Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 Illinois has 26,823 times as mam· electric light and power customers a·s there were in the entire United State : ; 44 year~ ago. N. K. E. C. Notes The University of Illinois is the third Miss Lucy Gage, professor of early elementary education of George ~ea large st unh·ersity in the United State ~ body Teachers college, and nat!onal having a total registration of 11 ,810. chajrman of the Primary Counctl ~f The apple crop of Illinois for 19~(> Education, will speak before th~ dtrectors and students of the Natwnal \\'as ahout 8,875,000 hushels. Kindergarten and Elementary college at Harrison hall this Thursday afternoon at 4:15. During the month of JanThe address will be gi,·en under the auspices of the supervi sion department uary, we will give special atof the college as part of the regul~r tention to artistic framing of meeting of the directors of schools. 111 which students of the college recctve your Christmas Photographs. their practical training- in teaching. Miss Georgene Faulkner of Ch ic-ago, who has done cxcentional work in conducting the children's story hour over radio station WM AQ, will tell Henry Van Dyke's "Story of the Other \Vise Man" to the students of the college at their chapcd scn·ice Tuesday afternoon, January 11, at 2 o'clock. Beautiful Hand Carved and Leather Ftamea. The failure of the Roman empire, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the absolute and constitutional monarchy all were discussed when Prof. Ferdinatid ScheviJJ, prof(·ssor of modern history at the Uni\'crsity of Chkago, gave the second of his two Contemporary Thought course lectures yesterday afternoon at Xorthwcstcrn ttniversity. Edwin E. Slosson, author, director of Science Servi('(· in \\'ashington, D. C., will lecture \Vcdnesday, January 12, his subject, "Society and the Nat ural \Vorld." Thl'se lectun.·s arc hroad cast \Vednesday t·n·ning-.. . on:r station \VMAQ at 8:10. Hoyburn Building 615 Davis Street !! W'E'LL solve t~e problem to your ent1re satisfaction and show you thAt our prices are cur down to J common sense basis. GIO 0·... - - -10 Ill ,OOD AND --·u 0 0 I ,. .. 1 ,. sr c£ Britton I. Budd Offers Medal for Life Saving As a means of sti111ulating intere~t in safetv work and first aiel instruction. Britt~n I. Budd, ()ZJ ~1il'higan :tn·nue. president of the Puhlir ~<'n' ilT com pany of Northern ·nlinoi~. ha.... an nounced the rstahli:-.hmt·nt of tltt· Hrit ten I. Budd medal fe~r tl1c saving (If human life. , . :1 !\<"'" This medal, dl'signl'd !. _ York sculptor and (·xectttl'd in :- iln·r. will he awarded to any (' lllpln_rf of t hl' Puhlic Service Co111panr. or oi the several other companie~ with which Mr. Budd is assoriat('d, ,,·ho -.twree<l~ in savtng anyone's !if(·. RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS ~~i~:- Fdill1 Srn·kt'r oi tht" Jo~q>h I s~' ;tr~ ~Ch()(t) iactthY, Ita~ 110\\" reCtH'l'rl·<f from an illness which rt'cently confined her tu ht·r home. · · Rodmkir k ·s is always a good auto suggestion.,. 10 0 10 ExpE:·rh·Jwt· plui-i .ffort has made it })()HHihlt· for us to Offer to the }1uhlil' n 1lining- !it'rViet· that Is Ullt ·:<t·d lt·d . hd us st·rn· you for· J>l'oof. D 0 Tempting StrcJiCI ?\I r:-;. E. 1.. \\'atkim of 1322 Green" (·,ld a n ·nw· has rl'l urnrd home from l,,· inl!·- 1,1 l·nspit:tl. " ·hn .. Elmer T,r lancl \\'atkins, Jr .. was hort· l on Dcr·etnh~._· r 2J. L & R A'U TO SERVICE PHONE WILMETTE 3064 CHEVROLET SALES U SERVICE 332 LINDEN AVE. MAC'S Bowling Lunch 0 0 MacMillan to Speak for New Trier Club Commander Donald B. )..f ac'Millan, eminent author. explorer, and educator. will give an illustrated ltrtur(' under the auspices of the Tri-Ship boys cluh at the New Trier High school. on Thursday, January 20. ~[ r. Mac ~f illan will speak on the stthkrt "Till' Artie by Land, Sea and Air" and will illu strate the talk with slides taken whik on his last arctic expedition. The TriShip club has ext<·tulcd an invitation to aJI desiring to do so to rnn1e and hear the lecture. Ticket:-; are now on sale bv members of the cluh and the procee-ds from the lecture ,\'ill h<· used toward the club's scholarship fund. IJiinois celebrated its 108th birthday. December 3, marking that anniversary of the state's admission into the Union in 1818 Illinois now has a total of 5,966 miles of hard roads, according to a recent estimate of the State Highway de- DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Phya.icians 91:: ('··utrnl A vc-nnt· Residence and Office Phone :mo r-;·~:::·~~ ~~:::·~~~~:~·~~~~·~~:~:::lllllll;·:~::·:~:~l i= . n lbc:::::ro' 1151 Wilmette Ayea·e II A. M. to 8 P. M. ...,. 0 L 'Oa.r WILMETIE, 'ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue I= M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estitnates given \Yithout obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 I We~~e:~:~ ~~i.~~~;:~:~:nd~yA~~~~oX~ M~xercises I Subje~:~u;'r6R~~1ENT READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE .AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and I t ~· I ~ l )- Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 1030 Greenleaf Ave. ~= =:· ~ WILME1TE Wednesday 9 A.M. to 1:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. rowed or purchased. The Public ia cordiaiiJ iavited to attend the Church Ser-.icei aad Yiait the Readina Rooa The Bible and and Worbsall of Mary Baker Eddy other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, bor· ~= -:= ~: I, i=-= I s ~ partment. --·I-111111-IUitHIIIHIIIIIIJJitllllllllhlfllllllllluaJIIItllllllftiiiiiHIIMIIIIIIIII..IIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl"llllllltUIIIHI... I

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