Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1927, p. 16

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16 Janua ry 7, 1927 Art League Opens Minturn Players Present Class in Painting ."Family Upstairs" Next The rollicking Broadway comedy hit, "The Family Upstairs," which will be presented by the Minturn P layers at the New Evanston theatre the week of January 10, is characterized as a cleverly desigt1ed laugh play by the well known humorist and playwright, Har.r y Delf. It is an American comedy " of types, and these types have never heeQ etched more sharply nor pointed more clearly. "The Family Upstairs" is. in truth, any family upstairs. You know them instantlv. The\· arc the folks who turn on ·the .radio at unheard of hours of the morning when you want to sleep, and who " ·ant to sleep when you want to turn on the music. to its Member ship The class in painting wh ich is being sponsored hy the North Shore Art league, wilt be started on Wednesday, Janua.ry 12, under the d irection of George Oherteuffer, teacher of Life at the Chicago Art institute, formerly of the Salon d'Autumn, Paris, France. The class is to meet in Community House, \\'innetka, and members of the league \\·ho arc active in painting, are urged to join. The lessons will take place \Yednesday and Thursday oi each week, at 7 o'clock, continuing for t\\"elve weeks. Further information n:garding the cost of the les~ons, and reservation ", can he obtained from Mrs . J. \\" . F. Da\·ies at \Vinnetka 293. · .. CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE at a/fraction of real value We carry no wo.olen hosiery over from season to · season. Hence these extraordinary savings so tiniely for replenishing the needs of boys and girls returning to school for the new year. 65c 3 pair S 1.8o 95c 3 p air $2.4 5 $1.65 3 WOMEN'S IMPORTED HOSE Wool and Silk-and- W ool 95 c 3 pair $2.50 $1.95 ss.so ~air Values to $ 5.uo a pair. Telephone University 973 PmL & PIPER ·INC· CHILDAIN·s SHOE SP!CIALISTS ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Announcement is made of the marriage of 1\liss Lily Arnison and Archibald Crawford, both, until recently, Announce Programs for from Glasgow, Scotland, which took Friday Noon Recitals place December 22. .-\ reception was Tht· many north shore folk who held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and ~frs . ]. \V. Arnison, 432 a\" a i IL·d t hr m ~ ch·e. o f t he p lc a sur c o f thl' Friday noonday recitals in Kimball Prairie a\·enue. aiter the ceremony. hall will he interested to learn that Miss Doroth\· Lee Fuller, 913 Tenth nn Tuesday, January 7. Th('odorc Kit.street, entertai"ned twenty-four young· ta.\·, thl' \u·ll knmm lt.'nor, will he the people home from college at a dinner solni-,t and .'\lien Bogen ancl Edward On dance at the Edgewater neach hotel Benedict. organ accompani;-;ts. Thursday, December 30. January 14 Fay Epperson, " ·histler, will give a program. and on J anuan· -o1[ r. and Mrs. Charles F. Dauhrr oi 21. Rollin Pea~L'. baritone, will gh·e ~ 3.34 Central avenue entertained a num- recital. The program for Tanttan· 28 ber of their friends at a five hundred announces the appearanr~· <'>i ·R utl; party on ~1.'\\. Year's eYe. Hreytspraak, violini:-.t. .. Evanston Ripe for Development 4 Acres in ch~ice section of Glencoe overlooking Skokie. Over 700 feet of frontage of unusual ·depth. With all improvements in, and practically paid for. $42,ooo will buy this fine resi- MONTHLY cfoTYLE PROGRAM <VCtiOI: FO~ cJANUAR,Y dential property. For the hrt"llianl whirl of an oCJercrowded .roclal .teaJ'on, Boyd· WelJ'h creale.r a Jlrikinq J'lipper. Kreole Kid, with J'lrap and .raddle trim of N umlier Three DeauCJille. . When you J'ee thi.r J'hoe you will he po.rled on WHAT IS TO BE, in footwear. · MOOERATEL¥ P~leED .. I , BBINIEN REALTY Exclusive Agents 720 Elm St .. Winnetka co. A · Ph. Winnetka 254 ~NQWN ~XCLU~1Vl!L.Y BY B2f~~:e Davis Street- Downtown Evanston

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