Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 35

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january 7, 1927 · WILMETTE LIFE ·' . "' - The Wilmette office of McGuire and Friends of Mrs. J.farjoric ~laddock, Orr reports the sale of vacant lot s lo- former'lv oi \Vilmettr. will he interested -catcd on the northwest corner of the . intersection of Sunset road and Wood- to. know that she has t·ngagcd 111 the lat~d street. \Vil)itctka, to ~.rthur Luk~, real t·statl' hu:-;iness i1.1 Seattle. \Y~sh., l.mtlder an~! cot~~rac!or. ~~:· ,L_uk~, 1t land Ita~ a very fine luture then·. fhe ;s . rl~portt:cl, ~'Ill 1111 ~1~edJttel~ start fin11 is i1korporatcd uudcr the name 1 .orerat} 011 j" on tt'o Jous~·~"; 11 of Graham, ~lculdock ~md Graham, and 1 )UIC( 0 onlta 1anc \ lC 0 lfr 11 IS; specializes in :\lt. Baker Park high 1 1 wuse;. >Ot 1 ,1 )IC t rea( Y or ~ Ia~clas~ r<:~idcntiai and Lake Vic\\' prop: possess1on. 1 11c o s were pure 1asc(1 . · f F k 'f II I I~ n J (·.rtlcs. : 1 rom f r1'~ ·c·'. ur cri r... ~nd The firm natne, hciore ~lr ." . ~lad:1 H'st·sh · 0 £t.c turc atH .rr rcpresrn e 1 I dock hought an interest. wa s the ~it. >O par tes. k l) I · I I Three otla:r ~ales oi Yacant were ~akcr ~)ar: "ea ty comp~tny, Wit l also reported. A ·lot in the Kenit-l Frank 1·.. Gral~am, .as prcs1dcnt, ami j worth Park addition to Wilmette was has h<.'l'n l'Stabh~hcd several years .. -· It I sold to a ~fr. · Christcnsct_l, who will I i=-> a m~mher o~ th~ Seat~lc , l~c~l, .t~ I build for a permanent residence. An- tate hoard. ~I r=->. ~1addock "as clcctc~l I other lot in the Kcnihvorth Beach treasurer of the nc\\' finn, Frank J·.. i addition to Kcnih~·orth was sold to Graham retaining the presidency, \vhtle SELL BONTECOU LOT Glenn Griswold. editor of the Chicago E. A. Graham was named secretary. Eddington and Allen rcprt:sl'ntecl Journal oi Commerce. wl.w will also · - - - - - - - - - - - - - the purchaser, ]. F. J.ll'llhope. and start building opcratio.ns in_ the ~1~ar ~ R M . Johnston and ·c ompany, the future. A second lot 111 thts ~dd1t1on seller, Pierre Bontecou. in a trans - was sold to ~Irs. ~fable ~1. bidy . action involving the sale oi a lot at i 228 '1\·nth strel'~. \Yilmettl'. fur an 1 RETURNS FROM VACATION unknown considcrati(,n, it \\'a. an J.l iss Lucille Lar~on of the \\'ilmettc notmccd recently. office f,f ~f cGttire and Orr. who has been on a \'acation during the month MEN'S CLUB DINNER of Dl'rl'mher. has no\\' returned and 'l~hc ~1cn's cluh of the Fir~t Congrt: - ; i-. · again at her desk. g-at10na'J church wtll have tH annu·_-} ·- - - - meeting and dinner in the C'imrch par- ! CHURCH UNION DINNER tors \\' ednesday evening. Janttary 12 Tht· \\'ilmette Ch_urch L'ni~Jn \\'i.ll at 7 o'rlork. H(·sen·ation :-; arl' being . huld ih annual mcetmg and dltlner 111 made with ]. C. Cro ..;~Jt.y. 407 \\';tsh - ' St. Augustine\ Club 1-buse J.Ionday i111-'ton avenue. t·\·t·ning·, .January 2-l. "What Can Be Known About Jesus" will be the general topi-c of the first ~cries of four lectures to he give by Horace J. Bridges, head of the Chirago Ethical Society, in F,,·anston for the next four Sundays. . He has heen brought here by a ... roup of interested Evanstonians to at 5:15 Sundays in the ballroom of the Orrington hotel. The lectures . h f II · · wtll have t e o owtng su 1 )jects: Januarv 9-"Development of the Doctrine- About Jesus; Man, Messiah, Log~s, t h c D et't Y., ; J anuary 16- "Tl1e Testunon,r of St. Paul a~,d St. Mark to J estts ; J anua.ry 23- Some Feat...urcs of the Tcsttmonr,. of St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John ' J a!!uary 30 "The Man Nobody Knows. Bridges to Speak Before Chicago Editor Purchases Mrs. Marjorie Maddock Is Local Ethical Society Home Site in Kenilworth Member of Seattle· Concern I ~alk if 1 T_g ° f ~;lg ff I OH · 1 1 1 HOW TO KEEP WELL IN 1927. Drink plenty of the best milk. Eat food containing pure fresh dairy products. See to it that vour milk and cream ~omes from cows that have passed the tuberculin· test. .W innetka o ·airy milk and cream are scientifically pure! 1 TAYLOR'S REDTAGSALE Many art. icles of leather goods reduced from 20% to 30o/o. X . . . . . . .. rene THE "The Finest Imported Fur1.iture for Less" ...2~~ 4 ga;_,/k,.A H£W YORK · EST. 1859 · as~ CH ICAUO SHOPS 11}56 S.MICHIGAN AVE. Announce a Ji'REDERICK Twenty-two years of successful professional service.' Personally recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others whom we have served on the north shore. We personally atte.nd all calls, rendering the most careful, courteous and conscientious service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all la.dies' and children's calls. Resident N nrth Shore Funeral Director I. LEWIS Two Weeks' Sale of their entire stock of lmportetl Furniture, Tapestry, I , Lamps and Art Objects --- -at a discount of Private De Luxe Ambulance Servicf: The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it neccessary for ~s to add to our Limousine Equipm.t?nt, an ],,_ valid Coarh which is the la~t word ·in Ambulauce Service. Located in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete I t· 25% I Charge Accounts In,ited IMPORTERS Period Fumiture Tapestries Furnishings · Our Motto: "Golden Rule" MRS. F. E. LEWIS lAdy Attendant FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Phone Wilmette' 3 5.51 I--·------------ I Residence Phone Wilmette 3 55 1

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