January 7, 1927 ,. i CROSSLEY REPORTS ON 1Pi'4MIWJ!flJ.fili~MIQM!MIMJf.t4VJMIM!AJMN)LMJW)IMMMMMMM!M CRIME CENSUS OF.U. S. Wilmette Lawyer Heads Com· mittee Which Is Conducting Research for Government Frederick B. Crossley, 600 Washin<rton avenue, Wilmette secretary o£ ~~rthwrstern university law school, and chairman of the committee for criminal records ancl statistics, announces the completion of this exten~i,·e research work in criminal statistics. and that committee is issuing its new book. \Vhile tl1e expenses for this important compilation of criminal -;tatistics have heen borne hy John D. nockefcller, Jr., and the Laura Sptllman foundation, it is the plan of the federal government through the hu rrau of census to issue the report, Chairman Crossley stales. "The cc:-nsus hun·;nt .heretofore has compiled statistics ior pri~oners only once in ten years, hut, beginning- with 1927, will undertake to collect and publish annual statis't ic" ktsrd upon the s-cheme of records recommended in t h(' report of the committcl' and contained in the hand book of instruction s. This hand book will he forwarded by the director of the nnsus to the qate departments of the vari(Jli S states, til wardens and superintendents of prisons and reformatories, to hospitals for mental rliseascs and institution<; for fcchlr minded and <"Pilcptics. "The bureau of the census is under- 1 taking to collrrt and publish these statistics in response to a general demand for more complete and satisfactory statistics relating to crime and to criminals. One of the chid difficulties in dealing- with the problem of crime in the United States ha s he<.·n the lack of ·c omplete and sa tisfactory -.tatistics, and until such statistics arc available those having the most to do with the problrm s of rrime and criminology believes that there can he no 1 effective method of dealin~ with criminal problems in any jurisdiction." The pt'rsonnel of this crime inycsti .t.:·ation committee is as follows: Frederick B. Crossley, chairman; Sam B. \Varner, director: Dr. Herman Adler. 119 East Huron ~trcet. Chicag-o; :\. L. BQwen. Springfield, 111.: Amos \V. P.utlcr. State House, 1ndianapoli s, Tnd .; Henry Barrett Chamberlin, Chicago Crime ·co mmission; Prof. R. H. Gault. Northwestern uni\'ersity; Herbert L. Harley, Chicago: Prof. l·~dwin (( Keedy. Law school. lT. of Pennsyh·ania: Plill\· \V. ~farrh, Fir~t Katiot{at Bank huiiding, D<:truit, ~lich.; Horatio ~. Pollock, State Hospital cnnltllJ:-.ston, Albany. ~. Y.: A. P. Hugg, Boston, \f a~ s.; J. C. Ruppenthal, Rns~et. Kan.: \V. B. S\Yaney. 603 J a m~s lnt i ld i 11 g·. Chat t a · nooga. Tenn.; Floyd t ~. Thompson. Supreme Court, Springfield. Ill.: Chark~ ~f. Thomson, .·\ppellatc Court, Chicago; Prof. lame::; II. Tufts, l'ni,·e rsity of Chic:tgo, Chicago: .\ugust Vollnwr,r Chid ,oi l'(Jliu· lh·rkt·lt~· . Cal.; Prof. Sam B. \\'am<.·r: John H. \Vigmore, dean, Northwestern l T niversity Law srhool: Sanford Bate~. State House.', Bo:ton, ~Iass.: Prof. .1\ndr~"· A. Bruce, Chicago, Ill. Chairman Crossley added that in the new work the scheme for records includes the ·courts, police and penal institutions, and is hased upon a carelui and detailed .study of the few systems of records now existing in the United States and the more complete criminal records and st<ltistics of th1~ British Empire .. "It is believed that the plans of the committee and of the census bureau can be so developed within the next three years that at the expiration of that time, there will be available complete criminal statistics for every jurisdiction in the United States," Mr. Crossley concluded. 1 = .WILMETTE LIFE .~ Here lS a Message to Men from a ·chicago Editor This splc11did rditorial is from the pm 'of IV. G. Siblt·y. in the Jouma.l of Commcra. ANNUAL HOME INVENTORIES Hu~ine~s concerns ()fall kinds must have an inventory at lt'ast once a year. :\lost CJf them take it the first of each year to arrin.' at accurate kn<Jwledg-c of assets. liabilities, and profib < 'r losse~. But there are personal inn?ntories quite as important as those in,·olving a man's business. There is the family, for instance. Not only its expenses need to be examined, but the assets of each member in health, growth, education and happiness. together \\'ith liahilitie~ taken on during the year in habits and conduct . :"' urely a n1an cannot aHcJrd to neglect his children and \\·hat they haYe been doing- during- the past year, either in the way of improvement and sound preparation for their future. or in addition of ideas and habit~ \vhich \viii he liabilities ag-ainst their success and happiness wlwn they have g-rown tn maturitY. It is not hard to strike a balance between goo(l and evil in the thoughts of sons and daughters. even though they in stinctively seek to hide from the father and n1other conduct which they know to he wrong. Their a~sociatcs, their hour'-', their attention or inattention to those things which count for Yirtue or against it cannot be hidden if parents have real snperYisi<.m o\·er their goings a11<l comings before they have reached Years of di~cretion. Erery hoy and girl rercal s. directly or indirectly, the spirit that is in them, and this is the true guide to a dependable inYentory of their character< 1 \o doubt many a father ,,·hose children han~ gr<n\'11 into their teens \\'ithout proper attention l>ll his part nu\\. regrets his neglect. This is an age when the young get away from their parents earl icr than ever he furc. more's the pity, and more 's their danger! ! ).. . .f, I ,- Directory of Churches: The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rei.J. Horace G. Smith First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rei.J. Stephen A. Lloyd The Wilmette Baptist Church forest and Wilmene Avenues Rei). Fran cis C. Stiflet St. Augustine's Episcopd Church r r4o Wilmette Avenue Rei.J. Hubert Carleton St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmeue and Park Avenues Rev. Hetman W. Meyer The Yust Presbyterian Church Ninth Str~et and Greenleaf ..!_venue Rei.J. George P. Magill (· Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Seventh Sueet Rev. William Guise Published by tlu INterth·rclt Adwrliliflg Co,..,.itltt, Wilmtttt Church Federotio,. -, , \.