Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 20

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WILMETTE LIFE January 7, i927 I' Clear a n ·c e I . ~ ··· ·-·························.·················. Christian Science Churches "God., was the subject of the lessonsermon' in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, January 2. The golden text was from Psalms 34:8, "0 taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trustcth in him." Among the citations \vhich comprised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bihle: "The heavens declare the g-lory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night she\Ycth k no \\·l c cl g e. There is no speech nor language, \Yhere their Yoice is not heard. Their line i~ gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the " ·oriel" (Psalms 19: Budd Offers Medal Award in Interest of Safety Activity As a means of stimulating interest in safety work and First Aid instruction, Britton I. Budd, president of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois, has announced the establi~h ment of the Britton I. Budd medal for the saving of human life. This medal, designed hy a New York sculptor ·and executed in silver. \\·ill h( awarded to any employe of the Puhlic Service company, or of the se\'Cral other companies \\'ith which ~f r. Budd is associated. \vho succeeds 111 :--a,·ing anyone's life. A committee has hcen app()illtt'(l t o investigate cvi<lence in all cases of !if saving as a hove specified, and this committet' . deci~ion 11l all ra~e:-. \\·ill he final. Awardin~ of the medal will he made retroactin·. to includt· al cases since January 1. 192o. "\Ve are hopeful." -;a id ~I r. Budd. 111 cc,ncluding the. announcement. "that the rstahlishment of this awarcl 111 lwnor will accentuate thl' netd oi roq stant watchfulne ss , thoughtiulne ~ . . <llll preparedness to prevent the ,,·a..;tC' o: human life, as \\'til a s to n·,,·ard thc~-.t who, h~- prompt application nf train ing and di.;play nf ~·onral!l' ..... tt t·r t'l'cl 11 I . . :1' 111g .1 fvllm\ man." I Coats Dresses ~I I and Hats l 1-4). The lesson-sermon also included thr follo\\'ing pa ssages from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and I-h alth \\'ith Ke~· to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "The starting-point of divine Science 1s that God, Spirit, 1s All-in-all, and that there is · no other ntight nor ~Jincl,- that God 1s LoYe, and therefore He 1s di\·ine Principle" ( p. I· I I -Below c 0 s t ,., ~ I : ; ; ; ; -; ; ; -; ; ; ; ; -; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; 275) . ----------- Springer. left for Toh:do Sunda_,. to F n·t· Ii it' i11 s 11 ran r e i11 t h t' ..,11111 1 1 f spend the \\'Ctk-e nd with fril'nd~ and · rident;tl dl'a th in join a party of g-irls returning t 8 ~\\- tTt $1.000. \\·ith douhk ;t(· d<'ntni tv ha ~ been fur11i..,hed each n f Briar college. Swcl't Br iar. \'a. 5JiR3 l:mployes (l.f tlw Chir ;tg() lb pirl 1168 Wilmette Ave. 467 Phone -0~1 is s Edith Ray Young oi (,3() !'ark ITransit rnmp:111 _ ,. 11nrlt-r a lll'\\' 1>lan avenue ha s .r_ e turned to \Vilmette aitcr n'cl'nth· placed in efftTt hy the rc>lll · WILMETTE spending Christmas '"ith her parenb. pall\·. ~fr. and 1frs. J. G. Yottng. in VinThi.; inT in,nr:ttH'(' prnt!ram a]..; ; , 1 rennrs. Ind . inrllldcs IH·alllt <llld arci<lt-nt in . ; uranr v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fc1r elver 5.0(Hl tllli·lc,yc·~ \VIlcl l1ave lltCI I in cc,mpan~· sen·ict· fnr n1n!T than nnt· year. throngl1 ,,·hich they ma~· recd,-e $20 a \Htk for a total of t\\'ent\· . c;.ix weeb for any nnt· di sa bility in. an~: rP1c vear. -. Suppktncnting th<' rnmpatl _ ':-pai d insurance. 4,1()3 cmployes haH: ;l\·aikd Modernize your office with new time and labor-saving equipment themselves c1f furthrr protcrtinn h~ means of a cn-oprrati\'(~ s:>st<:m whtrl' · and be .assured of efficiency. hy an additional $1,000 of life in..,manr<· Ledgers with the double indcmnit\' feature i. Cash Books serurecl on payment of 011r dollar a Transfer Binders ,. mo11th In· the employe. tlw rnmprt.n~· Files MISCELLANEOUS pa~·ing- the balance . Note Books Lifr ins:1rancr al~o is prnvidtd fnr Black boards, ch~lk ~ erasers. Etc. 175 llH'Illh<'r:i nf the ~ttperv i -or~· fnrre Rubber stamps, stamp pads, stamp of the Rapi(l Transit litH'S, in amount'racks. ranging- frnm $3.000 to $8,000, at greatFiling pockets for home or office. lr reduced pr<'miums payable hy 1he Stapling Machines and paper punches. insu red. Rectipt books, notes and checks. STANDARD Loose leaf note books for the pocket . 'Cnder prm·isions of the 11ew plan. or desk. Rapid Transit rmplovrs are in~urrd to TYPEWRITERS the <'xtent of $10.595.000, the total lii<"' insurance in force, \\·ith a maximum Rebuilt Underwoods, L. C. OFFICE EQUIPMENT protect ion of $20.445,000 through the Blotter pads ....... soc to $2. so Smith, Royals ... $67.50 double ind{'mnity clause. Dtsks ·............... S28.5o up Cartees Typewriter Ribbons, $1 .oo Portables, New ...... $6c Chairs ................... $7 up Waste Baskets ..... soc to $J.OO Used Portables ....... S3o Swivel Chairs .......... $1 3· 50 up Inventory Pads- I oo sheets ... soc N. T. Grade Making Good Costumers ............. $5.50 up Letter files.: ........ soc a 65c We rent good typewriters as Purple F rosh Ca~ers Transfer steel cases .......... $ 5.oo Adding Machine paper, . 1 sc roll. $5 ptr month. Robert Rotrers <ltHl Herbert \ Vel<l. 4 -dr~wer letter size files S 1. 3 5 dozen. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · *_!_ two former Xew Trirr hil!h ~choof Typewriter Paper and business inOtiveGreen .......... $37-50 stars, arc makitH! a l!ood s howin~ on envelopes. the freshman ha~krtha11 te~1111 at Have Our Outside Salesman Personally Attend Northwestern university thi s fall. Roth To Filling Your Order. hays arc out for a fon,·ard po..:.it ion. More than thirty freshmen an' nn kin!.!· TWO STORES a determined hi~l for a position on th<' yearlin~ team this season. The squad is the lar~est and most promi~ing ever out for haskrthall at ~orthwc..;trrn. The yearlings arc heinQ; tutored hv Te 'l Passcur. formrr Drake ·coach. · N. A. Hanna & Co. Gowns- Hats . - Sports Apparel Wil. Springn. 72-t F(lrc-.t : a H'llttt', " ·ho ~pen t the ht1liday~ " ·it h her parent~. ~I r. and ~I r~. ( ,curgc.: \\'. ~I i~~ \\ 'i nogcnL' Give Free Insurance to Transit Employes ' ... ........................ 1 .. I Office Equipment and Supplies ....................... .. ·· . ,. )"' .,., . Main Store FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON High School Store-Church Street Three Floors · rs Elevator J l,L I J ... \Villiam Jordan of 504 Fifth ~trret has returned to the University nf Illi nois after spending- tht: holilays with Mr. and Mrs . R. \V. Tordan. Mr. Tordan visited friends in Princeton, Til.. for several days during his va-catior..

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