r- WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 the leading feminine part and Walter Merill is also in the cast. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, for the first time on the North Shore, will be shown Lois Moran in one of the big screen !1its of the season, "God Gave Me Twentv Cents." This pro duction is said to- give Miss Moran her greate~t opportunity, and, with an all star cast, she makes it an outstanding rontribution to the screen. e Olde\11\IIII\IIOOj 6:~6 At the Movies ---------------.!II VILLAGE THEATRE GROVE STREET · Sundays DINNER 12:00 to 9:00 - MENU for SUNDAY JANUARY 9· 1927 Fruit Cocktail Supreme Ctlery Olives Radishes Soup Cbicktn A'la Sont.lg Selections: Broiled Jumbo White Fish Cucumber Sauce Fritd Pork Tenderloin Marechale Braised Beef Tenderloin A'b Gourmet Roast Young Capon. Prune and Apple Dressing Cranberry Sauce Roast Prime Cut of Beef au Nature Vegetables Pommes A'la Maire Fried Parsnips Hot Parker House Rolls Head Lettuce and Tomato Salad Desserts Apple Pie with Cheese. Hot Mince, Blueberry or Cocoanut Cream Pie, Haylofte Loaf with Whipped Cream Pineapple Nut Parfait, New York, Chocolate, or Strawberry Ice Cream, or Orange Ice Beverage Coffee Tu Milk ~ _ = _ = ~ § ~ ~ I § ~ ~ ~ "Take It From ~1e," appearing at the Village theatre Monday and Tuesday. January 10 and 11, is considered as Reginald Denny's best picture. lt ·s a comedy of the first rank, in which ' he floor walkers of a large department TH~ NORSHORE -. tore go ahout their work on roller ;katcs and a multitude of other equally T,vo stirring love stories are unfolded unusual things take place. \Vith it side by side in "The Blonde Saint," \\·ill l't\ presented a Pathe ne\\·s reel which starts Sundav at the Korshore and the first ni a rollegiatt' scrit· . . theater. · "Remon at Calford." The Calford The principal romance involves 1.cwis pictures arc t\\'o reel comedies depict - Stone and Doris Kem·on. Their afing· tl1c aetivite~ c)f rollcg<." lif<.· and fairs are interwoven in -the romance of will ht· shown e\·en· two weeks. a young Sicilian couple, played hy Ann ;\or 111 a Shl· ;· rer;..; "l"pstage" is a Hork and Gilbert Roland. thoroughly origiual and unusual pic lnridentatly, 'The Blonde Saint" is ture. In it is presented 1he ··world" said to he the first of the feature phoheyond the glitter of the footlights: toplays of the year to emphasize a the. vaudcdllc st\ar~- in their actual trend of producers to discard jazz, hchmd the s<..·etlcs htt-: and the code raharl't and so-called modern life in of l'thic:-. around \\'ltich thl'ir stagt fa\'or of romantic adventure, is based pre "l'lltatitlll i~ h11ilt. ~fiss Sht·arer pJa,·, the part oi Dr11l\·. a trim littk 011 Stephen F. \Vhitman's novel, "Tht Tsle of Life," was adapted by .M arion stenographer, who hre~zcs into town Fairfax, produced by Sam E. Rork for with $10.65 and a lot of personality- First National Pictures and directed by all set to take the town by storm. She Sn·nd r.ade. does but as a vaudeville star. It will be shown Wednesday and Thursday. Friday and Saturday ~~stepping Along," featuring Johnny Hines, wt.ll be presented. Johnny appears thts time as a young New York politician. It is a good clean cut comedy with the the hig village as a background. \Vith it will he shown Bobby Vernon in "Hoot Mon" and a Pathe Review film . THE VARSITY Douglas Fairbanks i:=; a name to conjure \Yith amon~ screen fans . The mere mention of his presence on the silver sheet is enoug-h to crowd any house anvwhcrc at anv time. To add to thi s st;~tement that -he is here now at the \'arsit,· in "The Black Pirate," one of · the n~ost important offering-s of the vear on the screen, is to a<ld further ~est to the announcenH·nt. The pic ture i~ pn·~entrd in natural coloring-~ and is excitin~ the most enthusiastic admiration . \\'hen the hill changes the ne,~· sho,,·ing will he a not her popular pirtun·. "Thl· Blonde Saint." ., THE NEW CAMPUS Thunder. tht dog, in "\\'tngs oi tht· ~torn-1" is the rurrent attraction ·at the Campus theater. Tomorrow and Sat urday will bring Tol1l ~[ ix in "Tht· Canyon of Light." "Jewels of De~in:" " ·ill he ~[ unday and Tuesday's showing, and \V t'dnesday and Thursday will offt·r "College Days" featuring in the foothall team Howarcl Jones, brother of tlu.· famous "Tad" Jones, Yale foot ball coach, himself formerly coach for Io\\'a and holder of the Big Ten cham pionship for three years. GARRICK THEATRE CHICAGO UamdoiJlh St. near t:lark 'l'lw :\fotlou l,lcturc 'f rlumph tht> A~e. ol THE HOYBURN l<in -Tin -Tin. the famous dog star, came -..~ the Hoyhurn yesterday in " \\ hilt· L<~ndon Sleep~... the latest thrilling production t<..·aturing him. Rinty, in this role, steps out of the good-dog- chara'Ctcri·z ation cla:+s and at first play~ the dog oi a master criminal, helping hig schemes of evil and evading the hand of justice with the rest of th.e gang. But his ma~ter, in a hrittal fit of temper. kick . ; Hint\" out. he i;; heir i end c d h y the p r c t1 }· daughter oi. a police in~p~ctor and his reform begms. Helene Costello plays WJI. FOX presents WHAT PRICE GLORY Twice Daily, 2:15 Under the Personal Direction of Frint George ~ 'I' RIB (J St~ "Onf' of the Funnif'st Pictures N"l' l" Filnwd. Best War Pieture f'V<·r 1\ladf'. A)fElUCA ~ "Rocks Garrick with Laughs and ChN·rs. Gn~ater than tht· Play. JOURXAL "Magnificent." and 8:15 . J , I ~Irs. :\. L. SL·aman of 808 Greenkai a \'l' 11 tll' en t l' r t a ined a group of friend . . I at_ hll~L·hc un and .hridge on \\"tdnv:-.rlay ot · tl11s \\'Cek. . 1 ;'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIj; BALABAN I~ ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII (; = ~ ·= = ........ ,.., ~...·~~~~~~~ ~ Clever Kitldie Contest Every Saturday Hinman Avenue at Davis Street-Eva nston C ST for talented kid O NTE . ducted et)etl} Sat dtes con at I : 3o P· m. ucdal} afternoon f the theatre . on the . stage · ~he winners. Cash pnzes to - : ; = == Enjoy LivingGeor·gian rooms and · furnishings hoth puhlic aud private are made not only to be looked at, but to · be lived with. Dignity, character, and individtlality as well as comfort and liveability have heC' n in built . NOW PLAYING- -LOIS MORAN ~cK MULHALL J~ ME 20c" "GOD GAVE Big Stage ProgTam I IE = :: ~ 5 == 5I Reproductions of the notable furniture de~ign e rs who flourished during the Georgian period-Hepplewaite, Sheraton, the brothers Adam5;-are to 11e found at The Georgian. You will enjoy living at The Georgian. It cos ts no more. You are cordially invited to visit The Georgian at any hotrr. You are entitled to a tour personally conducted by one of the nutnag-Pme nt. ~sTARTING sUNDAYA double young-love. comedy-drama . - "JUST ANOTHER BLONDE" ,. .JI'he Gfeornian An Address of Distinction ' 1.: