~ovemb~r 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Jill\ II.U. 49 TO SEE .SCHOOL PLA· Y People of T ownahip Will Set: New Trier's Firat Play, ,"Captain Applejack," Tomorrow at Auditorium BY OBSERVER T omor r o\\' t.·,·en in g at 8 p. 111 . 11 1an\· p eo ple o f th e tO\\'Jl ship will gathe r i;1 the :\ t \ \' Tri er high srho( .J a udi toriu111 to " ·it n ess the fi r:- t play ni thr "ea . on t o be g in· n by tl1r ::\t \\· T rier D ralllatic cl ub . An d ,,·he n the . -,(' peop le go hark to th t ir r es pcc ti ,·l· lH·Illes. thl'y \\' ill he h a ppy, a nd in 1he ir c~·t·: t hert ,,·ill 1 )1' r c Hec tcd a bi t ()i tht· gaict _ ,. and adn ' ntur e that th r play ga ,·e (() the m. Th at is tht· sor t n i play t h;tt "Capta in .Applejac k " is. lt is a thr ill ing act ir·n pla~· that ha s bee n dip pe d in a l>u ·k et of h ulllM an d bi·o ught up d ri]1ping ,,·ith la u. L:"hter. And it is an ;unh it1o u s play fr11· a high . --choo l gro u p to a t('lllpt to ~i\'(· , inr t he rnks ,are d iffic ult a nd rail f(lr n() s ma ll ~par k oi ab ili ty. 'l' hnt· i.., hard · t~· a part that dr1('" not ra il for t\\' 0 di st in ct cha ra cter izat ion s, an cl ~ om t· ca ll fo r thret.·. .\ nd a n \·one \\'h o ha~ had st age l'X] l(: rit·nrt· " i(l <t!.!'r<'e t hat it i ~ tl() easy ta-.,k to ~t< · p irnn1 fllle c Jar acter izat inn t n ano t lll'r \\i thin tl1e c o ur ~ e oi an l.' \'L·n i n g. ::\ <, ,,. :t \\'( ·rcl or t \\'( · . , Jw uld bC' "aid abr, ut tlw people \\' hn car r ~· mo -., t nf th e hur d l' n c1i th e play on the ir ,.; h <J ttld ers. T I! e ti t 1e r dl'. t hat o i :\ miJ r o =' r :\ ppk joh n. \\·ho iror a tim e hL' Cf,Illl' " · the pir ate . Capt:titl :\ pp le jac k , i..; plan·rl In· Ed ,,·ard Ba um a n oi \\"innl' tk a . jr c h< ;s hacl q uit l' a hit oi exper ie n ce , I ll th e !\e ,,· T r ie r sta !.!'c. ior last ,·ear he ar tcd in "Th e Arllltira l> k C'~ichtnn" ancl " P o ll ~· \\' ith a P a~t. " a nrl arf)ui ttr d him sr lf \\' C' II in both. ll e i..: a s<'nin r at \'n,· T rie r t l!i:; \'L ·ar and i ~ P re -., ident oi the Dramai ir rluh tlltre. :..r a rj or ie ~ () l··lllCIIl. c1i \Yil mettt'. \\' ho p lay:; tl w tn t! _ , . rli fflr ult part nf \f ad a tlll' Y ak-,ka. ha..: tH· H · r h<"irlrl' hve n in a tl!l l k n).!th pia~ · at "\' n,· Tr ier. Bu t it i:- saie to ~;n· that :- hr \\'il l h e hc r<·aiter . . inr in "(~apta i n :\ ppkjack " she ha;;; \\·nrkl'd hard t() t -Cl rtn lwr char actn i;.;lli < ·ll" (:-hi' l!a.., thrL'L ' (ht i· ing th·' pta,· ). an d as t hl' ka d inl..!' " ·ntnan . . he has· :-- ur r eederl in d ra \\·in,g a fi nL· pictu r L ' o i :.radan1 c Ya ll' ska . ~far gard Ott ;ltH! Stan Shnm an. a s th e in gr nu r and \'il lai n rc"PL'Ct iH·ly. d o g ood pie ce:- o i ac tin g and mo:-; t ;..; urcl _ ,. will he fin r ~ u pjl(l rt fu r th e t\\·o leading charac te rs. The la st and certain~\- the mos t as 5ttring thing that can . hr said about the play i ~ that it is being dire cted hy ~1i s s Elizab eth Stan\\'o od of the 1\ew Tri e r dramatic departm ent. Sure ly that is a guarante e that " Captain .Applej ac k" \\'ill he \\·ell done. < Give the Churches the Support Due Them Religion rules mankind. It ts the backbone of our laws. It is the cornerstone of our faith in one another, without which there can be no business , no social stability. But too m.any folks today take this as a matter of course, just as they do air, sunlight, water, grains, fruit and all the other things that sustain mind and body. They fail to give the churches credit for making our community, this country, the world, a safe place in which to live, to love and to worship. I --- RememberYOU Need the Church; the Church Needs YOU !< I ~ ~< ¥ Come to Church Sunday ¥ ~ F-~f Directory of Churches: St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues ~ ~ St. Augustine's Episcopal Church r qo Wilmette Avenue A s a prote st again st the popular con<:eption that all that a publi sher is looking for on hi li sts is "be st sellers," Robert 1\1. :McBride & Co., has sent ·out a .little article on the subject. Among other things it says "Any publishrr ,,·h o attempted to rear his business on a foundation of he t sellers would find, only too early, that he had lntildecl on sand. List books, bread and butter books , books which sell on a gradual curve over a long period of Years - these arc thr bone and sinew of any sound publishing house." . This ~ort of plain statement may do something to\\'artl loosening the strangle hold that the hest seller" idea seems to ha,·e on the American public. 11 Rev. Herman W. Meyer Rev. Hubert Carleton ~ ~ The Wllmette Baptist' Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues The rust Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Francis C. Stiflet Rev. George P. Magill ~< ~< ~<. §, First Congregational Church L1ke and Wilmette Avenues Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Su eet Rev. Stephen A. Llogd Rev. William Guise The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith · DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Phy&icians 91!~ t': Published by the bsterchurch AdwrlisiJtg Co··ittee, Wilmette Church Federatio11 Residenc(· nnd OffkE' Central AHnue Phone IJOIJ (