Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 32

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32 · WILMETTE LIFE November 19, 1926 Arden Shore Military Ball Heralds Army-Navy Visitors Dinners for Cadets and Midshipmen to . Begin Festivities By JEAN TEN BROECK. Chicago, and by Chicago we incluc~e its outlying villages along the shore, 1s welcoming the advent of the ArmyNavy game with .a rush of hospitality that will center not only upon the two visiting teams , but upon the men from West Point and Annapolis ·who are coming for the annual combat fought for the first time this season in the Middle \Ve st. This much talked about event one it seems most generally discussed at present, makes the time propitious for the large Military ball at the Hotel Sherman Friday evening, November 26, which still holds the s p o t I i g h t among the early winter events of most universal appeal to all of our villages. Now that plans for the Arden Shore Military ball are nearing completion, many of those interested in the event are turning their attention to the planning of dinner parties preceding the ball, at which cadets and midshipmen will be guests. Miss Sarane Otis is in charge of arrangements for dinner parties for the Army, and Miss Rosemary Gallery for the Navy. Miss .Otis will give a dinner party for twelve and will entertain her guests at the theater before taking them to the ball later in the evening. Miss Gallery is planning a dinner for fourteen in honor of her two cousins from Annapolis who are bringing their 1'oommates and close friends to be guests at the dinner. Mis s Marion Dixon, Mis~ Paula Melius,. Miss Pauline Wolff, Miss Betty Wood and others will be among the dinner hostesses entertaining in honor of the visitors from the Armv and Navy academies. · Posters for the ball, designed and -contributed by Harry Huesser, a talented younR Chicago artist, and executed' in oil by Vincent Colby in a most unique sty.le, are being distributed in ChicaRo and north shore towns and are exciting much favorable comment, we are told. Unusual in treatment, modern as well as artistic, they convey the idea of a miiitary ba1l cleverly, for they give the impression of dancing wooden soldiers, sailon and girls. Miss Carolvn Case of Hubbard Woods has been active in the placing of these unique posters along the north shore. Mrs. Arthur Farwell Tuttle of Lake Forest, formerly of Winnetka, is president of the Arden Shore a5sociation, while Mrs. Lloyda Smith Shaw is the chairman of the Chicago committee which is giving the ball. Take Part i,; Sil~er Wedding Ceremony Greenwich Village Atmosphere Will be Feature of Bazaar Greenwich Village 'is being transported to Evanston by the faculty of the National Kindergarten and Elementary coll ege on the occasion of . the. bazaar which it s member. are hol(~lllg 111 Harri son hall on Friday evemng, December 3, and all day Saturday, D ecember 4. . The streets of the village, as laiu out in the gymnasium. will he gay . with shops of every description-the " Bowl and Jug Shop" with its bright colored pottery; the "Bit 'o Brass" Shop; the Junk Shop, with an interesting display of antiques, curios, odds and ends, and anything unu sual ; the "Ready to Use" shop, ,.,.here everything- from beads to pot holders will be sold-these ar e a few of the Village shops. In addition to the shops there is to be an encampment of gypsy fortune tellers, a fascinating Puppet show, a magic train for the children and a Plantation tea room, · complete with minstrels, pancake~ ~nd coffee. A card party room, with prizes for each table, and a well polished dime dance floor have also been arlded to the list of attractions which promise to make the bazaar an extremely popular one. Miss Laura Hooper is chairman of the Greenwich Village bazaar, the proceeds of which are to be turned over to the building and equipment fund of the colleg_e._ _ _ _ __ DuBois Photo A large event of the autumn season was the recent twenty-fift~ wedding anniversary celebrated by Mr. and Mr~. Wende1in .P. Seng o~ Wllm<:tte by a church service in the morning and a dmner-dance 111 the evenmg. W1th th,e exception of the four ushers, who are not pictur~,d ~ere, Mr. and ~rs. Seng s children composed their wedding party. The bnde and groom retun~ed to the place of their marriage on their second honeymoon. Name All Atttndants for Mae Meyers Will Wed on Thanksgiving Day Orde-Bradstreet Wedding Entertain for Bride The wedding of Miss Mae Meyers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hem1an Meyers, 835 Park avenue,. and Frank Turskay, son of Mrs. Martm Healy of Evanston, will take place on Thursday, November 25, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at St. Francis Xavier church in Wilmette. The Rev. Bernard Brady will officiate at the ceremony. Miss Sue Meyers, sister of the bride, will be the maid of honor, and Mis s Cecelia Meyers, also a sister of the bride, and Mrs. Andrew Murray, sister of the groom, will be bridesmaids. Lawrence Nugent of EvamtQn will serve as Mr. Turskay's best man. The ushers are to be ·Andrew and Leslie Murrav of Evanston and Claude Petello o.f Chicago. A reception at the bride's home will follow the . ceremony. The bride and groom will go south for a week, and on their return will make their temporary residenc.e at the home of the bride. Miss Margaret Ham i Ito n Orde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Markham B. Orde of 486 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe, has chosen those who will attend her when her marriage to Brownell Bradstreet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. Bradstrcet of 475 Cedar street, \Vinnetka, takes place on Thanksgiving eve. The wedding will take place at the Glencoe Union church at 8 :30 o'clock, the Rev. Douglas Cornell performing the ceremonv assisted bv the Rev. James Austin. Richards of -the \Vinnetka Congregational church. The matron of honor will be Miss Orde's siste_ r, Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, ] r., of 500 Cherry street, Winnetka, and Miss Ruth Holloway is to attend Mis s Orde as maid of honor. Miss Virginia Kaake of Duluth, Minn., who will arrive Tuesday before ·the wedding, and Mrs. Phocion L. Sutherland of \Ninnetka will b~ bridesmaids. The Miss es B tan c he and Peggy Hoyt, nieces of the bride, will be flower girls. Mr. Bradstreet has asked Frederick Stanley Fried of New York City to act as best man, and the list of ushers includes Donald F. Setter of Buffalo, N. Y .. Graham Fitch of Kenilworth, Phocion L. Sutherland of Winnetka, John Traxler of Chicago, N. Landon Hoyt, Jr., and Markham B. Orde, Jr. Following the ceremony there will be a J_"eception at the bride's home. Miss Alice Catherine Mills of Glen coe entertained Thursday at a lunch eon, bridge, and handkerchief shower in honor of Miss M~rgaret Orde, whose marriage to Brownell Bradstreet is to take place on Wednesday, November 24. Eight school friends of Miss Orde were prese nt at Miss Ruth Mills' luncheon, bridge, and lingerie shower given Monday in honor of Miss Orde at the Mills home, 790 Sheridan road, Glencoe. Charity Ball Next week Gala Event in Wilmette Friday evening, November 26, occa sio.ns a festive eve!lt in Wilmette, the Charity ball the philanthropy department of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette is giving at the Ouilmette Country club. Mrs. Frank J. Oelerich, president of the club, will lead the Grand march, assisted by Mrs. Samuel H. Moore. The hall committee is as follows: Mrs. George E. Ludwig, chairman: Miss Gertrupe Ketchum, and Mesdames G. E. Fouts, E. ]. McArdle, B. M. Conley, J. E. Dempsey, Carl S. Schroeder, H. J. Naper, H . H. McDermott, R C. Ross, James F. Byrnes, Henry Schmidt, F. ]. &!tinger, Theodore Adams, A. F. Reichmann, A. Boylston, L. H. Sherwin, T. Tarleton, and C. C. Wieland. Club Bazaar Saturday Special Plans Made to Attract Children at Sale Special attractions for children will feature the Christma5 bazaar given by members of the Associated guild! of St. Augustine's Episcopal church all day Wednesday, December 1. There will be popcorn balls, ever popular in the heart of a child, and a grab bag in charge of Mrs. Borden. Miss Hilliker's seventh grade boys are also busy accumulating articles for their grab bag, and the Miss Nora Palmer's seventh grade girls are working on a booth of their own. A turkey dinner will be served in the clubhouse the night of the bazaar at 6 and 7 o'clock promptly. The North Shore Community club will give a bazaar and supper tomorrow at the Pythian hall, 610 Davis stree.t, Evanston. Cards, bunco and dancing are on the program for the evening. The hours for the bazaar are from 1 o'clock to 12, and for the supper, 5 o'clock to 7. The proceeds from the day are to go to the Protestant Children'! home. A large number of members from Wilmette, \Vinnetka and Betrothal Announced Another Northwestern university enGlencoe are expected to attend the gagement is that of Miss Ruth Lydell bazaar. Hahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Hahn of Steeleville', III., and Mrs. ]. B. Boddie and Mrs. Carl Dr. Clarence Foote Stearns, son of Renneckar, representing the committee Dr. and Mrs. William Marion Stearns on friendly co-operation with ex-serv- of Ev~nston, formerly of Kenilworth. ice me.n of the Woman's club of WilMiss Hahn is a senior in the School mette, went to Great Lakes this week of Speech and a member of the Omega to work out the plans for the Thanks- Upsilon sorority. Dr. Stearns is a giving party which the Woman's aux- graduate of the dental school and a iliarv of the Am~rican Legion gives member of the Delta Sigma Delta each year for its unit, Sixteen North. fraternity. Auxiliarq Party Tonight Mrs. J. B. Boddie is hostess at the card party which the Woman's auxiliary of the American Legion, Wilmette Post 46, is giving tonight at her home at 1621 Forest avenue at 8 o'clock. The members, legionnaires, and their friends will be guests at the affair. This party is one of a se.r ies of such entertainments which are being given throughout the winter season in order to develop better acquaintance within the memberships of the auxiliary and the legion, and among their friends.

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