Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 19

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November 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 19 Mr. and Mrs. ]. F .. Comee of 1612 Forest avenue attended the luncheon given by the officers of the Union League club this week in honor of Queen Marie of Roumania. Winning Team Not ' the press, ~nd the Chicago Moto_r _club In commenting on the condition of ~oupled ~lth support of the c1t1:ens the highways in Cook county prior to 1t1 the vartous towns, has resu~ted m a Northwestern's spurt to the top of j the speed trap campaiO'n Charles M . thorough cleanup of the htghways. the conference football h eap this fall H 'd t f t' ~ 'h ' M I However, here is the condition that did · t 1 fi · Gl ayes, pres1 en o .te tcago ots n o t 1e rst t1me t 1 1at enn exist prior to the campaign· for every Thi stl etlw,raite h~s co~ch~d a winning- to~ c l~tb says_:. . . . 100 per sons in Chicago, five arrests Telephone Wilmette 1147 foot ba ll t eam durtn g ht s etghteen year s . Tht s condttiOn ts shown graphically we re made : for every 100 persons in as l1 ead foothal_l -coach. . 111 a number of charts prepared by th e seventy-eight towns checked, seventeen VETERINARIAN . Th~ . Pu_rple. ~en tor ~dw . ~ ~ '.lOw end- bureau of inquiry of the Chi'ca go Mo- arrests were made; in Chicago, two Spectallztng tn the treatment or mg h ~:-. fitth ) ca r at !\ortll\\ estern, beI of the five arrested out of ever hunyon~~~ta!~ec::, tbe gan coac arrests 1 Y ., - . at Jllin ois ·. coll eO'e ,. , at tor . club. One. chart compares . . \d recl were fi ne d , but .m t h e seventyAll calls reeeln my personal . hin :cr attention Jack om· dlc, 111., hack ~~~ 190R. In \111 tov~' ns o~ts1de of Chtcago w1th ar- eig ht towns, fifteen out of the seve nfo urt een years of coachmg before I rests 111 Chtcago. T he co-operative cf- teen were fined ___________:_~~t~OO~O~B~I~dg~e~A~T~e~.~~~W~I~Im~e~tt~e,~II~l.~~ con1i1tg to ~orth\vc ste rtl hi s teatns \VOn ~-----·------------~---------~· eighty -nine g-ames. los t ~ ixtcen an(l tied two. T eam~ coac hed hy Thist leth\\':-tite have participa ted in 145 game~. Out .o f this number 109 ,,.,-e re won, thirty-three lo."t and t hrce tied. Coach Thi stleth,,·aite came to ~orth wcstern in 1922 after tl1 e Purple emerg-ed from a eli . astrnns sea~nn in 1921. In his flrc;;t year the tl'am \\'Oil three game:'. l(l st iour and tied one. In the :-econd ye<tr \\'ith a team compo:-cd i larg\·ly <·i 1H. ,.,- men the goin~ was 1 hard ancl the team \\·on on ly t\\·o out I of l'ight games. . _ . In 1CJ24. lw \H'\·er. the Pu.rplv lH:~an to hit ih :--tri(le and in a great game 1 I held Chicag() 3 to 0 a nd lo . . t to :\ ()trl' Dante \ four hor sl'llll' ll 13 to f>. In ·t l~c latter g;tmc tht· \\' ild cah ga ye the fatnou:-- Tri ~ h elen~ n the hanh:....t ~- :1!11( 1 it had rt111 into during the :-ca~n11. 1 l . a~t ,·e ar further succc~, can1c · !\orth\n.-stnn'..; ,,.a,·. Coach Thi stkth\\· ait~.· brnught hi.- team thr:~w. .:h a hard -,cht·dule ,,·ith -.ix ,· irtnril'~ and ~ ~-' tw o defeat:-;. \f ichig·an. coninc.:ill'c.: challlp:'. \\Tre rkil';ttrcl 3 to 2 and ~~llrL' D;tme ,,·a :; held to a 13 t11 10 T hi.... ~ t' a:-- on w it h ~ t i11 one 1111 liT g·a 111 e to go thl' Purple ha:-. ,,·on :--i:'\ and l :;t one. \: otre Dam e again prm·l'd the ncme~is 0f thL \\'i ld cats thi~ time \\'inning out in the final lll1ll11l'llt..: 11i a thrilling- :; trugglc. () tn 0. Iowa i~ met Saturda,· at Tn\\·a ~ · it,· in the: final g·ame of .th e sea~on. .\ vict ory onr th e Ha\\'ktye :; \\·il l gin.! 1 ~ the \Yil dcats a perfec t ccJnierence ..;easoll, an acro mpli:-hment \Yhich ha..; neYer been obtained hy a XortlnH ~tcrn team. New for Purple's Suburb Traffic Arrests Exceed Those in Chicago fort of the State's attorney's office, Sad-Faced Mentor ' I c' DR. fRANK B. ERWIN I A MOST DELICATE -FOOD Until latelyt ice cream was called a confection but of recent years its food value has been recognized and its status has been changed accord.:. ingly. Tensely Drainatic is the tragedy of failing eye-sight. Good eyesight, recovered by the aid of correctly fitted glasses is R o m a n c e dramatized. Early examination by skilled experts may avert the tragedy. EXCEL ICE CREAM is indeed a delicate and nourishing food because it is made from the. very best ingredients. There is no experiment attached to buying EXCEL ICE CREAMt it is an established quality. EXCEL is the best not'because we say sot but because it has proven itself in the finest homes and clubs on the North Shore, where it is being served day after day and year after year. Avail yourself of this service we offer while there is yet time. Phone for an appointment Drs. EXCEL ICE CREAM CO. .Incorporated B,e rsch & Stone Optometrists 1 177 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette 1566 ELMWOOD AVE., EVANSTON Phones: - Office Wilmette 1766 Res. Wilmette 3 8 8 1 Wilmette 3160 - University 3087 Hrs. B:3o A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Evenings by Appointment ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llillllllllllllll l. illl lllll'lllllllll llllll llllllllllllllllllllllll ll lll llllllllllllllll llll llllllllllllll lll lllllllllllll l llltlllll llll l lllllllllllll lllllllll l lllllll llllll lllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;:

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