Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE November 19. 1926 English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh ·william Gui se, pastor Services f or November ~~: . ., .· "The l\Iarriage of tlw h .mg s Son ". 1 ~ 1 be the th e mf' of the nws:o;ag ' ~t th e ~~: ' EXPECT 100 BOYS AT FOOTBALL CONTEST Recreation Board S p o n s or s Event for Younger Boys to Be Held Saturday Night ice of worship. 'J'llis parablt' IS th e sixlh of a seri es on the Paral~IL-s o( . J:~u.s. Fri(·nds a r e cordially inY,Ited to " ot shtp w ith o r congregation. Have Carbon Removed Carbon absorbs gas tn winter and causes your valves to be sticky. Valves Reground The sutnmer temperature has warped your valves, but with our equipment, :we can replace and reseat them to 100 (; ~ efficiency, at no added cost. Miller & Miller "Equipment equals Maintenance" Repair Dept. of Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th Street Phone Wil. .636 · Due to a heavy rainfall last Saturday night, on ly tv;enty-five boys were so ns in all th·partnwnts. in attendance at th e g-rannnar . chool 'l'IH' Lutlwr h'agup will mN·t Friclay football conte . ts . which arc being· conl'Yt· ninp; of thi s w Pk at th,, honw of ,~rr. ducted b\' · the Playground and Hccr ,_ ~··ott Smith, JL, tiO::i Sixth str 'L'~· . llH' ation ho;\rd for the boys under ftftc cn Iyoung ]ll' Ople of ~~~ ]~:Hi~h :tl'l.! tl~\· ttt ·<L years of age. Q,·cr a hundred arc t xTht' .Juninr r h o1 r will m· ···t fnt r· ·- J)C-ctcd to be presen.t when the ~on lwa t·s:tl Sntunlay at 1 ::30 o'c lock. tests arc re sumed th1s Saturday ntght. A rather important change ha s hl'l'H 'l'h ·· .\ ut11mn Ft'llnwsllip tli_ ntwr was <ttlo ·n<Jt-<1 l·r :1 Jan.!t' 11tll11ht·!' od ll1t'll1ht ·J'S 111 ad e in t h c r ttlc s , 1> y t h ~ o fli c i a]..; i n a n<1 rri··nds . l :, ·\·. Orl:t nd ·· J ng·\·(l ]d s t ad, charge. Fach contestant will he alDt>an of tllP t hkt~g· o Lutlwran l:il_llt · schonl. clt ·Ji\·,·J't ·<l n mo~t h\·lpful ;~n<l m- Jo,ye.cl tweln~ chances in each cnn t I ~pi ring· acltlrt·~~. nur l~t·arty thanks. n_r and his score ,,. ill he cld crmi ned h y t·Xlt·lld·· tl to tilt · r'lltllmitlt'l', to tlw ::\It~ makin g a total of pc,ints earner! in the si"nan· "' H·id~· and all \\'hi · ht·lpvd to trials. This will rl'plarl' the olrl rtil ing lll:ll\ (' l ht· llt't'<I S it1!1 "tl Slll'l.'l'SS(l!J. allcnrin<r onh· one chancv and elin1in atin "" t~ contc.;tant 011 Llilun·. O!'li com mittee Ponders Bids cial~.. , consider this a fairn 11lcan s ·of I for "Stop-Go" Signals determining· the mo-,t Ycr~atile fuotl ,:tll Three hicls for the installation of player in the Yillagc. "~top and g·o" signaL at the Lake ancl 1 Tl,c thrl'C CYcnts srhedtlled ttt~d ·r Ridge an-nuc interscctiun \n:rc rc- the pre~cnt :1rrang~mcnt are: the torcciYc(l bY the Yillagc hoard '1 uc :; day ward-pa ss , drop-ktck. and th e put necatt:,e of a (l)ll"irlrrahlc Tn tllC pas ~ ing conte st. the hoy w ill Ie\·cninr:;.yarian~c in the lig-tm.: s rccciHd. the pass the hall through a ~ ix fo()t hnnp tnt. tees requested 't he bids he reierrcl from the IS yarcl mark, and \\·ill IT back to the Street:; and :\!ley ~ cotn- cciYc t\\·o point.;; for rach . ucc< ·-.~ill mittrr, John F. \\'ic dl in, rhair111an, for attl'I11Pt. I~1 the dr n 1~- kick. hy nHbt the purpose of hl'lter iamiliarizing the kick goa l lrclln ~h e ~-1 yard l111c and hoard at its next meeting, \rith the co ·t is gin·n three potnh tor each :, uc rL·~-: Io f mat c ria Is an cl the i 11 s t a 11 at ion of the f ul at t c 111 pt. T h c p u t1 t is i rom t h c 20 signa ls. yard line , ach kick goi ng O\'Cr the goa l lin e co untin g one point. A per fect score i..; scHnty-twn point:; :uul THANKSGIVING BREAKFAST A Thank :--gi ,·in g Drrakia:--t :c n·icc j.:; the hc'l\' \Yith thl' larg-est ~core will lH' to he held Thank:-;g i,·i ng Day morntllg declared champion oi· the vilbgc. The next of tlH':--c cYcnh i:; :;rhedult·tl ior at 7:30 o'clock ;tt the F i r~t Prc:--by- Saturday night at th~ vill;u2;e grn·n Iterian church. and \\·ill ~ tart at 9 o'clnck :harp. Bible schoo l at !l :~;; . ::Hr. A. D. c:a_sh, superin h'ndt' nL X<·W :o;<· ll nlars ar c \\ c lro mt to our sC'llon l " ·hi<'h has gr:\Ck!l It'S- ... IN WHITE ELK .SMOKED ELK PATENT <Hi~Archa Shoe Happy'Feet! -and they'll stay happy, if Nature gets a chance! That's why children's specialists pre· scribe Simplex Flexie!'! They keep the little foot squarelv on the ground, so the legs can't bow in or out. They give the toes room. Soles are so pliable you can bend them with the fingers. Glovesmooth linings-no wrinkles or rough seams to hurt. And we're as careful in fit. ting them as the manufac· turer is in making them, . Sizes Misses' and Women's Sizes 3 to 5 .·.· $2.65 $2.85 Sizes 5 r ~ to 8 .. Come in and let us show you this splendid . shoe. Bo ys' Congo Elk with Moccasin Toe $5.oo to $7.25 Simplex Oxfords Tan or Black Calf, Cross Eyelets, Welt Soles, at Ss.so and 8 ;_,~ to II .... ... ·$].25 O rhers with waterproof soles, sizes 8 )12 to 1 1 at$ J .50 .)implex Girls' Simplex Oxfords Beautiful Brown or Black Calfskin or two-toned patent leathers; 1 I 0 to 2 at $4.25 and ..·..·..... · · · · · · · · · $5.25 Patent leather. 4 -eyelet tie, medium heel Vltexies KHP YOUNG fHT YOUNG HOFFMANN BROTHERS .· 1716 Wilmette Avenue, at Ridge Road Telephone Wilmette 651 WILMETTE

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