Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIFE January 7, 1927 North Shore Society Relaxes After Gay Holiday Season The marriage of Miss Jean Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles This week marks the occasion of Jackson of 1195 Asbury avenue, HubBy JEAN TEN BROECK bard \Vood s, to Lester R. Gardner of several affai.r s given in honor of Miss Tony Sarg's Marionettes have enWallingford. Conn., took place at Dorothea Schmedtgen and her fiance, thralled north shore c h i t d r e n, and Christ church. \Vinnetka, on January 1. Alan .Copeland Collins, whose wedding is to take place Saturday, January 8. have won a place in the hearts 'of their Miss Jackson was gowned in a white Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm, 804 mothers, older sisters, aunts, cousins satin dress with panels hanging down Forest avenue. \Vilmette, was . hostess each side of the skirt. Long sleeves of at a luncheon and bridge Monday. and f.riends. At this time when sociegeorgette, and embroidery of pearl~ Mrs. \Villi am vV. White of Ravinia ty has . sighed a deep sigh after strenuand diamo·1ds gave the dress a dis· entertained members of the bridal parous holidays, and older boys and girts tinct!)· modern and yet stately appear- ty Tuesday, and Miss Helen Bruch of are wearily embarking on special trains ance. She carried a shower bouquet EYanston gave a luncheon and bridge of lilies-of-the-valley, white .roses and vVednesday. :M.r. Co 11 ins gave his to whisk them back to things academic sweet peas. Her veil was adorned with hachelor dinner at the Congress hotel and to approaching and dreaded "n1idexquisite lace that has hcen in the Thursday evening while Mrs. Alfred years," the announcement of the comfamily for years. · Taylor entertained Miss Schmedtgen ing of marionettes for north shore '?v1iss Carol Jacbon, the bride's sis and hrr attendants at dinner at her performance's strikes a note somewhat i.er, "·ho attended as maid of honor. home in Evanston. Today Mr. and different. wore a rose georgette gown trimmec Mr~. E. L. Scheidenhelm of Wilmeth· At the Evanston vVoman's club Fri\\'ith handkerchief drapery of .rose and Mr. and Mrs.' Alf.red Taylor are day afternoon and evening, January 21, georgette. She wore a small hlad entertaining the members of the wed at 4 and 8, and at Skokie school, Win~atin hat. and carried a houquet o! ding party at 1 u n c he on at Skokie Countn club, and the bridal dinner netka, Wednesday afternoon and eve roses. ,,.,.ill he . given hy Mr . and Mrs. \Villiam ning, at 4 and 7 :30 o'clock, Rachel Miss Ethd Jackson, also a sister, and Busey Kinsolving wilt present Tom· t)nc of the bridesmaids. wore a gowr Schmcdtgen at thr Edgewater Beach Sarg's Marionettes in "Ali Baba and nf emerald chiffon, embroidered in hotel this evening. the F.orty Thieves." Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gathercoal, 1511 gold. The other attending bride smaid. The Rev. George C.raig Stewart will Inform~tion concerning this produc- Highland i avenue, Wilmette an- ~[iss Marjorie. Lo\\'e of Chicago, worr read the marriage service in St. Luke' s tion discloses that "Tony Sarg has nounced the engagement of their a gown fashioned in a similar stvle tu church, Evanston at 4 o'clock, and a surpassed himself in his new produc- daughter, Ruth Florence. to William Miss Jackson's, hut made of t)each · reception will follow at the Schmedt tion . He has created the most villain - Kleitz Wanner, son of Mr. and Mrs. colored c11iffon. Both gown:-. had ar - gen residence. 710, Greenleaf avenue. ous set of robbers seen on any stage. A. F. Wanner of Roger s Park, at a cordian plaited panel:; hanging- from \Vitmette . and an extensive menaaerie of don- bridge party given Thursday e,·ening. the \\'aist in front, and both were made The bride will ht at tendccl })\· Mr:-o. ~ December 30. keys, camels, elephants. sheep, all of \\'it h long- sleevt'S. The bridesmaids Alfred H. Taylor oi E,·anstot~ (] oy which play an important part in the Miss Gathercoal attended the Uni- \\'Ore picture hats oi hlack sa tin, and Scheidenhelm of \\' ilmette ), as matron production. The Geni and the Fisher- versity of Wisconsin and is a member carried bouquets of ..;,·hite and pink of honor. and 1)\· ~{ rs. S. K Comlv man, Sinbad the Sailor, the Magic of the Sigma Alpha Iota sorority. Mr. rose s. (Hl'lc-n (' r L' sa ,; oi Kenil\\'orth) an~l Carpet, a.nd all ~he characte.r s and their Wanner is a member of the class o~ Charles ~[. Barry of Chicago. for- \f is-; I ftktl Bru ch of Evanston, ~fi s . . deeds recorded in the Arabian Nights 1925 at the UniversitY of 11Iinois an(: 111erly oi \\' allingford, acted as he st \f ary l,oui:-e Scheidenhelm of \Vii are faithfully reproclLtct·d in all rea lit\·, . of Theta Upsilon Omega. ~ o date ha:man. and the list of ushers included till' t te and ~ f is" Kat h a r in r R r n w n n f . 1 1 been set for the weddirw. yet rrtatn t 1e p 1antaw that ts a nrcr~ z-.. {'art S. Bulli s of Chicago, former~\- of 1\l'\\' York City . sary part oi them ." · \\'allingfo,rd. \V e h s t e r Jackson, · the Philip S. Collin:- \rill strvt as he . . t Colors of Christmas Are bride's brother, SidtH'\' T. and \Villiam lllan inr hi s . son. and James S. Collin . . ( ·. \Veh ster. hnth oi \\.ilmdt<-. rou ..; ins !_. Frec·man Lincoln of Philadelphia. To Marry Predominant at Wedding ui the hride . Ed\\'in :\. Chapman and \Vilfrcd B. Mr. and Mrs. ] ohn J. ~·f oorc oi A v;edding, red and white in colors The church \Yi.l:-. decorated witlt the Gan·in of ~e\\' York City, Lockwood Glencoe annou.nce the t.·ngagement of of the season. _takittg place in the lirrht 1 1· 1 r-. 10 tc ay co 1 orin g s. holly and . t rreen Thornpson of Cleveland, and Alfrrd H . their daughter, Eugenia. to Karl D. of red candles. on New Year's eve leaves predominating, The altarr-. was Taylor of Evanston will usher. King, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. was that of Miss Laura Crane Boak. h;lnked with red and white roses. The ).f r. Collins and hi s hride will go to King of 914 Greenwood avtttllt.'. The daughter of Mrs. Rohert Burns Boak announcement was made at a hridg~o.· of 724 Elc\'enth street. and ~forri :. bride's home, where a reception for the i\assau on their weddin,g trip and will party given in the Moore residenrr Hutchins Ruge-r, ~Ot1 nf ~frs. F. H. '::· i~alft~art~·.' about fifty relati\'C·s and a reside in Rydal, Pa. , ,. 1. ( " Tl ll v. nencb, follo·,·ed the ceremon\' . f .,.. R uger Tuesday of last \Yeek. o ... ew 1 ort-.: ·t ,. tr cere . ·· 11iss Schmecltgen graduated fro 111 rilony ·was read at R o'c.lock in the ;'as also decorated wtth holiday color- \V~· IIe ... ley college in 192{ and her Miss Moore is a graduatt.· of the f'l' . 1)t' tl 1. Gl enc<H.', 1 tngs, holl~· aml reel and white roses fiance. \\'hn is the son of Mr. and Mrs . cll ·trclt 01· L't , ~ . ·, 1:-oa >v . 1 · Univers_ i ty of \Visconsin, class of 1925. 1he Re. Ge orge H . Tl wmas o f ;"lt. co· lt'll1g used profu selY. '. , · . · Philip S. Collins of Philadelphia. was a and a mcmbc.r of the Pi Beta Phi Paul's church, Kenwood. . \1 r. <,ardner and 11~:-o hndl' are plan - tncmher oi the cla-;s of 1923 at \\'il sorority. Mr. King. who receind his The bride, carrying an old fashionc(1 1_1 ·111 ~ to ma~~ their l~ome on th~ north liams cl)'lle~e anrl took his M.A . cleg-rt'c degree from Dartmouth in the sam~ colonial bouquet of white roses and !'>tdt 0 ~ \htcag 11 · Ftve ~erH· ratrons of at Harvard . Jlt' is a metnhn nf tht· year. is a member of Sig-ma Phi Epsililies-of-the-valley, was gowned in !he ~lr~de s m?ther's fam1ly haYe lived Dtl 1a K :q>l ·· ' Ep:-oilon iraternit~·. lon. white satin and lace. The skirt was 111 Chtcago. Her. great-~reat. grand made in bouffant style, and the bodice mot her \\'as a rest.dent ot Chrcago ill Announce Engagements close fitting. Draped from shoulder tht.: days when Indtans were a menace. Proptessive Dinner Is to arm was a lovely Valenciennes lace and was forced to take refuge in For t At a bridge party given Monday afNew Year's Eve Feature ternoon at their home, M.r. and -Mrs. shawl. The veil of tulle was fastened D:arhorn when Black Hawk and hi:A group oi \Vilmette, Kenilworth Frederick J. Newey of 436 Lake ave- with a hand of orange blossoms and trrhc attacked tht· settlers. and \Vinnetka residents joined togethlace. nue, Wilmette, announced the betrothal er 1\cw Year's eve in giving one of the of their daughter, Kathryn Brooks Carrying out the color scheme, the jolliest and most unique celebrations New Year's Eve Party Newey; to Thomas Ba.llan tyne of Wil- gowns of Miss Frances Louise Jewett ;~long. the shore. lnstead of meetin).{ mette. son of Mrs. Donald L. Ballan- of Ravinia. maid of honor, and Miss A group of tweln·, ~r. and ~{r:-.. tor dmner and dancing in one homl' tyne of Brooklyn, N. Y. At the same Donna Garretson and Miss Mc..rtha Anton E . Kh111der . .\[ r. at1d Mrs. Fenn t hey divided up the fun and the host~ time the engagement was made kHown Crossley, the bridesmaids were of A. Buck, ~~ r. and Mrs. Frank R. t.'~ses, and gave a prog.ressive dinner. of RutheJia Morse of Orford, N. H., red silk, with bouffant ski;ts, and the Adams. Mr. and M r-;. George Edwanl ,,·hich hegan in \Yilmette and ended in forme.rly of \Vilmette. and daughter bouf)uets were red roses and lilies ·of vVa!k. ~1r. and ~lrs. \Villiam A. Rich - \Vinnetka. of Mrs. Ella P. \Vilson. to 'Ralph H. the valley. :..rdson and 1f r. and Mrs. Elmer Wil The first course was served at the Gaskill of Detroit. Charles Boak of Glencoe acted a' liams. who haY(' joined tog-ether into l,nmt· of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Townsend the E. 0. S. cluh. entertained at ten hest man for Mr. Ruger. Robert Garretson and Raymond Sterling, of Chi- tahles of hridg-e i\ew Yea.r's eve at thl' ni 1337 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, ancl Next Subscription Dance cago, were ushers. Robert Boak of vVoman's cluh. The aff"ir. said to be 1hr second in the home of Mr. and · The third of the series of six sub- Glencoe, brother of the bride. gave ~me ~f the most delightful ever given Mrs. A_lbert G. Frost of 509 Central tn \\~ tlmette, w~s devoted to bridge in a··enue, Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. John scription dances given by the \Voman's her . away ·in marriage. club of Wilmette occurs Saturday eveThe white marhle altar. of the church the early rvemng, then favors were W. Cutlen of 1226 Ashland avenue ning, January 8. The affair has been was banked with red roses and the lli.n'n and. a two cnursr supper served. vVilmette were the host and hostess fo; the third course, while the F. C. Maarranged by the chairman, Mrs. George church was decorated with Christmas mth. dancmg after midnig~1t. sons of 188 Myrtle street \Vinnetka Edward Walk, and the members of her greens. Candelabra lined the aisles to ·entertained the group for' the fourth the altar. committee, Mrs. H. \V. Mons, Mrs. J. .1'he bi-monthly formal dinner dance B. Denman, Mrs. Daniel R. Brower, After the ceremony a reception was wtll he held at the Ouitmrtte Country course. The dinner endect at the home Mrs. T. E. Thompson, M.rs. ]. H. held at the North Shore hotel. Mr. club tomorrow evening. The hour for of Mr. and Mn. Ernest P. Bartlett of Stackhouse, M·rs. H. J. Newton and and Mrs. Rug·er have gone to Bir- dinner is 7 :30 o'clock. Cope Harvev's 351 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, and the New Year was ushered in after a most mingham, Ala., to live. Mrs. R. A. Wheelock. orchestra wilt play. · delightful evening. Satg Marionettes Coming to Present Story of Ali Baba Troth Announced Jean Jackson Bride of New Year's Day l)orotbea Schmedtgen Weds in St. Luke's Saturday Afternoon . ... ., , . · < ." .. · "' , ...

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