Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1926, p. 38

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WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Brewster and Miss Barbara Lovell of Milwaukee have ,gone to New Orleans for the Special for Christmas. Xe-w or re-built portable typeholidays after a visit of several days write-rs, all makes at o nl y $5 per with Mr. and Mrs. M. R Venables of m0nth, some as low as $29.50. 908 Greenleaf avenue. SMITH TYPEWRITER -oSALES CORP. ?\[i ss Katherine Stolp arriYed 'r'hurs.J 0lm J. :\It·C'ormick, l\Igr. day, December 16, from Pine Manor, 1;)1 W. Ratulolph St. ut La Salle \V elleslcy, ~fa ss ., to spend the holiday s Spf'dal attention to t e lt' phone calls. with Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp of Central 4io0 336 \ Van,· ick road, K;crfilworth. · ..,............................,. ~.....................,........,...,....,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,............................... ' LIFE December 24, 1926 $5-TERMS-$5 University Girls Make · Iced Air in the Varsity Dolls for Poor Kiddies: Insures Even Temperature The ventilating and cooling sys tem installed in the Varsity theater is the finest obtainable, being similar to those in use in only the largest and finest theaters in the country. The ordinary theater Yentilating and cooling sys tem is operated b~· the use of water in cooling the ai.r. The plant installed in the 'new Varsity is the latest type of ice refrig-eration h\' mean~ bf which the air is fir st th~roughly "washed," then carried O\'Cr purifying icc and \Yhen it (;merges into the th eate r it is at a temperature of 70 degrees thus in:->uring an C\'l'n, eq uabl e di st ribution oi ckan pure air changing c\'e ry two minutes thr ough out the entire stru cture. The plant proper i . . ; in a rh1mher espccialh· con structed beneath the .re ar of the .theater building. requiring a space RO fret square to accommodate its complicated machincn·. It was insta lled at a cost exceeding $35,000. Northwestern university girls han~ made 2,500 Christmas stockings for the poor childretl of th e northwest side of Chicago. These stockings of red tarleton were filled at 0:'orthwestern uniyer- : sity settlement. The girls .also haYe dressed 300 doll s for the little girl::. "over west" who \\'ill he lo oking- lonp:ing-ly for Santa on Christmas mornin g . To the college g irl wh o has done the neate st and most artistic job as a doll modi ste, an award \\·as made at the annual cloll-sho\\' in Han·is Hall, EYanston ca mpu s. .\ :;prcial commi ttn: of judgt:s. headt:d by :\[i ss Sarah F.. 'Miller of Peoria. a ~e11 ior i 11 tht' rnl lcgr of liber a l art.;, rlw . . t' tlw ht·.::t lo oki n .~· chll. New Cream Top Milk' Comes from Tubercular· tested cows. Sanitary hQod· sealed caps. Ask Our D1·ivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. tOe per quart 2 ·I The cream taken from this milk will whip , ··········-...······.,...·-······-···········...···~,...,._.., .........................,.. Miss :\farian Tha,·er oi 522 Centr al aven u<' ha;-; returnl'd irom the l .ni,·.nsity of Calfornia to spend Chri stn1a . . with :\lr. and ).frs . \\'i llard H . Thayt·r. -o' :\fr. and :\[r ~. C. L. :\fohr oi 101 ~f ohr. arc in Chicago Heighb for ?\hs. James \\'hitc ·of 931 Ches tnut Sixth street and their son. Harnld Cl. avenue is spending th e holidaYs \\·ith Chr i:-tmas \\'ith Gl'nt G. OliYer. her son-in-law atH,l daughter, 11r. and - ol ~~ rs. Httf!h Paterso11 of Deerfield. Edward C~ush is at home from the U t.1iv crsity oi Tllin oi:; for t.hc .holiday ~ wtth :\fr. and :\fr:-. 1.. \\. ( ru;o;h cd 710 Laurel aYCnuc. · l -0- an d :\ [ r :-;. Gcor g l' Lams t n ( , f :\fih\'aukce arc the· gUt':--h ()i ~Ir. and :\[rs. 11. R. Venable:-; ni 90H Greenlca i an·nue for the holiday .. :\ [ r. 0- Frances ~tl'\'l' th. daughter oi · and :\f r:--. l·:dgar :\ . SkH·n:; oi 33tt . :\hhothiortl road, Kenil\\'nrth, ha~ reI turtH: <l for th e holicla~·=- irCllll Dan·a l!;dl. -oIIenry Cutler. Jr .. ;m·i ,·L· d last 'n· d~ ; tc· SJ>t:nd the lwliclay, \\'ith hi s parent--. ~1 r. and ~{ rs. Henry \ 'nt ler ni -Wi i Central a\·enue . 1 :\li~=-- ·-oMr. and 1[rs. R. D. ~fcCollum and l family of Downer's Groyc were the I guests last week of ~~ r . and 1[ rs. F. i 0. Edwards, 314 Fourteenth st reet. I ! , 0 ..'\E·U .\\", I I I I t~OEH~, E'l'('., \'L\ ( ' JIH '.\ HO & ~(U('III ' . . '~' EST .EHX UY. l<.f~t·<·t.l\'t· } n~a~·. Dt·ct:mlwr 10, 1926, and t·o nttnlllng untll furth, ·r noti<·(·, the ('hi· 1 l'ago & ="·rth \\'t ·~t't·r n Hy, wilt svlt onc ·day I'OUnd-trip t·X<:ursion til'kds from 1 \\'i lmdtt· and Kl'nilwonh to <'hil'ago and !":turn at :. \\' iltm·ttt · $.GO; l't ·llilworth $.6i1 . rl\'kl't s \\'Ill IH· good for g-oing- trip on nn\' 1 ll':till sdlt·dult ·d to lt·a\·~ «'hi<·ago on an~ ~l,att· ~,r salt-, a11d g-ood rl'!untiug on any I ;nlllnal 1111 or lH ·f't·l'·· midnight of d att1 o! salt>. Spt·cia I JJI'O\· i~ion~ <.t rt · IH·i ng- mndt · ft ,1· th~·. a<·c·omnH>dation <1l hnli ·lay traffil'. llw s~· nt·\\' fard; ar.· t,ff't·J't·d as a furth· ·r attra<'tll'.n to patrunizt· tht · fast , con\vttif·n t < ll,1d. t·omfort:t 1!1(· suhurllan scrvin· ul tlw < lll (':tg'o & ::'\o1·th \\-,·st t· l·n RY. For dl'tailHi information appl\' to TidJT A g-t·nts, ( 'hil'ag·o c Xnrth 'Yt·; t, ·rn Hv EX<TH~IO.'\ TH ' KETS to ; ( ' JIJ( ',\( l() FOH ~HOPPE It~. 'l'll .t: .\ I IU'.- 1 1 1 I· -.-\<1\·. Gift Suggestions GLASSWARE Sold in the Eitel Restaurants C.&. N. W. Terminal, Chicago CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Also at the New Hotel Eitel Delaware & Rush Sts. CHICAGO which is under the same management Eitel Christmas Bakery Specialties are famous because of their fine qualities. No holiday festivityiscompletewithout them. Enjoy Lunch-Tea-Dinner in the Eitel Restaurants. DeliciousAppetizing Foods. Convenient to Trains. Three Restaurants: Main Dining Room, Train Floor; LunchRoom, Main Floor; Concourse Restaurant, Washington Street Concourse. Goblets, Sherbets, Cocktails Wines 26 different patterns to sele'ct from. Priced at $3.00 up to $24.00 per doz: DINNERWARE Just received a most complete shipment of dinnerware direct from ~urope. 53 different patterns, 100 ptece sets, $24.00 to $275.00. . r ROCK CRYSTAL CONSOLE SETS Beautiful designs reasonably priced. CROWN CUT GLASS CO. Manufacturers of High Grade Glassware. 3479-81-83 N. Clark St. Chicago. EITEL, Inc., Chicago & NorthWestern TenninalStation, CHICAGO

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