Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 46

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WILMETTE , LIFE November 19, 1926 M.erit which we offered in our camF · H . Gath ercoa l paign to find the best selling homes in I Receives A w, a rd in America, and I congratulate you upon having yo ur work chosen by the Magazine contest judges for this award. The Georgian at Davis Street and Hinman Avenue F. H. Gathcrcoal, real estate dealer of 1213 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, who is well known as a designer and builder of home s, has been awarded a certificate of merit by the Building , Age and 1\ational Builder, one of the ~' leadin g magazine s of its kind in the U nited States. Thr award was made in accordance with terms of a campaign or contest conducted by the ~11agaz ine. to find ~he best sc llin f? homes 111 Amenca. De. 1gn, constructiOn and I othc_r points were taken into consid- "The .entrance condition _of this contes~ entit les yo~ to the c~rt~ficate and to , a h~e subscr~pt10n to Bmldm.g Age and Natton~l Builder. A~cept thts let.te~ as a recetpt for a paHl:up subscnptl?n. I hope we may be obltgated to furm sh the paper for many,. many years. j "You have c~ery n g- ht to be l?r~ud of your work 111 better home bu!ldmg Iand we are proud to bear a part with you in this mo_vcm~nt for ~mp,~oving home constructiOn 111 Amcnca. AN ADDREs· s OF DISTINCTION To live at The Georgian means ·t o live at Evanston's most renowned apartment hotel. amid surroundings un rivalled along the North Shore. Where every modern improvement has been inbuilt to assure your comfort and h appiness. Where all the trifles that make perfection attain that perfection which is no trifle. Where every convenience awaits your bidding yet quiet unobtrusive .service prevails. Mr. Walton will be pleased to show you pl ete ness of Georgian suites. the com- er~~~r~nGat;lercoal " ·as sixth in the en- P. J. Marqua Buys $51,000 Itire li st of fifteen, and quite naturally Residence in Winnetka is much elated oyer the r ecognit ion which ha s been accorded his buildingactivities. He has built many homes in \\ ilmette, his activities the past season being confined \'Cry largely to Sn·cntccnth st reet. Letter From Editor Peker In a lette r rccein!d b\· Mr. Gathercoal from Charles G. P~kcr, editor in ch ief of the Building Age an d National Builder, informing him of his success I in their contest, :\Ir. Pekcr say's: I "In our .. ovcml>cr issue you will not ice that your name is includcd as one of the Certificate of 1\Icrit winners in our campaign to find the bc~t se llin g home s in America. "In accordance with this ,,.c arc sending you secure ly packed in a box, j the Cert ifi r<l.tc of ).lerit. awarded to you, and we h~r cwith_ se.ncl you a letter .th e president ot our corporation, Ifr01.n cnt~th_ng you to a life st .th scription to Btuldmg Age and 1\ational Builder." President's Letter I 1 President Frank ).lcycrs in his letter to Mr. Gathc rcoal savs: "It is certainly a di strnction to be one of the \\'inncrs of a Ccrtit1catc of Philip ]. ).farqua, of 200 Xinth stre et, \Yilm cttc, has purcha sed the beautiful new re sidence property at the southeast corner of Elm ancl \Valnut streets, \Yinn ctka, one of tl~c many pretty home:> which R ]·,. Crosll\·, builder, with oi't1ccs at ~GG Center street, \\ 'innctka, has crcctccl the pa . t season alol)g the north shurc. The house just purcha:-;cd b~· :\fr. 1[anpta ,rill not he completed until after the first of the Year. The sa le price was $5 1.000, it is . understood. It is a French type house, of mottled brick, ha\'ing lt\·e scn·ants' quartcrs ;thon~ . A circular ~tairway, an ortagonal stin room and arched openings on the fir~t floor arc o ttt standin~ features in the design. Th maskr bedroom is fifteen by twcnty-fiyc feet, with a dre ssing room ancl indiYidual clothes clo sets. T\\·o of the four bath s arc re cessed in arches. The settinp; of the hotlS' is particularly pleasing, being located on a lot fronti11g· 106 feet on J·:lm street , \\·ith a depth of 12~ feet on \\.almtt, an<: beautiful with ncrgrccns and stone work. Jil.he G{eornian An Address of Distinction Send for illustrated brochure and floor plans of Georgian suites. ...... I HOLLAND BULBS Darwin Cottage, and Early Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissi, Crocuses, etc., of exceptionally fine quality. Order early while assortment is complete. The Mcilvaine Oil Burner ALWAYS SAFE! There is no risk that the McIlvaine will fail to ignite- because its oil flame is always burning. It operates continuously with a steady moderate flame. PEONIES Best varietie~ in strong clumps. PHLOX and IRIS in Vigorous, Field-Grown plants. New and choice sorts. It is planting time now. Send today for our Catalog. '###########################################################· MciLVAINE OIL BuRNER SALES Phone Winn. 147 788 · Elm St. FRANKEN BROTHERS, Inc., Deerfield, Ill. WINNETKA

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