Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE Miss Marjorie Day, 1233 Elmwood LIFE November 19, 1926 Maltlple Eledrolysls Is the only perman· avenue, is tnt . ertaining her club this eat aad sate way of removing snpertlnons hair. · afternoon at luncheon and bridge. tast Stevens Bldg. Myrtle H. Gulbrandson -o- Christian Science Churches · "Mortals and Immortals" was the subject of the Lessc,n-S_crm.on in all Churches of Christ, Sc1enhsts, Sundam·, !\oYemhcr 14. Tile Golclen Text \\'as from Rcvclation 21 :7. "He that overcometh sha.ll inherit all . thing~: and I will he hls Go(l. all(! J,e ~hall be m'.· son." Amon!!· tl~ e citations which comprised tile Les:-;on-Sermon wa s the fol1owi 11g from the Bihle: "But as 1t 15 written. Y.": ·c hath not see n, nor car heard, neith er han· entered into the heart of man. tl1c things which God hath orepared for thun that love him. But Cod hath re\·talc<l them unto us J)\· hi s S1>irit: for the Spirit sca rcheth f G 1 all things, ~·ea. the deep things ~> O< · For what man knl\\'eth the things of a man .. aYe the . piri t of man which is in him? eYen . o the things of God knoweth no man. hut the Spirit of God. :!'\ow we haYe received. not o f t I1e spirit of t h world. hut the spirit whic h is of God: that " ·e might kn ow the things that are freely given to us o f STUDENTS HEAR ABOUT LAWS OF IMMIGRATION Expert of Immigrants' Protective· League Also Talks of Aid for Newcomers .-\.n interesting addre. s on the subject (li the immigration and natura~ization la\\'~ of the Cnited States, the1r content and effects-good an(l b~d-w~. -h , cl !<ri\·en ]l,· '[ ·' r s. K enne tl 1 F . }"> \.It.: ~ector th.c Immigrants' Protect~ve .. ltagtl e. before the students of the ~a tiona! Kindergarten and Elementary college Ja-;t Thursday. Following the l>riei introductil:n. to 1~ure.aus o~ 1mthe pt·rsClnnel oi t 1 H:' migTation an<l natur;\l!zat1o1.1 ot · the Dt>J)artmC'nt of T._ahor . . "~lm· h . have cha.rge of the l!uh 11c af1m1nlstr_~ t10n o f th ese la\\'s. and to the local nthcer::. of the hurcau. ).frs . Rich . aid that in :-.pite of the mistaken idea of many people t t to thl· cnntrary. t 1 lere are a prc ~en m~lll\' immigrant:-; . coming into th~ ·com,-tn· and many immigrant proh 1c_·m~ · 1 1 to he met. "A great many peep e lee that at · l)rtscnt there is no immign tion. hut this is simply because t h ey Phone state 236:' The "peony king" of the United 17 N. State Street, Chicago States is Leo Gould of Iroquois -county, Illinois. oi li 1636 Orrington Avenue, EVANSTON I Whether you do y~u:r Christmas Shopping Early or Late you'll find it worth while to go to our E'Yanston Shop ALMOST "to your door" we have brought the same service-the same carefully selected merchandise and the same uniformly reasonable prices as at our downtown store. The convenience of "shopping at home" is a privilege which can be enjoyc d by residents of the North Shore. G~~\·;e (I ~~~~~~~-:~~~~~~n also included the following pas-;ages from the Christian Science textbook, "S·c ience and Health with Kev to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker · Ecicl~·: "The harmony and immortality of man are intact. We should look away from the opposite supposition that man is created materially, and turn our gaze to the spiritual record of creation, to that which should he engraYecl on the understanding and heart 'with the point of a diamond' and the pen of an angel" (p. 521 ). A walk or a short drive hrings you to ottr Evanston Branch with its varied and inleresting array of Christmas Gifts. SPAULDING & Co. Jeweiers CHICAGO~ PARIS and 163 6 Orrington Avenue, Evanstori New Cream Top Milk'Comes from Tubercular· tested cows. Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our D1·ivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029. Greenleaf 820. ue per qaart i.~.~.......!~~:::~n:.!:!:!!:~=~:::!~~~~~~~~.~::!...~~·~~##~# remember the time when immigrant s came in hv the millions a·Hl since the pas . ing o( the quota laws in l921 this ha:; decrea sed to between 290.000 ancl 706,000 a year. "These immigrants came !o. America bee a use of political and rellg10us persccutions-the same reason that our o\\·n ancestors came. whether they happened to catch the 1layflower or s0me later boat,"' said Mrs . Rich. "And hecause of economic conditions they were 1 recci\·ecl with open hands." League Aids Immigrants Invite Lutherans to In telling of the ongm and work · f Ch h of the Immigrants' ProtectiYc leag.ue, . DedIcatlon 0 urc Mrs. Ri'Ch explained that "the locat1ng Members of St. John's Lutheran of re1ati\'CS and friends from the tat church have been especially invited to I tered incomplete or illegible addrt!-~ St'" atte~1d . services attendant upon the j carri~d by the immigrants is often Ycry Lutheran difficult and in the past many persom decllcatwn of Immanuel church at Glenviev..· Sunc~ay, N_ovem- were ready to exploit the ignoranc~ .of her 28. Clergymen promment 1n the the new arrival. )..[any commun1tH. '" Lutheran synods of Illinois and Wis- failed to realize the necessity of pro~ons!n .will participate in the ccremon- tecting the immigrant upon his arrival 1es·, It ts announced. in a ne\v countrv. hut Chicag0 <hd recognize this and established a center BUY GARAGE BUSINESS of distribution and the Immi~rant s' C. T. Bond and Son of Evanston Protective league. through which an h~ve purchased tl~e business of the account is kept of persOllS who arrive Lmden Crest garage on Linden avenue I and their destination. and when nece snear Fourth street from H. McClain. san an officer of the organization acA. Roden kirk will continue to operate co 1 ~1panies them to their destination. the re~ai: department of the estab lish"The process of immigration ha s be ment, It IS announced. come so inYoh·ed with documents, pa ssport s and other · papers," said ~r rs . The Daughters of the King will have Rich, "that it is extremely difficult for tl1eir annual Thanksgiving Pound par- an immigrant to comply with all _the tv at Chasr Ho 1 1"<'. 211 South Ashland regulations. and the leagu e as:>1 sts boulevard. November 20, at 3 o'clot:k. many of them in solving their prob The monthly meeting of the organiza- lems, in reuniting families, etc. tion will he held ~ron clay afternoon, Cites Immigration Laws November 22, at 2 o'clock in the llio1Irs. Rich told of a few of the man y cesan room" in the Tmn·r huildin.t! Chicago. t'he Rev. En\'in Goddard ~f immigration la\";s which have bern passed during the period since 1~B2, La Grange will he the speaker. particularlv of the law of 1917 wh1ch 0 ).f rmher-: of tl; fancv \York 1 tl lists hetw~en t\nnty and thirt~· . ex_ . . · )OO 15 eluded classes of persons-tcltots. wor k lllg for thr Chnstmas bazaar to ·n'·t t t, ho nnnot he given a·t St. Att(Tustine's Parish ~agr~nt: 't \ \ eral ~s, e c.-;-w "In< 19?1 1111 1 House Decem her 1. will have an e~c- ;le ac ~ ec 1 t \s ·~~th~dy.a limit . ~ 0 n ing SC'\Ying meetin ~1 011 ct , 1 lle quo a a w es a IS · g · a' at t lC the number of persons who could he ~~Ill" rof .~r n. Clare nrc ).f. Puhlman. admitted to a certain percentage of '·-3 \\ ~_shtnrr i nn avr.m1c:. The~· met all the population of each countr~·. In· rb,'· \\ ednrsday \\'tth ).frs. Lester 1924 this percentage \\'as placed at 2'/o \\ nod nf Er;1mton. formerly of \Vii- and certain other quotas were e:-'tabmette. lishccl." -oThe jorm ancl formula of taking- nut ~fr-:. E. S Yomwhrrg, 1503 L"ke first and econd citizenship paper" \\"<lS a\'cmte, and ).fr'. A. John-;r)J], 171 For- explained and )..Irs. Rich told of the rst a"<'ntH' . rrtmnrrl on Novtmher S, complications. often serious. sometimrs from S\\'eclrn. wherr thrY hart been for amusing. which have arisen throu~h sneral months visiting friends and the many recent changes in boundancs rrhtin'" in r. nt hePhurg, Stockl1olm. and rulers in Eur.o pe, which are most r~nrl Kalmar. ~frs. Younghrrg lrft in confusing to the immigrant who freTune 1or her trip, and Mr. John son in quently renounces allegiances to the August. wrong country or the wrong ruler. 'I I I ° I

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