28 WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 News o¥.the North Shore Clubs ·T he mid-winter meeting of the the Wilmette Woman's club Wednes- Tenth district, I. F. W. C., will be held , Dr. Baxter's Lecture Open to All day, December 29, after having visited at the Edgewater Beach hotel on Helen Parker Te'tls Woman's Club the land of "Make . Believe" with a Thursday, · January 13, with Glenola Mothers of Pre-School Members How to Develop group of Miss Bertha lies' young dra- club as hostess. Mrs. William F. FarChildren Color Appreciation matists. .rell, president of the district, will preAt 2:30 o'clock, a herald announced side, and will open the morning session "Look at a leaf as if you have nc,·er Monday evening, January 10, Dr. the characters who would appear and at 10 o'clock. This will be State day, and there will seen it before and vou will discover George Edwin Baxter will speak on the lively "Go Get 'Ems," attired in "Problems in the Management of the most appropriate pages' costumes took be talks by several of the state depart- new colors in natu-re," Miss Helen Parker of the Art institute said in · her Pre-Schooi Child," at the Wilmette their p.laces on either side of the stage ment chairmen in the morning. where they were constantly called to Luncheon will be served in the Ma- talk Mondav hrfore mrmhcr s of the "go get 'em," whether bottles, or dolls rine Dining room of the hotel. An Woman's cluh of \Vilmrttr. Miss or s'om~thing else. excellent musical program will precede Parker ga,·c the first of six ledure 'i Little Miss "I Don't Want to Go to the afternoon session. on "Usc and Apnrrriation of Color." Bed" was taken to the doctor to see Mrs. ]. Marc Fowler. Yice president Thr world is a diffcret1t place for the what could be done for her. The of the state, will be the p r inc i p a 1 person with a se nsitivene ss to color, doctor exhausted his stock of medicines speake.r of the afternoon, her subject ).fi ss Parker ritecl from l1 rr own ex assisted by the "Go Get 'Ems" and being "Our Own Federation." pericncr. T o ohsrne. sturly, and disMaster Peter Paddler constantly urged Re servations for luncheon maY he criminatr colors is to increa se the the old fashioned remedy, but nothing made with Mrs. John H. Penrose: o531 range of en.j oymrnt. :\ lthou ~h color is helped, not even the four airy fai.ries Bosworth aYenue. Chicago. a matter of frrling, :with an intrllect ua 1 who danced in and sang, and rocked, approach a greater ;J.ppreriatio11 ran until thev themselves were a 1m o s t hr deYclopcd . · Authoritq Gives Talks asleep. But the "Sing· a Song Man" A hull frog (an he irritated hryond made the almost impossible happen, on .Flower Arrangement rndttranrr hy certain ~·o lnr :-;. A parrot and little Miss "I Don't \Vant to Go Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard of 849 ma" huff up on·r a rrd strin g. to Bed" became little . Miss "I Want Foxdale avenue. \Vinnetka. inaugurat- Throu ghout the animal and insert to Go to Bed." Then the dolls . who ed the series of linen talks that arr world there i:-; c-m:Jtional reaction to were placed about her room danced heing given at Marshall Field's durin g- rotor, 1fi. s Parker pointrd out. an<! so while she slept, when the small herald, thr month of January. · it j-; with human bein gs. followed hy a mewing cat, \YOttnd them Mrs. Hubbard, who has reccnth· re"Ever~· rolor a prrson looks at clor ' up. turned from China, is a member o.f the some thing to him. \Y c art' lifted up. Finallv Santa Claus came with a Lake Forest Garden cluh, a landscape sti tnulated . !)\·color." \fiss Parker. aiel. surprise: a tiny New Y car in his arms. gardener. and is well known for her "Think what nature wnulcl he \\1ithout who pose d charmingly, and wished all interest in flower s and for her skill color- a dt·arll _ \· monncromr." the children a glad New Year. Santa in their arrangement. She is an auColor is an elu si\·e thing. Thr Jll1111 and the young dramati:->ts passed lolli - thorit~· on this subject. and ga\'e th e hrr of color:-; is in finite. \\' e ta.k r pops to the c h i 1 d r r n. after \\'hich first three talks. colors for grantrd ancl ca ll a leaf grrrn Dixies were served. She spok<' on "Flmn:r Arran!!ttllcnts \\·hen it may he .\·ellmr in a cr rtain Even the grown-ups hope that Miss for Formal Entertaining," Mondav. li{!ht. John Con:->tahle. thr English Iles wilt come again. "Flower Arrangements for Informal Orcasions" was the suhiert of hrr talk artist. saw white li ght on lcaY cs and Mme. Gilderoy Scott Tuesday. ] anuary 4. and "The Succrss- was ridiculed as a nainter of "ConElect New Officers at ful and Smart tTsr of Artificial stable's SilO\\·." Onh· rrcrnth- in thr Woman's club at 8 o'clock. Dr. Baxter historv of art ha\·e ;~rtists hc~n aware Wilmette Garden Club Flower:-;," was the subje ct nf hrr talk of is a child specialist of not e, being on different 11ltrs in ~ hadl'd parts of 'l'l 1L' ros t cr o f outcers i'l: for tl 1c \V"I t - . on \\.e dnesda\·, - Januan· · 5. objects, or of chang-in~ hues und er the staff at the Children's Memorial, mett e Garden club's nr\\· Year. who will chang-ing- conditions of li ght. There i. the Grant and the Raven swood hospi- he elected at today\ m~cting- at tlt c Merrill Lecture Course \'c ry little Aat color in the world. nlack tals. He will conduct a que stion box home of !\frs. \Yalter Gore Mitchell. fur in the sun throw s hack all thr Ooens Wilmette Monday colors following his discuss ion, and many 1009 Oak\roocl av(·nue, \Vilmcttr, is as of the rainho\\', '!\fi ss Parker The first of the series of six lectures said. follows: ~frs . \Valtcr Gore !\fitchell, queries pertaining to the subject may pres ident; 1'frs. Brrt L. DaYi s. vice- 1)\· U rs. Ant hom· French Merrill will "Color is vou. in ,·om ('\·c." \fi :-;s be dropped in a hox arranged for this president: Mrs. E. H. Burge. recording h~ g-iven at the Woman's cluh Mondav, Parker · expfained. Zona . Gale ha s purpose. secretan·: Mr:-;. Ehon B. Fenton, Ev- J amtary 10. ·at 2 o'clock. The general snoken the ,·alue of color : "Yellow T This meeting is under the auspir~s of anston . .corresponding secrctar~·: Mrs . subject for the course is "Books and know is mv dose friend-it can crra tl Current Affairs," and the first talk will a sun" Almost all oc-r idrnt als like the Young Mother's club, an organiza- Archibald ]. Stinson, Evanston. treas- ~>1· on "Literature Today. " urer. tion of mothers of children of preThe lcct\.]rcs arc opeti to the public, blur. whilr orientals prefer yellow. A delightful program has hren arMis ~ Parker spoke of one 'iO ttrce f(lr school age. A fine program for the ranged for thr mrmh crs. Miss \Vini - and the proccrds in excess of expenses color appreciation. the oral. developinc; will go to the building fund. it is anyear has been planned with many ex- fred Bright. children's librarian, will Reading beautiful de scription s of color nounced. Single tickets may be procellent speakers, and each topic i:-;. of addrc:-;s the cluh on "Garciens in cured at the · door. rnhancrs aonreciation. A numhrr of Poetn·" and 1fiss Esther St rote will interest to these mothers. poems h:v Hilda Conkling show('(! that The course is given under the ausgive program of piano selections. pices of the literature rommitee of the young- poet's scnsiti,·eness to color. The membership is practically an A short explanation of color from \ \'oman\ club of vVilmettc which is open one and anyone interested in be CLUB SEWING OPEN TO ALL composed as follov.·s: of Mrs. T. Mel- the phvsiri st's viewpoint w;-~s a nart coming affiliated with the club should All women of \Viltflettc ""ith an in - ville Brown. Mrs. Fr~nk l\iferri.ll, Mrs. of the lectur;e . Color from the artist's communicate with any present mem terest in srwing for philanthropy are Tra Revnolds. Mrs. Thaddeus MacRae viewpoint formed thr remainder of the ber. cordially invited hy the philanthropy 'l\r rs. E. L. Sche1denhelm. . Mrs. Wil-' talk. Whether she may be interested in department of the \\Toman's club of liam Richardson, Mrs. Benjamin RoodThe audience learned the three qua li joining the group or not, an invitatio11 \Vilmette to come to the clubhouse house and Mrs. ]. C ).{annerud. chairties of color as recognized bv the has been extended to anv mother of this morning at 10 o'clock, and spend artist: hue. value and intensitv. Others pre-school age child to· attend this the day working for the Sarah Hackett man. rotor terms were desig-nated in laving meeting and hear Dr. Baxter. Mme. Stevenson ~r cmorial lodging ·house. CLUB TO SEE STUDIO the foundation for the rest of · the Gilderoy Scott will sing a group of Luncheon will lw served at 12:30 Members of the \\Toman's club of course. songs. o'clock. \Vilmette are anticipating their visit to As little can he learned ahout color the Marshall studio Monday afternoon from only talking ahout it, Miss ParkNeighbors to Make Tour between the hours of 2 and 4. Thev er used many intcrcstinv, exhihits to BOOK TALKS START MONDAY will be ~reeted upon their arrival b}· e.xplain her points, textiles. reproducof Room at Institute Sponsored by the \\'oman's Library the chamnan of the art committee tiOns of works of art, and objects from club of Gleticoe, Mrs. Anthony French The Neighbors held a regular month- Merrill will begin a ten vvcek course of Mrs. Gordon Wilson. and her commit~ nature. · ly meeting Tuesday afternoon Janu- lectures on books and current event8 tee. The other five lecture . are also to he ary 4. Mrs. Charles S. Clark spoke Monday, Januar~' 10, at .10 o'clock. fYiven on Mondavs at 2 o'clock on on "The Understanding Heart" and in the Glencoe Union church. CLUB MEETING WEDNESDAY Januarv 17 and 31, Fe!)ruary 14 and 28, Mrs. Edwin Bluthardt of 415 Essex The Wqrth While club of Glencoe and March 14. Proceeds from the talks will he diroad, Kenilworth, sang. meet in its regular monthly sesrected into the dub building fund, it is Next Tuesd(!y morning, instead of a stated. Applications or checks mav he ston next Wednesday at the home of .TOHANNA GROUP TO MEET meeting of the art and literature de- sent te Mrs. Henry T. Smith. 710 Bluff Mrs. Charles D. Budd, 549 Glencoe The north shore group of Johanna partment, a tour of the Gothic room street or to Mrs. Franklin M. deB~ers, road, G 1e n c o e, commencing at 10 members will meet . at the home of of the Art institute will be made. o'clock in the morning, "rith luncheon Mrs. Si Westerfield, 365 Elder lane 815 Grove street, Gl·encoe. sen-e<! at noon. \Vinnetka, January 13. at 12:30 o'clock: .Children Visit Land of Child ·Specialist Make Believe at Club Will Speak at Club An enthusiastic group of children left Tenth District Clubs to Observe State Day Gives First Color L Cl b eCtUre at U . . .. l ·· in , ,. . a ":ill