Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 38

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38 '· WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 Leonard Company Finishes Another . Beautiful House_ Decorators are just now putting the finishing touches on 'the latest product of the E. T. Leonard company, builders. of 556 Center street, Winnetka. It is an exceedingly attractive seven-room house, of the English type, located at 529 Hawthorne lane, on a lot 50 bY 165 feet. It has been built for the market and will be com['>leted for occupancy in two weeks. It is priced at $33,500. Stone and stucco, and creo dip shingles for the roof comprise a most pleasing effect in the exterior design and 'COnstruction, while spaciousness anrl many little artistic finishing s feature the interior. The living room is '16 hy 28 feet, rendt:red doubly inviting hy the ancient period fire place at one of the room. The textone glaze Iend finished walls and ceilings, with the soft toned and highly polished zcnithcrm floor s. here. in the hall, dining room and porch, se r\'C to combine artistic with practical ideas which have been incorporated in the building of thi s residence. The zenithcrm in the living room is laid in 170 inch hexagon s.ahs, while ,the checker-board pattern is used in the other flooring, all finished in a marble · polish hut with a resilicnc\· to the tread that is far more rcstftil than hardwood and susceptible of development in harmonizing color sc hemes. The dining room and cncluscd porch arc across the entrance hall from the living- room and in \vhich the textone finish is in black and white. Six different colors and shades arc used in tht' textonc finish in the various rooms. The kitchen, a veritable "dream," as the women folk term it, is spacious, yet not over large; exceedingly well lighted and the last word in appoint ment. There is the breakfast nook, an electric dish washer, electric refrigeration, -ventilating fan and ~all iro!ling board. The kitchen is fimshed m a very light green enamel. Off the kitchen is the maid's room, bath and large clothes closet. A room The Better Homes campaign, this size is seldom . designed as serv- launched a few weeks ago by· Sec~ ant's quarters in the residence of to- tary Hobver, is fast gaining ground day, and has been s uggested that the and already more than fifteen hundred future owners of this place should communities have started their proexperience no difficulty, whatever, in grams which wilt culminate in the ob procuring good permanent maid's help, servance of Better Homes Week, once they sec the provision which has April 24 to May 1. been made for her comfort. This i:; the sixth nation -wide cam On the second floor arc three bed- paign sponsored by. Better Hot~1cs. in rooms and two baths. The ma ster America. the educattonal orgamzatton bedroom, is 15 by 27 feet, with tile of which Mr. Hoover is president. bath and shower stall, the tuh recessed President Coolidge heads the advisor_,. heneath a huge arch, the tile and walls ·committee, which is composed of heads heing- done in a delicate peach tint. of go,·crnment departments and na Thc other two bedrooms arc also tiona! organizations in terested in im large·, and connecting chambers, with proved h ~msing conditioi1s and in home hath room hrtv· .-ee n. where the tub, a.nd community life. Dr. James Ford. also is within a deeply arched recess, of Han-arfl univer sity, is in active both the tub and walls ht'ing- of light charge of the work of the oq~· aniza gray and hluc tile. tion. a~ executive dire~tor. The space beneath the high pitched The purpose of the netter Homes rooi of the English house, ha s here movement is to encourag-e an<l stim he en -converted into an exceedingly ttlate home improvement. Headquar spacio us storage room, the third floor I ters' a c t i" it i l' s arc made pos~ihlr being accessible by cas): rising stairs. · throug-h puhlic and private gifts and An attached garage, suitable for the the program is c~rriecl out in local storage of two large cars, with a brick- cot nmunitil' :' h\· volunteer con1mittl'l':' walled service pit in one stall, com- ·f citizens whose chairmen arc applctes the structure. This the E. T. pointe(l hy National Headquarters . Leonard company feels is one of the greatest va_tu~ s in a_ hou se of th~s type, I at $33,500, tt 1s pussthk to conct.' tve. . Thc E. 'I'.' Leonard CO!llpany also has now completed and ready for immcdi - 1 t ate occupancy thl' pretty Spanish I hou se of seven rooms, at 811 Foxdale I The finn of Hokan son & Jenks, Inc .. an·n!JC. The walls and ceilings arc fnrml'rh· ~~~ratt:cl at the corner oi llin d:)nc in rough plaster and then glazed, man ;n:L ·nm.· and Davi s street, in the a combination of tints having been Carbtlll hun,i!alo\\. Evan:-.ton, a iter It s::.. used \\·hicb bring out the general de - than a \· ~·ar in tilt.· real t~late bu sine ss. · sign a1~d m~ny interior,_featlln·s. This ha:-; lllc;n·d into ·largt·r and mort' cffi house IS prtced at $27,J00. cicntly planned quartt:r s across till' -.t re\'1 at 513 Davi~ ~ treet in the Tohn E\·ans httildin~ . 'l'hi ~ new o r~aniz~tion Stultz Company Combines 110\\. ha.; a con1ph:te north :-. horc rra l Wilmette-Evanston Office t·state sen·in·. \\ itlt a renting and in 1·:. 1·:. ~:ult s Rt·alty C Oillp:l!ty an - sura11U a:- \\'L·Il a~ sales departm ents. 11011110 .~ tbe ron:-nli(l:tti 1111 oi its \Yil - Ilenn· C!·ant. fttrtllcrh· with the Colt .. tincnial (' ;, . . ua lt _ \· I'IHlll. >llll _ ,· . c1i Chic;w"· lllt'ltc olhcl'. fClrtllnl~ at 42~ LitHien ,., an·nut·, \\·itlt the 1 ;: \·atJ.-..1 (1 11 uflicl' oi th e i.; tnanagt·r , j thl' in, :Jranct (kpart on~· anizati011 loc-ttl'd . 1 )( 0~ \\ . p - -1_ Ill! ' tt l. :\1 i-..~ K ;tt hritt~· Birkin. iormerly · , " - > ' · \ .It . 1 . t · I c road <t\' l'IIU~·. t·:yansltlll. TIH· combined 1 '11 c· ,1 a_r .L!<' 111 t 1 t' n · ~tttng ( ~partnwnt o. o11irl' ... arc undt:r till' lllanag~·tn~_·nt oi \1 d ·tttr'-· and (hr. " tl<t\\. 111 charge of Fr ;11 tl, C. Bl'th. p ro_pen .': nlan ; W.t'IIH' Il_t. anarttlll'llt and n·:-tdclltt :ll rt"I IJ!lg ltlr TfokatJS<tn 8.:. fcnks . Inc 'l'lw111a ... F. Hod~son, C'lii BUYS KENILWORTH VACANT inrcl 1.. Purcell. Thomas F . Bullock. Tht· 100- iotlt Yacallt pn1pert \' on ~I i ~... :\);, ri11rie D cC,,In-r, \'fr, . \far Ro:'lyu rn ad, Kenilworth. lt :t:- hec;1 sold ,l!<trl't C . /.illlllll'rlllan .and .\1 r .... :\lie<· to H. E. Pr~ronto, oi \\'ilnH:ttt·, it '"'b \1 r:\lli~tn ~kinner cnmp1lSl· thv (k illltl Uti 11 Ct·d t h j S Wl'<.' k. . p;t ~·!tlll'nt ni ~;til' s. Du ri11g thl· fir-,t nine tll nnth;-; tl1e m·\\· firm ha . . chalked up an unu~ually The securities offered larg-l' tllllllhn 11i sa le s to its rrt·dit. and experh in it... Ill'\\. office to he prepared · by Smart ~ Golee for inr a \'il-' < ·rntt... and actiYI' ra111paign i11 the Ctllllinl,:' ,·nr. Formal 9Pl' nin g- " ·ill a n u ~ r y investment he held Saturday, J auuary 15. Launch Campaigns for Better Homes . Week Next Spring ~ I I Hokanson and Jenks Take Larger Offtce S · E pace tn vans on - 1 ·· 1 J · Home Charm Plus ._. - , T HE FURNISHED a p a r t ments of The Elmgate typify all the comfort and privacy of an individual home or, if you prefer. you may enjoy full hotel service or hourly maid service. Beautiful furnishings. Ultra-convenient location. Rent· als a decided economy over hotel rates. 2 blocks west of Main Street "L" station. or phone Greenleaf 21 oo. UNFURNISHED :Evanston's finest· 3, 4 and 5 noom apartments, Icel ess refrigt·t·ation, Tiled baths, Showers. Tmnwdi.ltt· orc·upanr~· or future !" t · :~<·n· at Ions. are safe. dependable and profitable--backed by N o r t h Shore I and a n d improvements. . I LOANS WITHO~I COMMISS-ION On neslrnhle Homes and Apartment nulldlngs I J 1 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company .A. n. J,,\ XGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 W. Adams St., Chicago I·' 1 R N T S II E D 1 2 and :: Room efficiency. So~t> with c(IJnpletf:' dining room~ and kltcht-n~. OthPrs with kttchenetteR and Finlf'Y dining unit as shown ahovf'. l)L~~OOLE QUUT~ ·· £ 1564 Sherman Avenur Evanston Sth~MONEY Have funds to loan on choice 1mproved North Shore Suburban residellee property at 5·lh% Interest. ~Pt' U $ on renewals. ) . E. G. Pauling &: Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Maia OZSO C'Jhe ELMGATE MAIN STREET AT ELMWOOD AVENUE ·"

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