Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 3

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November .19, 1926 . WILMETTE LIFE SHANTZ GIVES HINTS ~~~ ON CHRISTMAS MAIL ~ker at Club Postmaster Has Practical Advice on Addressing and Wrap. ping Xmas Parcels BY JOSEPH E. SHANTZ Wilmette Churches Join to Observe Thanksgiving The Union Thanksgiving service of the Protestant churches of Wilmette be held Wednesday evening, November 24, in the First Congregational churcl1 of Wilmette at. 8 o'clock, the Rev. S.' A. Lloyd, pastor of that Ch11rch officiating. The sermon this year will be preached hy Dr. George P. Magill, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and th e members of the other churches will have various parts in the program. The com hi ned choirs of the Congregational church, under the direction of Porter \ V. H eaps and \V. E. 1fcCormack, will sing Thanksgiving anthems appropriate to the occasion. Th e offering will be given as usual to the \\'ilmette Board of Charities. The service is und er the direction of ! the \Vflmette ~inis t e r's union, of v;hich Dr. Hubert c. Carleton is president · EDGAR GUEST TO AID IN PURCHASE OF CAMP Famed Poet to Speak at New Trier Auditorium in Interest of Camp ~ilmette will · ' (\Vilmette Postmaster) \\.ith Christmas cm11es a genera l sp irit of good \\'ill and cheer. It is a time to promote happiness, and throughout the country this sp irit is maniie~tcd by the exchange of gifts, greeting cards and other remembrances. \\'e rejoice in th e spirit of that time and " ·e arc pleased to assist in making man~· people happy when Cbristma:-> time comes. _ Christmas mail is fraught \\'ith a St: Jltim cnt al Yalu c. To give it s full mca :-; nrf' oi lnppincss and cheer it should br carcfullv prepared and reach th l' < Hlclrc .-s ee in time to he in keeping \\·it h the purpose for " ·hich· it is Sl'llt. \\\· 11rgc tl1e patrons of this n ffi l.'C to o h :-; e r\'(~ the conditions en umcratcd l> eln\\·, because compliance thnnrith will facilitate and expedite :\ onnan Hapgood, journali:.;t, diplothe trl'atmcnt of their mail and thu s contribute 10 the pleasure and sa ti sfac- mat ancl lecturer, is to speak at the tiun oi all concerned . meeting of the \\"ilmette Sunday Eve:\ddr l':'"l'~-a<ldrcs:-; all matter plain.: ng cluJ :.Jovcmbcr 21. ~[r. Hap ly and completely in ink, giving street good is one of the be st known living acldre s;o; or hox or tu .. al number whcnwriter s on political subject s and is t H r po:-;-, ihlc . Placr se nder's return heralckd ),,- leaders in the SundaY Evecard in u ppc·r le it corner of add rcss ning club -as an extremely intc~ es ting ~ ick. Tag:-; should nnt hr u ~e d unlr ss sp eaker. ncn·--:--a r.::. in \Yhi ch case a copy of the acldn·:-s ;tnd return card shou ld he placed in-.i de the parcel for identification ii tag i.;; lost. The address and n ·turn car d should he placed on one si de only. Care in Pac~ing Packing and wrappmg. Pack all A check of the amount of vehicu lar articles caref ully in strong durable traffic pass in g the Wilmette-Central conta in er Do not usc knock do\Yn avenue intersection over the period of hoxc s. \\'rap parcels securely, but do a day is to be made by the police denot seal them except when bearing a partment under direction of Chief printed label or indorsement" readin g Charles H. Leggett to test the adv isa. "Contents: ~fcrchanclise. Postmaster: bility of installing "stop and go" lights Thi:-; parcel m·ay he opened for postal at that busv corner. The check was in . pcction if neces sary," together with authorized hy the Village board thi s name and address of sender, as sealed week following a suggestion by Trus~)arccls not so lab eled or indor se d in tee Clarence E. Dra,·er that the traffic printing are ~ ubjcct to postage at the . . igns he pbcecl at the corner. let ter rate. At pre~ent the hca\·y traffic at the Limit and weight and siz e-Parcels principal business intersection necesn~ay not exceed 34 inches in length and. sit ates the contant time of a policeman gtrth comhi~1e<L nor \'_'eigh m?r~ than over approximately four and one-half 70 pounds tf for delivery wtthm the hour s even· week daY, it \\'as stated. fir~t. se.cond, or third zone, or 50 1Thl' police- check \Yill- he made on alpound ~ .111 any othe: .zone. 'ter nate clay~ on·r a peri od of one week. PermJssahle addtttons and incloD · · f 1 b 1 1 " surc.-;-Par cc ls mav be marked "Do not 1ects~?n .o t le oarc to lave stop open until Christmas." "Merrv Chri st- a;~< ~-~ stgnals place~l at Lake and ma'" "Ha) ~ , y , H\V' 1 1 h.tdgc ctn·nues cmpha:.;tze:->. the n ccc~s~ . · . .. < 1 PY · C\\ ear, tt 1 )est sit\· for similar automatic traffic sig,n~h l'-,, and nanH~ :-i. numbers, or s\·m1 - · h h f 1 1 b, · hob for the purpose of de scription na s m. t _c cart o t le cen~ra . ustma~· he inclo ~ecl with pa rce l post mail. ne ss dtstnct. Tru stee Drayer pomted Bo?k~ may bear ~imp le dedicatory in- o_u_t_ . -------------sc rtptton ~ not of a personal nature. Other \nittcn additions subject parcels to letter postage. Don't Enclose Letters Do nnt enrlo:.;e letters in parcels, as so doing would subject entire parce Is to ktt cr postage. Communications pre-paid at the fir st-clas s rate may be sent 1 with parce ls prepaid at the parcel post rate hy sec urely attaching the envelope containing the letters or other written matter to tl1e outside of parcels. Sea ls-Christmas seals or stickers shou ld not be placed on the address side uf the mail. Wants "Stop-Go" Lights at Main Business Corner With Loud Speaker! PO,i'f OFFICE CLOSED The \Vilmette post office will be close d on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, and no delivery will be made. The lobby of the Post office wi1l be open until 5 p. m. and mail will be dispatched that is received up to that hour. Here's a chance for somebody who wants enrerrainment this winter. There are many such opportunities in the Classified Ads: FOR SALE 4 T UBE R.:\.DTO, ·with huilt-in loud speak er. Xo aecPssories. Will sacrifice for quick sale, $17.50. "\Vii. 746-:\1. Edgar A. Guest, the poet, will 'COme to the north shore Friday, Decemher 3, speaking that night at the New Trier High school. Mr. Guest is in constant demand to speak in churches and schools, before men's clubs, women's clubs, teachcrs' associations. a.nrl various other organizations. The speaking dates of~ fered him each year total more than the number of days in the yea r. This ye~ r he instructed his publishers: The Re1IIy and Le~ companr of Chtcago, ~o acce;>t for httn only etght;en ~ oeak- . mg dates. These facts constdered, the north shore may be rega rcled as fortunate to he one of the favored. Proceeds from the sale of tickets for Mr. Guest's talk will he utilized, in their entirety, to complete the payment Jl;f of the purchase of a 24-acre camp near \Vatervliet, Mich., marl.e last spring by a group of men in the Wilmette Methodist church in the interest of the boys Twenty -thre e Combat ).fedal men and girls of the north shore communitY. ~1 r. Guest \1as proffered his were guests of honor of the Kiwanis ser~icrs without charge because of his club of Chicago, la st \\·eck. All of the se men were personally decorated great int erest in young people. Tickets for ).{ r. Guest's talk are on on the battle fi eld s by Gen. John ]. sale at the drug stores of the four vil· Pershing in person. They acted as a lage s in the tO\vnship. Guard oi Honor to General Per s hin~ Tell Plans for Camp during hi s vi sit to Chicago on ArmisOn short notice the camp committice clay. General Pershing placed wreaths on the various memorials tee s provided leadership and conducted \\·hich have bee n dedicated to the serv- four camps last summer attended by ice men of Chicago who made the su- over 100 girls and boys representing preme sacrifice. General Pershing also manv denominations.. ~I uch more is placed a ·wreath on the Abraham Lin- p lan~ed for next year. A few men have given $2.000 toward coln monument in Lincoln Park. the purchase price of the camp, it is Lieut. Harvey Hopp and Capt. J oexplained, and there remains $3,000 seph Shantz, both re ident s of \ Vilwhich must be rai sed at once in order mette, the latter being postma ste r of that efficient work can be done. The the village, are member s of the Commanagement of the camp will be well hat Medal ).fen's association and partaken care of and should be self supticipated in this service. porting. No general canvass to raise The Combat Medal ~fen' s associa- funds has been made. but it is felt tion is made up of men who for ex- that many would like to add their suptraordinarv bra ven· rec eived the Con- port to make this camp worth while. grcssiona( ~feel a! -of Honor and al so Realizing that some sort of inspirathe Distinguished Sen-ice Cross. tion to complete the ta sk was needed, the camp sponsors looked around for o o the right man. \ Ve are pleased to anrest tng, oxtng ow llOUtlCe that we have sec ured the BIGon Recreation Program G EST man in America for this kind · . . of a job and because of his interest in Classes 111 wr.estlm~ and boxmg were _ r oung people Edgar Guest consented started last Fnday. mght at the How- to d 0 hi s bit for us without . cost. ard school gymnasmm. These classes . are to be a weekly event and will be ~rtend _ of Common Folk open to any living in \Vilmette and arc .Sp~aktng ot Edgar G_ue st, a close free of charge. George Moore is fncn(, of the poet has . a1d: . coaching the boxers while "Hap" "To . hear Edgar Gu~st read ~11s own Gathercoal is in charge of the wrest- verse IS to_go away wtth a fcelmg that lers. The work is being sponsored by you . have hstened t~ a 1:1an who knows the Playground and Recreation board all. about you, yet ts kmdly ..ge nerous, and the public is invited to come nctg hhorly and understandmg. He u o uncl Friday nio·hts and sec what is j take?. the comm on, every day themes bcino- clone. of !ttc and :.;encl.; th em back to you e. a little more beautiful. a little more preciou :-; . By some miracle, they do not Sl.'l' 111 proian ed. He makes yo u Want to See the Queen? laug-h at vour own foible s . .yet he is Then View "White Magic" never the- cynic: he strengthens your Yo u can sec the Queen Saturday, coura ge an(l faith. yet he is never the Kovembcr 27, at 8:15 o'clock in the preacher: he plays upon your heart en·tling, according to ,,,·o rd from with- stri ngs till they are near the breaking, in· the parish of the \V ilmette ~1ethocl yet he doc s it with tenderne~s and unist church. The occasion is to be the derstanding. "But thi s one thing must he underpre se ntation of "\Vhite Magic," a play at the Byron Stolp auditorium, which stood-Gu est is never the actor, never is to contain a queen, princes and prin- consid ers effects. He has lived deepcesses, fairies and goblins. 'l'hc Girl ly. He has lov ed, laughed, sorrowed Scouts arc sponsoring the production. and rejoiced. He has known dismay and th e comforting hand of hope. All have left their mark upon his heart CONVALESCING and as he talks (a shy, reticent, bashHarry W. Hopp, 225 Linden ,a venue, ful boy-man) you se'e the marks. You ~ecretary of .the Wil~ette Park board, get to know him. And knowin g him is ts .conv~lescmg at hts home flfte.r a to di scover that he is so like us all. ~enous ~llness: He was repo~t~d· m·ak- · Grips Heart of Americ-. mg raptd stndes tovratd c'6hrprete 're- · "No oth~r· poe.t in America ·holds so covery this week. . (~~Tf-1tctge:5~ ·· .......... ..._. T.-..._ I Local en Serve on Pershing Honor Guard in Chicago W l B N ._.,.---.,~,._ .,_,.. .., ._...,#"\.._,_...,_...,# ~'"'IN"'- ~ -~- w,··,, .r ·

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