Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1926, p. 29

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December 2-t, 1926, WILMETTE LIFE 29 :\{r. and Mrs. Robert A. Warren of Los Angeles are the guests of the latter's sister, ~lis. Clyde T. Hays of 519 Laurel a\·enuc until after the new year. :YI.r. and 11rs. Hays and Mr. this <_t nrl :\Ir:'l. \\~a rr~n have just returned tr nm a ,,·eck s tnp to '0Jcw York. See Hendry House as Ithis meeting by the hospital superin- 1 Miss Agnes Biesemeier returned I tcndent, Miss Ada B. McCieery. The to her home at 804 Central avenue last Effort to Cut Labor. auxiliary president, Mrs. James A. Pat- ; week to spend her holiday vacation ten,. presided, shortening the usual or- ~ \\'ith her father and mother, ~{r. and Turnover at Hospital c.kr of business to accommodate the :\.l.r-- . ](obc rt L. F. Bic scmeier. She is Dcscribccl as "an experiment" in in\·e:;tmrnt hy ·whicl1 it is hop d to cut the co..,t considc rahh·, of inclttstrial t urn -over at the E\;anston hospital, . 1 'I 1' f f I eiH1 . ry IlOthC' ItS n C\\" lUI C mg or Clllployc . .;, had informal 1mrod uction to IllC'n1hrrs c)f the \Voman\ :\uxiliarv of t hl' hospital, Thmsday. J>r cYious to enjoying lun cheon in the cafeter ia nf tl1c' building, the Yi . .;ito:-s .inspected its thr ·c floors, one g inn to office . .;, recreation r()Oills and cafeter ia the ot her two to r csicl cn'cc r ooms fo; l'lllploye" oi the ho.;pital. Completed [tnd fun1i:·..lrcd h o usc w iII r l' p r C' s c. n t an in H IIcnclrev nw n t df pproximatel~- $2/5,000. Tt has been ercrll·d -.lightly to the IH·rtll of the _. t i..,oJat irJ!l huilrlin~. ironting the west. It · · r ~~ ot JtH·pr7Joi L'ill~ tJ~llcti.oJJl' throughout£. ~Hir' · \\-:tt:'l :tnt tllrllJ~ 1111 g~ art· 0 t Ith c 1 1arac cr. .·I:h c ro(llll ft·r lllCil and r~~~- Hll'd .~~~: "~L·el dr~() ~~. :'· l~1ch \\'tll l~e' 1 1 1~ m':uth. \\'i~ .. ;_tnd tlll'i.r ian1ily clrl' _wome~1 h.usy-ness of. t_hc h ol ~da y month. :\[ ':'s. an in st ruct or <l~ Vassar college C larcnc.c \Vtl!tams, 111 charge of the year. library at the hospital, briefly outlined 1 it s need~, making rcquc. t for Christ- i ~~.~~~~~-~~~~~\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~ Ill 't' t " 1 t II " t' t tI I ~~ r: t; r; r. r. r; r. r. r. r; r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r; r. r; '!'-l r. r. r. ';:;;1 rr:,:t..,cl, g"<lllCl l.>OC'rS a SC Jai:g·rrcs-p r~lll t(;fBI'])l]~').· S~IJil-eC'· ~~<..:~ ·· '· ·· ·· ··· ., ·· ·· "" ,., ·· .. ·· ·· '· ·· '· ,, ·· ,, '· '· ,, '· ·· :~ '<l -: ~ ;~]...,o ·;tsked for Yoluntcer work :\·ith the 1 ~..:: hlnary for t\\·o l1nurs each Fnday af- ~ :~ krnonn bet\\'ecn 2 and 4 ~ !'/!IN :\1 r.~. 1\.obcrt ).1. Sec, ~idng th e ft- ,jj nanctal report, spoke parti ularly of ~: thC' flo. .w5r ~~111cl which has been created :~ hy a ::;2J g1tt from Mrs. Patten. It is ~ !'/!IN ~rran~cd in accordance "·ith a g r ow- ~: mg cu~tom whereby those \\'ho choose ~ :"2....,_ ~~ eR to do it ins t carl. o ( send ing flo\\' c r s at f.:i . m.c of a bcrel \'em en t, se ncl a note It' I.!; :~ the t i . )!!!!; !!Iii Jt:f ortning m~mrncrs that th~'Y h<wc I ~: · gt\"l'll a cntam sum to a cc rt am cause. I !:; :"' 'l'l · · , -.. ~.:· =~ 11.; Juncl \\'i}\ buy flowers ior Jw~pital , 11!:) J paticntc;; who might not nt1H'J'\\"i~c haH I ~.. ~~ :~ th('lll durino- ill1;os and con\·:tle.;cL'ltC" 9 ~ ..., · · ..... · '-': · r · Ji e: !Ji IJ IJ sea s 0 · s n 's Gr eet ·n g . 1 - are . '\fr. and \lr .... CharJv, lk1 .··n.~ oi klpt lo_Lktd .tnd .'· lgllgcltl tht· t\\0 "] ' t'!Hltn~ t lJ ~ h ~ ·lHLt~- , \'.Itl 1 \Jr. ]h·- !f; ~ parh . ot _tIll: <.l()l'lllit r,~·y quartL'r". There l.on , ,.· . , lll ··t lt vr and o· ·l ~. ·r rt· l:ttin-.. at I ~ :·~~.a~:;~:·~:a~~a~:j~:;~~·~:;~~·~~i~~~s- 1 ~:;~:;~:; ~:;~:;~:;l"'.:;A:;~:;~!;b.~~ , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'Jb~ltl 'll'~ J2J llldi\"H]ll :tl t'OilllH Jlt'<l\' idvd, 100 ]1,,!1) \\ ' i!llll' l ( ' ;t \ v ll\ : 1· · oi \rl1ich "ill he· imn1 e diatc-l~· r·ccupicd - - - - - -------~- - - - - - - - - - ~ A. ' ft: .£"\.. R N S 0 R CHEST R A /J :~ \YhL·n tht· huildim~ i, put into lbl' with in IlL' ne x t 111 () nt 1. I t i .; p r a c t i c a 11 y rca d y n () \\' c x r c p t i u r t IH' I it.! h t in t!. Far h of ' the-e rOt~Jn-; j., < ·rptippc:d ,,·ith --tvcl bed, drc~:-t:r and rll':-.k tahle, and a comiort:tbk \\·icker chair, and a tracti,·c \\'hitc .' p!·cacb ;lllcl (lther bl'rlding prrJ\·idcd. :\ uniqul' plan \\'ill hl' ,,.r,rkcd out i1i t~1c caictcri:t arrang· l'~lll'llt .of the plac~·· Llllployt·--. Jllq('ad or ha\'1111.!" a proYI. . ion made i(jr tl1cir it·11rl, ,,·ill be paid ' morl· \'.;tgcs and \\'ill pay ior thl'ir 0\\' 11 !,nard . Tllr\ \\'ill he iree to cat a1w- ' "here tl"l', ·although the cafeteria " :ill · pro\ idt.: an cxcl'llc;lt \·ariety at slightly 1 111\\·cr co t than the a\'eragc eat ing 1dacc can offer it. Of its high quality there \\ ":t:'-. no d(luht to the auxilian· membe rs and Jlrc.-s reprc~cntati\'(?.; who I lunched there 'l'hur~d<\\'. For their I mea l initial thl' ni. the c~tietcria rquip,:tcnt \\"as made. The the oi the building and tl1c plan · " oprrati nn \\'l'l'l' hricily ·cllltl in cd at 1 i -And AFTER CHRISTMAS when you see crowds still hurrying on to Lord'sand you're wondering whether it's just that they've got into the habit during the Christmas rush and can't stopThat will be the crowd that's coming to our ~~~ . 1 \. I r CORRECT . ~;:. '!:.: GLASSES Delays are dangerous, both to your eyes and to your hea1th. Our examination of your eyes 1s one that is dependable because it 1s scientific and conscientious. Phone for an appointment 3 BIG SALES They begin promptly at 8:30 Monday morning, the 27th. And the savings will be GREAT! ~ t~~~'~ ~ Drs. Bersch & Stone Optometrists I I 7 7 Wilm~tte Ave.. Wilmette Office Wilmette 2 76 6 Res. Wilmette 3 8 8 I Hrs. B:3o A.M. to 5:30P.M. Evenings by AppoitJtment Fountain Square Evanston 1f1!~ ~

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