Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 21

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January 7, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 21· ' .'\; British American IN. 'u. Shapes Men for National College Gives Marriage of Kenilworth Club Plans Bobbie Annual Track Events Tea for High S~hool Grads Girl Event of December Twenty-five men including · twelve The president and members of the Announcement is made of the ma.rBurns, Dinner Part~ letter men responded to Coach Frank facultY. of the National Kindergart en riage of Miss Bernice Schur, da.pghter The North Shore British American club ar e sponsoring a Bobbie Burns dinner to take place in the Assembly room of the Community House, Tuesday; January 25. .The cluh give s dances ~nd holds regular card and hu sii1ess mee.tings during the year, but it give s but one Bobbie Burn s dinner. The members arc se rved with a true Scotch menu. Aside from the entertainm e nt offered in th e unique plan for the dinner, there will be between -cour se acts furni shed and other forms of amusement. The committee in. charge of the ar rangement s for the party consist of Robert Nich olls-, pres ident of th e club , Th oma s Simpso n, \V. G. Rohert s, Jack, \Villiam and J a me . M cFaclzean, Mrs. \V. G. Robert s, ~f r s. Al e c McFadzean, ?\1 r s. S. Hinks , Mrs. G. Kirhv, Mrs. Ja ck ~f elrose, ~f r s. G eorge Marshali and · Jack ?\f e lrose. There an· o nh· t\\·o hundred a \·ail ahl c pla ces for dinner, so re se rvati ons llHI t hl' ma d e c arh·, th e co mmit tee an noun ce s. fl y calli;1g th e trca: ur e r, \V. Rob e rt s at \Vinn c tka 1-B-t, or writ in g 1121 ~f errill stree t, \Yinn etka, r cse n ·atiOI] 'i may he mad e. J. G. ~fcFacl zcan at \\·inn r tka 533 - :\f tn~· al so h e ph one d for rese rvati o n s . I Northwesten1 .~.! J Hill's can for track candidates at thfs week. The squad has started workouts in preparation for the opening meet of the season against Notre Dan1e at Evanston Saturday evening, January 22. · Coach Hill ""ill begin hi s sixth season at the Purple institution with a tealll well fortified in several events and with a fair sprinkling of able performers in the others. Loss by gracluation of Bill Martin, last year's captain and national half mile champion will leave an OJJeningr in the ranks which will he ha~d to fill. Uart~n was . a star co ntend e r m any o f the nuddlc dtstance event s and ran a s anch o r man on most of the crack rela\· team s which Coach Hill 1urncd out. · r.. Mrs. T. C. Moulding of 1004 Green. ~r, :-; t:. · , Zi.~nmerman, Gu s 1\oepke, Charle s H. Brown of 809 Lake ~ve- wood avenue was hostess to her club Stanlc~ Cuh cr and. Howard \'-:tnb erg, I nuc ha s returned from Was~mg- la st Tuesday afternoon. \\·ho s pe nt th < · hohday va catton at ton, D . C., where he spent the holtdays -oth r i:· lw mc s · in \Vilm e ttc. returned I a s the guest of Edwin P. ~lorrow, ex- ! Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnston of 210 ~1 o n da y evening . to K emper ~f ilitary gm·erncr of Kentucky, ~nd Mrs. Mor- !Golf terrace are in Orlando, Fta., until :o; chool at Booneville, ~1o. row. ! ~I arch. RETURN TO SCHOOL I I and Elementary college will hold a tea on Monday afternoon, J anua.r y 10, for the graduating mid-year students of New Trier, Deerfield Shields, Evanston Township and north side Chicago high schools who are interest'e d in . the type o f training offered by the coll~ge. Tea will he served in the alumnae r oom, Harrison hall, £.r om 3 until 6 o'clock, and the guests will have an opportunity of seeing the building with cla sses in session. · . Rcgtstratwn for the -s~cond semester of the college year wtll be held on Monday, January 31, and a cordial invitation to the tea next Monday is extended to all young women who are · I mtercsted in the regular classes or in mor e advanced courses which open at that time. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schur of Kenilworth, to Alfred H. Labahn of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Labahn of Algonquin, Ill., which took place December 30. M.rs. ~abahn attended the Unive.rsity of Illinois and is a graduafe of the Chicago Normal School of Physical education. She is a member of the Delta Zeta sorority. Mr. Labahn was graduated from the University of Illinois an;l is ~ memb~r of the Ph! Pi Phi ·fratermtv. fhcy wtll make thetr home in Chicago. -------R-ubert Garretson· returned · to the. University of Illinois ·Sunday after spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Garretson of 509 Linden avenue. . -o-- YYYYY ... ~- ····· . ... ·I .., I CLUB PLANS EVENING BRIDGE Th e auxilia r v o f th e \Voman 's Cath oli c club o i \V.ilm l' t tc is g iving a bridge part y o n th r eYenin g o f Friday, Jan nary 14, a t 8 o 'cloc k. An im·itation ha s bee n cx'+e nd cd· t Cl all fr ie nd s o f th e club to a tt e nd th e p arty, which is to h r g i\·e n a t th e \Vilm e tt e \\7oman 's club . ~fi ss J a net By rn e . \\'ilm ettc 1244, is in c harge o f ti cke ts fo r th e evening. Fountain Square Telephones: Wil. 3700; Evanston Univ. 1024; Rogers Park 1122 1\I r. and Mr s. C harle s Jt.' llllt s~ haH r e turned to Springfield, ~la ss .. after s pendin g the holidays with tht.·i r so n and daughter- in-law. ~r r. and ~f r .:;. Roge r R. '}cnn rs~ o f 220 Linden an - n ur . Continuirlg Our $60,000 Purchase Sale of ·.~ I Correct Glasses An aid to your eyes is an aid to your health. Th.e person who is suffering from failing eyesight is encouraging other ills. r Oriental Rugs at to SILKY ANA TOLIANS, average size 3x5, $3 5 values, $18. Finest Silky Lilihans Antique Runners Nazaket Silky Lilihans Persian Heriz Fine Chinese Antique Hereka Royal Saruk Kashan Saruk Imperial Kashan 2.6x4 9' to 15' long 10x8 13x8.6 10x12 12x9 15.6x9.6 12x9 2lx12 19x 11 Underprice PERSIAN IRANS, average size 3.6x6, $75 v~tlues, $39.50. Value These few prices will tell you why every day sees crowds of eager buyers in the Oriental rug department! . ,. Correctly fitted glasses will result in wonderful benefit to you. Phone for an appointment , $ J l J Drs. , Berscl1 & Stone Optotnetrists r t 7 7 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Office Wilmette 2 7 6 6 Res .. Wilmette 3881 l f- , '· ' 45 125 275 500 350 385 1000 950 3500 3 200 Now '~ t.' $ 29.50 69.00 163.00 345.00 193.00 249.00 650.00 583.00 1975.00 1850.00 " ,_, ,. 1:1 t1' " ' :' ,L Hrs. 8:30A.M. to 5:3oP.M. Evenings br; Appointment · Early selection will permit you a wider variety. Lord,s-First Floor

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