and will drin' if 32Ll5-ltc HLTN15-1tc ttt·t·t·ssar,\'. ('an uri\'(' any make of ear. Adch·t·Hs Winnt·rka 'ralk B-163, or ea11 :u REAL Jo~STA'l'E JU.:LP WTD. - ('OOK, SERVE & 1ST FOit SAL E-ll ISCELLA.N .IWUS 51 11 igh Ia nd Park S13- '\\~. 1S1..:r~ 15-lt c ---------------------------------------------· fl,oor :··ork, whitt'. All laundry s<>nt out. , ( il'amng man kPpt. Pri\'atE' room aud FOR SALE - NEW LAID EGGS WILL FIRST CLASS hath on 2nd floor. Rl'l'. '> 00 Bryant AH' ~I'ITATIO~ WTD. hE' delivered to you weekly, if you will c·C!UJ>lt·, 111an as d1auffeur and houseHOMES AND VACANT Winn. 327. HLTN15-ltr; write to Paul Bet'm's Poultry Farm, man. '\Vife good ('OOk. ReferenC'es. KEXILWORTH WINNETKA GLENCOE Zion, 111. 51LT13-4tp t·niv. 6::!29. 18L'l'N15-ltp and north. H li;LP WANTED - WHITE .MAID I·'OH LOA~S AND INSURANCE g·t-ne~al houst·work and eooking. Xo FOR SAL'l!; - LADIES' SKATES, LIKE }'OU. UF. ~'1'-UOO)IS '~ashmg. Uood wag.::,;. 4 in family. Td. 21 nl'w. Used only six times. Cost $25. <J Ic n eoe 11 42. 1:n.:r :"\' 15 -lt (' -------------------------------------------------Will sell for $10. Phone Winn. 2157. CE:\TlL\ L HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE 460 \Vinnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 51LTN15-ltp HELP \VANTED WHITE GIRL .-\~ rooms fm transients and rf'sidents. 62!1 :l4LTN15-tfc -'Iot~ers' helpf'r. No washing and no :\lain Stn·et. Phont: '\Yilmette 1080. FOR SALE -AMERICAN RADIATOR lli.SI YESS OPPOR.TU"Sl'l'lES ' 21LTJ5-tfc 3·L\. <'ookmg·. Ttl. \\~inn. 27n boiler, suitable for small house or gar5 age. Reasonable. Phone Winn. 692-J. ::::-::=:::---------------l-:I_L_'r_:-::r_t_ _-l_tc FOH. ltE~T - CO:\JFOH.TABLY FURN- OX ACCOl"N'l' OF ILL HEALTH, MUST . 51LTN15-ltc "'·\:'\TED -· CO:\fPJ;;TE~T WH ['I'E i:-;lwrl room, privatt' homE'. Close to viisPll out business and sublease building. g·1r1 for gt'twral housPwot·k one ,,.,.th l:tg·t·. ~;l'ntleman only. Tel. \Vii. 7!16-W. If interested C'all Wil. 1448. FOR .,.ALE BOY'S ~KATES. JOHN' 21L15-tfc 34ALTN15-ltc ' son >:'1 · "' ' t·~w:r It>nce and loC'ai rl'ferPnct·s. Phone Ief' l{ing. Size 8. In b.,~t <'Oilrlitlon. K~ml. 1212. t:lLTN1"-ltp $5. 'r"l. Winn. 783. 5lLTN15-ltJ· v 158LI<iHTFUL BACHELOR ROOMS, U "L\:STED TO HU \'-HtHJ:St;S ' EXP. UIRL POR t·t·ntral location. Phone '\Vilmette 23!>9. I l1;;Lp \VAN'l'l~JJ ~~~ern! houseworlc Small family . Phone 21LTN15-tfc FA::\liLY '\\'ISHJNG TO LOCATE IN 52 WTD. TO HUY-~IISl'EJ,L,\~1-:HI I S tnn. 2006. 13LTN15·Hc -----· \Vilmt·tte or Winnetka, wants 6 to 8 JIELP WA~TED - ~IO'fHER'S HELP- I..An< a.; 1100::\[ COl'\V. TO 'l'RANl:5room house, 2 baths preferred. Around \VANTED TO BUY A STROLLER er. Small family. Tel. Winn. 393. portation. Phon<' \Vii. 2699 after 1 :00 $25,000. Wilmette Life B-164. with horse. Phone \Vinn. 1969. 21Li5-tfc A4L'L'15-ltc 52LT~l:J-1tc 1:lL1'N1.,-lt<. p. n1. --------------------- F.. C.oletnan Burroughs ------------------------------------4 FOR SALE E. E. Stults Realty Co.