Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 17

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January 7, 1927 WILMETTE ~ ~ ~ LIFE 17 It attracts the wild birds. . Braz11 ·an · NOVAES IS AM~ING~P~~~o~C~de -t 0 H ear T Q /k S On Winnetka Music Club Patrons Marvel at Brilliant of Renowned I "Obed-ience" Top.ic . · p· Artistry . 1an·at , -1 " " 1 I "' .. . .. The Logan-Howard pre-school circle ~ By RUTHEDA L. PRETZEL has extended an invitation to atl who ~ . l d . ~ Mme. Guiomar Novaes, last Monday are mtereste< to atten 1ts regu 1ar ~ night at New Trier High school. at the monthly meeting to be held Thursday I~ thi.rd of the Artist-Recital series spon- el vening,fJaMnuaryR13,Hat ~Io'cdlock, at 7the ~ sored by the Winnetka Music club, wn;e. 0 rs. · · .c en erson, 21 ~ displayed an amazing skill in technique Pratne avenue. ~ · · M F H H 11' , "11 1 ~ and expresswn. She played the numrs. · . · o bter Wl op.en t 1.e ~ hers on her program as no other program wtth a group of chtldren s ~ pianist has played them, and one came songs. The discussion will be on "Obe- ~ with}\ breathless feeling that .one Mrs. Tom had JU st wttnessed a rcatly great ptan- revtew the chapter on !hts ;ub)ect 111 ~ ist. Dorothy Canfield Ftsher s book, ~ · "M tl d Ch'ld 1 ren. " '!\fmc. Novaes took Bach's "Choral · 0 lcrs an 1~ P:etude," whi~h opened the program, 'Mr.;. Hilt~n Ira Jones and Mrs. T. ~ wtth a splendtd ease and depth. This, Hellmuth. wtll .be present to ~ontnbut.e ~ as well as the Brahms "Variations ct to the dtSCUSSlOtl out of thetr expert- ~ Fu~uc sur un Theme de Hacndcl" ~~~c~ .. Th.e prog~am arrat:ged will pro- ~ wlllch closed the group. were extreme- '\-tdc a.n mtcresttng. evcnmg for those ~ ly w_ell.modulated, and \\'ere profound- attt'tHltng the meetmg. I~ ly dtgnd1ed. . . I~ The second group o P c 11 e d with r. and M yi E,·_ "Kight in Sevillia," by 1\iemann, a ansto~1 left last l·rtday to nstt ~frs. ~ 'lovely liquid thing. It \\'as fol lowed by ~ larks mother, ~frs. George ~[urcloch. l ~ Poulenc's "En Auto," a short sketch Ill DaYCilJ)8rt. Tuwa. ~Ir. Clark re- i ~ played with delightful humor. As for turned at thl' first of the week and ~ tl1e last of the group, ~hopin's "Sona- ~frs. ~lark \viii !Jc there for a n;ontl1. I ta in B Minor," enough cannot be :-aid. ~[me. Kovacs has entirely mastered it and made her way through it as if she were at that moment compo~ ing it. so much a part of hrr moods it .ecmed. There was not a sharp anglta 11 y w he .r e. In ~hopin's Funtral March, \Yhich is a part of this Sonata. ?\fmc. Kovacs brought out the tcrrihlt~xperiencc of Death. and made it an intimate sorrow. She was gi,·cn an ovation after its performance hy the thrilled audience. In response to it she played a delicate stucly by Chopin. The four pieces in the third group \\·ere done with grace and a finished ·hann: "India:·l Song." by Yilla-Loho~; "Alcove of Turandot." by Bus on i: "Serenacl(·." . hy Strauss. w 11 ich wa:espcciati~· delightful and lyrical; ancl "Fiedl'rmaus," 1)\· ~trauss-Codo\\'sk,·. ~~ mr. ::\' o \'a e s. generously compih:d with the continued demands of the audience, with three C'ncorcs: "China · Town," hy Niemann: "Jeune Fille Au Jarclin." . hy :t\ompon1; :tnd "Polichilll'lk." hy Yilla - Lcd>O . . . The birds visit you dally. It. protects the birds from cats and squirrels. It's attractive and useful the year round. It fills i~ the open spaces of your yard. It's a.t its be's t in the worst weather. worry, for it stands ,feet from the ground. Its stained dark oak or b{' painted any color. It is mounted on a ten i_ron pipe. ~ l'1i ~ ~ l'1i ~ ~ ~ Insn~w~~~if~ngir:s ~~d f~~~ ~ six can ~ ~ ~ ~ awa~ die~ce.'.' Bl~ckbur~1 w~tl ~ 9'· "Eleanor" Bird C £ . a eterla price of The w:1~~ke~la~~rd~nvi~f~1~ ~~~~~ ~ foot ~ . l'1i $l? ·OO df>l., Includes Installation This Are you for Outdoor /}mer.ca! If ao, place your order for the ELEANOR BIRD CAFETERIA" with the following dealers: .. any angle you ma,y be. ~ The Cardinal Gross Beak ~ was the first bird to dis- ~ cover · this. ~ . , ~ ~ ~ ~I ~s. C~l~man Clar~ ~ ncW~C't~?l~nd · 1 $20 00 ., r. . ·,~ · Wilmette Bird House Co., Mfgrs. 3 26 Linden Ave., Wilmette, Ill. H. C. Wienecke's Hardware, Dealer 68o Vernon Ave., Glencoe, 111. Tatro .tht Flonst, Dealer 7°8 Matn St .. Evanston, Ill. ~ . I ~ ~ . ~ ~ 1 ~:: ~ ~ ~ s E R v 1 c E I "-the soul that crept out through the hand of the painstaking mechanic" "When I drive my car I feel the soul of the multitude of men that made it possible. It is true of every car in some sense; but more so of Cadillac than any other." -.1 A Cadillac owner wrote this-after more than ten years constant use of one Cadillac car. Perhaps it may sound high flown as a tribute to a thing of metals and leather, glass and wood. But how better can be expressed the religion (no other ~ord will fit) of the men who build the Cadillac-' 'That Cadillac owners shall receive the finest that skill, and honest effort, and devotion to ideals can produce." Story Lady Broadcasts to Students on Tuesday Georgene Faulkner of Chicago, who has done exceptionally fine work in conducting the children's storv hour o,·e r the Daily News Radio station \V. M.A.Q., it is stated, will tell Henry· Van Dyke's story of "T he Other Wise Man" to the students oi. the National K_inclergarten and Elementary college a~ their chapel service next Tuesday attc rnoon at 2 o'clock. ~Ijss Faulkn~r, who through the wntmg and telltng of children's stories has gained for herself the undisputed title of "Story Lady," is .a graduate of the N a tiona} Kindergarten and Elementary college, at1.d has shown a keen interest in it s progress and deve lop ment. ~r iss !'he stgn of official, authorized Cadillac Service - courteous, prompt, efficient, economical DISCUSS "GOLDEN DAY" The North Shore Cong-regation Israel \\'ill , hold services Sunday morn mg, January 9, at 11 o'clock at the Hubbard Woods school. Rabbi HarYey E. Wessel will d~uss the subject 4 'The Golden Day-Elements of American Culture." Harry and Fred Stone. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone of 1234 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, left Monday morning, January . 3, for Dartmouth co 11 e g e after spending the holidays 'Yith their parents. They are both members of the junior class. ' , EVANSTON BRANCH A · CADILLAC 1810 RIDGE AVENUE University 86oo Rogers Par~ 9133 ·

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