Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1926, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE December 24, · 1926 Baptists to Hold Watch Glee Clubs Will Tour Night Servic. e ~riday Township This Evening . Boy~ and Girls Glee clubs at New Trier High school plan to inaugurate a Christmas ca roling tour of the township this evening. The singers will start their program at the Winnetka Village Green thence proceeding through the villages of the township. It is the hope of Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, supervisor of music at the high school, to make this 'Caroling program an annual custom. Stanley Swanberg Family Goes West A Watch Night service is to be ~elU , for Long Sojourn in the Wilmette Baptist church. Fnday l evening, December 31, bcg_innjng at 8:30 o'clock. The serv ice w1lt mclude music bv the choir, the showing of motion pictures depiciting the work of the denomination throughout the world, a period of recreation and refre shment and a devotional hour closing at midnight. TURKEY DINNER CHRISTMAS 12 Scout Leaders to Get Leadership Instruction "Adventures in Leadership" is the general theme of a course of instruction to be given north shore Boy Scout worker s under dir ection of the North Shore Area l ounci l of the Boy Scouts of America. The first inst ruc tion in a course of eight lecture s is to he given \V ednesclay e\'ening, January 19, according to Scout Executive \~' alter McPeek. to 4 Oyster Cocktail Roast Turkey with all the fixings including Dressing and Cranberry Sauce. Side Dishes Pumpkin Pie Hot Mince Pie IWilmette Masonic I I . I I $1.50 We close at 4 on Christmas. I The Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy I R·;:~·~~~~~li~:~~t I 1 I I AT CONVEN'FION Next week the Rev. W. E. McCormack of the Fir s t Congregational church will attend the National Theological Students' convention in Milwaukee at which representatives from all the theological sem inaries in the FOR PUBLIC USE country will be present. G. Studdert Finest equipped building on the Kenn edy of London, England, one of North Shore for Dances, EntertainBritain's ioremost ministers, will be ~ents . Dinners. Cards, Concerts, · one of the principal speakers. Temple I I I 1 I Miss Jane Ridgway, daughter of ~1 r. and 1f rs. Grant Ridgway of 207 Cumfor Fraternal Orders, Clubs, etc. berland avenue. Kenilworth. is at Conveni"ent to all transportation ~~ home ior the holidaYs from Simmons at 1 o 1 o Central Ave. ~ college in Boston. f For dates call 1 . -oThe Kenih\'orth club \\'ill hold its E. A. Pettibone, Wil. 733-J 1 j formal Chrl~tma, party on ~f on day. ·:·)._,l ~t)~C}....()._C,._,C,.._.C~C)._,C ,._.I ,._.t}._.t .:. December 27. ~Ir. and :\Irs. ·Stanley G. Swa nbergand chi ldren, David, Luella, Gwen and Mary, together with .Mrs. D. ]. Erwin of Van Wert, Ohio, Mrs. Swanberg\ mother, leave next Tuesday for an ex tended stay in California. They will go first to Berkeley and then expect to motor s::>uth to the Los Angeles district. The probabilities arc the famil y will make its home temporarily in BcrkeJe,·. \\'hich is the scat of tht: Cnivcrsity of California. The Swanhcrgs have resided at ll 1J Fifth st reet since coming to \Vilmcttt: five and a· hal( years ago. For seYeral ,·cars ~lr. S\\'anberg was chairman of the inter-church adverti sing committ e(· oi the \\' ilmcttc Church Federation . Thi~ i=- the committee which is re sponsible for the 'successful campaign of ·'Go to Church" advertising which ha s run continuously in WIL~IJ-:1'Tt-: Lrn: for a period of five or six years. ~Ir s. Swanberg ha, s been active in the af fairs of the Central-Laurel School Parent- Teacher association. For the past ten years Mr. Swan berg ha s been prominently identitie d with the advertising busine ss in Chi cago. He is vice-president of Mitchell Faust Advertising company, fro m which position.Jle is taking a lean: oi absence for the benefit of hi s health . For a number of years, also, he ser\'l'cl as dean of the Mayo College of Com merce and is a lecturer in the coliCf! t· of Busine ss Administration oi th( l'nh·ersity of Ch_icago. + f ATTENDS CONVOCATION Tilt: RrY . .Stephen A. Lloyd n i 1111 Fir.st Congregational church \\'ill ht in attendance at the annual Conv()rati on oi Congregational ~linister" at 1\: nn:-.. coll cgt. Calr"l>urg. Ill.. durin!.!: all '" lll'Xt \\Tt'k. Change ln · Saturday Banking Hours Effective January 8, 1927 H.obtrt and Clark Dorman 1; 1\< ' ; 1 to their grandparL·nt-. a1:1' :-;pending thl' :-iUilllller at Lt,llg J,J ;u !d They lllotort:d h()lllt. acrurnpallil'd 11 :. their aunt and cnu~in. ~lr-.. Bn·an .t! · 1 daughtn. \rho tdt la:-;t ~tt !H iil ;. l<1r ,1 trip around t ht: "·or! d. turned The banking hours on Saturdays of the · undersigned banks will be 8 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. 7 P. M. to 9:30 P. M. THE WILMETTE STATE BANK 1200 Central Avenue, Wilmette 11111111111111111111 J 'han king all my friend s for their patronage. A M eery Christmas and a Happy New Year 11111111111111111111 FIRST NAT. BANK of WILMETTE 1148 Central Avenue, Wilmette Florence N. Wood 0. D. ······························· · · · ....... 709 Main St . Ph. 2000 ,

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