Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 1st Congregational liinisters: Stephen A. Lloyd, and William E. McCormack. The First Congregational, located at the point where Lake a ,·enuE.> crosses Wilnwtte avenue and Elt>v~nth strE>H, is open to everybody every day. The aim is to make it a House of Fdlowship and Prayer to all Pt'ople. · Its ministers count it greatest joy wht' n tht>y may s~ne individual nf't>ds, and its otfic('rs are honort.>d wht>n the <·hureh is permittt>d to a::;sist in promoting· tht> welfare of the community. Twt' no·-ont> dt>nominations a.r~' already rt'Prt·:--t>ntt'd in its nwmbt'rshlp and a wholeht'artt·d welt-nnw awaits all WI\·) w\11 a<·<·t>Jlt tlf its ho~pitality. Today tht· ( 't·ntral A n ·nuL· dn:lt.·, .\In;. J. M. T. no:pl, <'halrman, will hold its ------------------------------------- regular monthly ~eetlng at the church. ent at this service. Let's start the New Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. J. M. T; Boyd Year by beglning and t'nding on time. and Mrs. Anna Arthur will serve the 1 :30 o clock luncheon . The ·wilmettf' Sunday EYening club meets in this church at 7 :ao. Branson De Cou will prese nt his "Dream Pictures The Sea S<'outs mE>el tonight at 7 :30. of Alpine \Vonderlands." Ewart Conk, ~kipptor. On Tuesday t·n·ninJ!" Hoosen·lt Troop On Sunday morning all departmeiits of Ko. 2 tnt>f-'ls at lwadquartt'n; al 7 :~{0 unLh t-> Church B<:hool bt'gin their service:-; der th<" dit·ecti~ on nt Scoutmaster KarJ Drornptly at !t :30. The Junior Congrega- Pa\·id King·, Jr. tion ('onn·m·s at 10 :30 in the auditorium wlwn' :\lr . .\lc-<'llrmaek will prt>aeh on the '\Vt>dtwsday tlH· Junior l'lwir HH:l'ts for ~uhj e d ""\\.hy do Wt· Pra~·." r t' ht-·arsal at ~ P . .\1. W . !<.:. :\kC'ormack, dirt·etor, assil'ted h~· .\I l'l'. L. F. Uat es and Sunday, l I A . ::\1. Sunu·ist:- New tea1· .\Irs. E. .J. :\Tdlraith. 1-:t' I'Vil't>. Spt·dal muHil' undt>r the dirt·t·tion or Portt·r "\\·. Heap~ . 'l'he St>rmon by Dr. Tlw .\Jpn's t·lub will hold tlwir January Lloyd will ht· o11 the subject "~ews nH't'tillg- and dinnt-'l' at 7 o'dodc at th e Phom· From tlw Front.' ' En:·ry member of tht> dmrdl on "\VPdnt·sday t·\·t> ning·. d1Ul'dl H nd t'Oil~Tt>gation :should ut> pres- your rt'st·rv<Hlon to .J. f' ( '!·w;slt·y. Methodist C burch Horace G. Smith Minister Lila Pearl Attig Din·etor of Religious Education The S<H'I'a menta I :..;ervicc last Sunday morning was larg-ely attende d. 'l'ht·rt · were more ('<·mmuni<>ants than e\' ·r llt'fore in tht· history of ttw church. .-\:-; <t part of this :..;er\'iet· the ~ite of naptbm was administt!red to the mfant daug-ht· r of :1\lr. and .\ln.;. <.:rambling and th·· sm:tll SOT'\ of :l\11'. and :\frH. Rt·nnit . Th e youn~· nwn anti wotnt'll who Ita,,,. bN·n honw for ttw Christmas \ ·acation ha \'t' a II rt't urnPd to their n·spccti n· c1 dleg··s and unh· l···~itit>s. A Wt·t·k ago Sun day ~Jr. Kinnt· t·ntc·rtailwd tw(·nty-fi\'1· of th··~t· coli.-~·~· young- nlt'n at brca l< fast . ;tt t ht· t'a ft·teria. 'T'he Epworth lt ·ag·ut· lh ·ld a <'alHII· · lighting ~owrvi<'f! last Sunday night. A symbolic s~rYi<'e, l't')lrt'st·nting the (·mbl··m. was wor·kNl nut. 'J'h·· pastor light Pel the first canrllt, the nr(·Hillt·nt of th<' LNig'llt' li~htPcl his from that ('andlr·, and ~o ··n · d!JWil \,lntil' th e last commitlt-(·man stood iu his plact· with a lightf'd <'andle. ln tht' FPllowshlp st·rvi<'t·~ durin~· til· · month of January the Jla~tor will lf'a!l in a sturly of thf' Ruok of Lukt ·. Tht· titlo · for this \\t'dn f'sday night will ht· "Th· · :\Jo~t Bt'HUtiful Rook In tlw v.·orlcl," 111 ·xr \\.(·flnt·sday night "Thf' Thing-s Lukt· Ld t Out." and tht· following "'t·dn .. sday night . "Tiw Things that Lukt· Sav··tl frrom ()lJJi vion." ... , ~ tl··· ThP Fri· ·ntll\' <'la~s will t·o-opo·J·;tl·· in nwd ing \\\·dnPsday. Tlw ~l· · n's c·lass, lllHlt·r tht · l··adt>r:·dt ip of nr. Sdwrnwrhorn, is UIHlt·rtakin ~ :t n··\\' <"our~t· of sturh·. TIH·Y will full··" tl11· g·ellf'l'al nutlin· · ·of ~lat · i,, · nan·~ "Tl t·· C'ost uf a Xt ·\\' "\\·~~··lrl ." Tlw Ladi r·s .-\i<l will lllo·l · t f.,r Ill· ir rt ·gular m····t ing· on Thursday ~ ,f tIt i~ \\' Pt' k. Tlw nwding- lwg-ins at t· ·n in 1 h· · morning, luncht ·t~ ll i:-- ~t·n· · · <l at noon, and tltt: busin··ss m e£: ting- i~ IH·l<l at two . \York unth·r tlw 1.-ad· ·r:-hi t· (;t ·rhart is showing marko ·d tlt·\'t ·IOJ)llli·llt. Tht · boys haw· alro·ady gf·ll· · on ~t·\'t' ral hil{ f'S and :tl'<' f'V~"Il now )iHtl;ing forward to tlw s umnH·r c·amp. of .T. 'l'lw r. Hn~·s' ' The Road VERY one was glad when the new section of the road was built. All realized tha~ personal visits could be made more .easily, that trade would be brisker, that matters of general public interest would be carried on with more efficiency and dispatch. 'fhe telephone road, that already enables every Thf> \\·oman's Fort·i,t.~· n ~Iis~iconary ~~~ ('idy will mt·d at thP houw of :\ln . (;onion .<'ul\···11, !ll 0 l·:lmwood a \ ' t ·lll\1 ·. Thursday, .January 1:~. at ~ p. m . ~1r ~ . F.. T'Pal will ha\'<· d e votions and tht · I· ~ son will lw gin·n hy l\Tr~-: . 'rhoma~ \\"t·st . Tht·I' P will ht · SJh'dal music ·. E one to travel so easily, so cheaply and so f~r, i~ constantly being lengthened. Each year over '800,000 te~ephone$ are added to the :tlell System . Every subscriber shares In the increased value given to telephone service by this extension ·w hich hourly is enlarging the scope of every one's activities by permitting an ever broadening interchange of ideas. Thr Philatlu·a da~s will hold its monthly llWf'ting nt tlw llonH· of :\frs . Carl Frank(·lJ, 1 iiOG "\Vilmettc avcnu· ·. Tw ·sclay ,.,·t>ning, .January l1, at S o'1·lcwk. St. Augustine's January !l, will bP th e fir~t Sun<lrlY aftt·r the ·Epiphany. Th('rf' will be Holy C'ommuuion at 8 A . :\L, C'hun'h ~t·lwob at !I :4.) a11d morning- pr;ty··r with atldn·ss at 11 o'<'lock. 'I' he \\. onwn'~o: .A ssociated 0uilds c ,f ~t. :\ u~usti1w's will h·>ld the ·first meeting of tlw nt>w :rt·ar nl'xt Friday, January 14, in thf' Clubhousf·. . ~UlHla~·. "\\.t·<lnesllay .of this WCf'k the Januan '\'(·Htry n1Pding was held, at which a.I:rangt·m,,nts W('l'f' madp for the· dosing· up of the Yi·ar's busin.,ss of thl"! t·hurch. 0(·ta.ils of the annual mPeting of til· · Parish, tn ht> hl'lrl latC'r in January, wt·r· · ·tlso Rettled. 'I'hf' first praetie<> in tlw new "~'HI' uf tht> Dirl's f'hoir will be lwld tod<;Y Friday, at ~ :30 P. :\I. ·' 'I'lw 'VilnH.·tt<· braneh of the Tzaak \Valton lNlguc· met in th<' Parish Hom;· · on Monday night for a moving pit·tur·· Pnning of hunting and wild life. I ? '"'11 tht· (->\·1·ning of Saturday, .Jan15, the Wilmette Postal cmployr·t·s have a dinner in St. Augusti1w's Clubhouse, ancl on Monday evening, January 24, thE> \Vilmettr C:hur<:>h Union is a.~ranging to. hold its Annual Meeting an(l I hnner also 1n St. AuguRtine's CluhhtlUSt·. w~ry On ,. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM Mr. McPf't'k, the :r-~ .)rth Shore Bov H<'nllt E'Xt'e utiv e, is at St. Augustin<·'s Cl~uhoma· ~Yl'ry \\.Nlnf·sda~· aftPrnoon from :1 to a ::l() fur husim·sH and appointmPnts. I I One Policy One System - Universal Service -------------- -- -~ ------------" ----------- AUXILIARY INSTALLATION The P. uxiliary of \Vihnette Post, 1\o. 46, American Legion, will hold its inst.allation of new officers Monday evcnmg, January 10, at the home of Mr:-;. Arthur Johnson, 322 Fourteenth street

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