Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 1

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'"-. WTLM ETTE \\'ILMETTE, ILLINOIS~ 1 LIFE k l1 I·~ A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth SEPTEMBER 2-t, 1926 F I V E CENT .S .· BISHOP HUGHES OPENS . SUNDAY CLUB ·SEASON Twelfth Year of Wilmette Sunday Evening Club to Be Formally Qpened October 3 Thl· t\Yelith season of the \\'i lnlctte Sunday F.vening club \\'ill !Je inaug-urated ~unday. October 3. \\·hen Bishop F (hdn Holt Hughes, of the Chicago .\rt·a of the \IL·t h o cli ~t Episcopal church . \\·ill be the :' JH:akcr. \\·. Frank Aids U.S. Attorne.Y GIVE P. T. A. OBJECTS Central-Laurel Auociation Also Announces First Autumn Meeting for Tuesday, October 12 LAND OWNERS PROTEST GLENVIEW WATER PLAN Proposed Extension of Water The first meeting of tbe seaso n of Mains Into Newly Annexed Territory Brings Protests t~c Central-l-1-lurel Parent-Teacher · The matter of extending \\'ater mains by the Village of Glenview through the territon· recentlY annexed to that village east. of \Vag.ner road, was occasion for an exceedingly warm session oi the \ 'illage board of that community at it , last meeting, but at 1 1 which time the board voted the im... : . ' provement. de spite the protest of 154 c l;;lirman oi the meeting. .·.· this week comtllented as follows to a land-owners \\·ho had signed a peti" \\.t· art: enttring up on ,,·hat i-. cerrcpresentati\·l· of \\'i lmdte Life: tion and so me nf whom appeared in :aitt t11 l>e the hc:-t -,ca:-;o tt in the hi ~":\nyone wh o ha:' become aware of person before the board. · t.,r,· 11i tltt ~unda,· · l·:n:nin!.!. club." the g ulf that exists hct\\'ctn our The large area of ;,Ubdivided terriI ~<· ,irknt :\lcl'ltm: ·in inrml'cl \\-tl. " ETTE knowled.~· e oi the youpg. and our tor\' at the extreme east section of the l.tFF t!Ji.., \\Tek. ' in ;ulttlll111Cing the practic e in the care. training- and ed- rec.entl~ annexed territory and lying t·pt·ni ng mt·l·tint.:· 011 Oct ~,hl'r 3. "Our ... ·%,. ucati on ni children. will appreciate along the new Skokie \T aile\· line of prr,t.:rattl ior the t'lltin· :-ea::-on ltas tlte importance oi a program de signed the Chicago, :\orth Shore and Mill·t··:tt ,·irtually rompltted anrl the p;tto organize. interpret. and apply ,,·hat waukee Electric railroad and the t r1 111-. C>i the cluh '"ill he p!t:a:-ecl tn ha:-; been or is being establi shed re- Chicago :\orth \\.estern railroad, is kartt that L'Hry meeting promisL·~ a garclin~· the requirements for so und occa:-;ion for the urgent demand for \\calth ui itttnest ancl g'enuinc worth. physical. intellectual, :-;ocial and moral the extension of water main s at this \\ 'e :trl· p:trticul~rly fnrtunatL· in h:L,·den·lnpment . tim e. Ho\Ye\·er. there are vast farm ·: tL:· l~i-h1 · .p I lu g hl·..,. one <·t · our 0\\'11 "Therefore. the ohjecb of the Par- area . lying between the far eastern and newh· ~ubdiYided sections and the . dt :-- ti'tt:_:ui~lH·d citizen:-;. a~ th1.· spt'aker ent-Tt'acller as:-;ociations are ·: i"r t1H' t'1r~t ~.:n·ning- and T can c11n"t 1 l To promote \\·elfarc in home, old east limits ·of the Village of Glenc:n l ' oi nr, 1111 ,n· propitimh openim!. 1 school. church and coJnmunit\': to view, through which the improvements 11i. r·tw t\n·litlt ye:-tr of sen·ice in the i rai:-.1.' the standards of home li-fe: to must pa ss in order to reach the newly l'I)JJ1 llltlllity. secu re more adequate la\\'s for the developed territory, \\·here the 0\\-·ners Name General Committee , HopL' ThonlJbOil , 1210 A.-.hland ~n'- care and protection of women and chii- claim the\· do not need the citv water at this titl1e and the extension which T ile ~~.·nna l comniittee of the club. i lllll.', \\' ilmctH.-. \\'ell knm\'tt Chicago dn.·n. t· n·tt·d h . . t sprin!.{ at the clo:'e oi the , atto rney and candidate for state's at"(2l To bring- ~1to closer relatio n would be an unnecessan· burden to l'I!S -!t, l'luh se~so n. is rumpri:-;ed oi i torney a fe\\· ~·cars ago, has been ap- ..the !tome and t i1e sc hool. that parents them. Includes Forest Preserve t!tt · iollr·\\ in~ north ~bore resident-\: pt1intecl chiet assi:-.tant to l ' niteil and teachers may co-operate intelliA section the Forest Preserve is 1:. F . . \ffl1 ·t·k. ti:t-t Lin1 · ~>ln a\'t·nu··. , ~tatt:S Di:-.trict Att nrne \· Ed\Yin A. gently in the training- of the child; to \\-illlidka: K .\ndt·J'sOll, 11 :?:J El!ll\\'llllil I ( >1 itt l'hicagn. I Ie succeed:-; Jol1n Ide\·elop between educators and the included in the acreage affected, hut ;1\I'I! U· ·. \\' ilrm· [I': Otto nat·n.-tt. t;'-:1 1 .....un ,,.!J(I resignl'd . . :\lr . . g· ~neral pub_lic such uni_ted effo~ts as it is said this \\'ill not come in for its 1:.r····nl·· ::r :t\··nu.·. <:11-nt ·.,, · : · ~ . <' . .l.~t·n n..tt. ! .l·:lho:t B~Tn~.·. 1 .r·.··t·ll\\'(/(!(1 <W··r~w·, \\ 1lm..tt<·: 1 l lt.mql:-.!ltt ha-. been a member ot the I \\ ' Ill ;o;ccurl· tor e\· cr~· chlld the h1ghest share oi the expense oi the improveJ.. :.!I ll;xr~lll 1 h:qunan , !too hlnl\:ood :I\'\' 11 U"· lllilt Oi~ h· 1r i1l!' lllor· tlnn t\\'l'tJt\' · ach· anta·)' L'~ in J)ll\·.;;ical lll ' nt·l 111oral ments. the cost of \\'hich it is said will \\ !lnt··lt··: II. c; . ('lark, 1::1 , t :r· ···n wt·r·ll I ' .t: ' · ."'. · · . · c.: a· be ~2J5 per foot for short depth front:1\·· ttll· ·. \\' ilm..tt.-: l'r11f. F. 1·:. 1'krl.;, 'i·i :: , _\'t.'ar-.. and sp irltual l'ducatron. "\\'e kno\\· all \\·ant the:-e ,·cry age nn Glem·ie\v road and a cost of \·,· rrH·n :t\··ntlt'. t:J,·rH ·~ ·· ·: ·! · :-:. t'lin·· . ::11 1 , $214 per acre for the remainder of such I l!!ll!lltl' l'":i d, (\', ·niJwo,ll'lh; ff, ·t'(lll' l111dd :<. thing · fnr th , ch'll , 1 , 1 . , 7:.:" I ·r:liri· · :I\ t·II\It', \\'ilrn··i ll' :. \\'illialll 1 Tenth Street Paving ' :. t: I ( rt: : dlH ·" e can tract:' . In some cases it was pointed J·: !li-. . '-::.! :: t:r· ···ll\\""'d a,·,·nll··. \\'ilml'\ 1·· : . best get them hy :-l'ttmg astde that out. tli:lt this intpron.> ment would co ~ t 11 ·· !1!',\' l·' .. wlt·l' .. 1tt.l-l FCII'I ·~ t,_:l\t'IHI· ·. \\'i~- 1 Project Again Delayed regular Tl1L'ding- date ni the P. T. A . . ome iann owner:-; along the route, 111 "' 1 ··: I'· .\1. 1.a lilt·, .Jr .. st,. \all· ·'· r"ao. ' ni \'Ot'r ·cltool ' l · ·1 ch · a I tl l ;:.·!lt'tl(': .) . n. llal'Pl' l', 'j] !l P;!l'li: :'l\' 1'!1llt ·, I The lllatkr t)i p;n·ing '!\·nth -.trel't. - ·. :.. . . :- . . ~ C c c l n;on l arnuncl S3.000. . \\' ilrn··tt ·· : .·.<:. T . n··llrnuth, 1111~. F1·n·:-t : nnnh o i Che:-;rnut. \\'hich ha:-; been he- you \\'tll g tn'. to the support nt the Their contention i~ that the\' are not :·\·· tltP ·. \\ lltnl'ltt·: <: . .\1. Huhh:trd. s:::; · i ·' \ "l l · · schnoJ.; and 1ntert:.'"tcd enrnuragment de:-;irou:-; of subdividing thei~ farms: ) ( "J ,·Il l'"" '· ~,· · · nu·· · lli .., " hhnd l'·t rl·. F l' ' .··rt.' t Ie I age 1 )oar<1 tor -ollie tnnc. . ' · ~ · ·· ·· · 1 · ·1 · 1 · vour c l11'11 c rl'll ·.: thn· alreach· han~ their ,,·ells and cis.1 ·1rll· ·:-, 1::111 F1·1'··s t a\·t·IIU· ·. \\'ilm..tt· ·: ' \ \: 1:- a~at tl >rtct y rt·tt·rrL'( to at tt..; tn t· l ·:~~\\';ml 1~· · ~\', ·ll ··y, ' . ~tto_.Elm,"·ood aHnut·, ,e,sinn Tm·:-da ~· en·ning. hut no ac-----tert.l:' and f~·el the,· should not he com\\ . ~lml'lt· ·: I·.,. .I . LI ·\I, ':~ 0 l·nr~·st.a\. · nut-. l tinn ,,·a- takl.'ll. Trustt't' Tnhn F. Edward Zt.pf Wt.ns Golf pelled tu go tn this expense in order \\ rllll··lt· ·. 1. . .\1<trttn, 11141J Lim\\'""" .. . . ·. · to han the.? \Vater extended from Glen;,,, . 11 u· ·. \\"ilml'ltt·: \\'. Fmnk .\ll'l'lut···. \\ tec11rn . cllatrman ot tht.> s·rrt·l'ts and :.:l~t t:rii<L(. i\\':1~· . \\"ilmt ·ltt ·: .J. L . .\!ill~. I ;din·, COllllllittee in \Yho:-c hand~ the onors In ort ountry \'ie\\' pro per to the far eastern section 1;::.: 1 Ceorgl· D. \\.hitt.> oi 1101 Green- no\\' being developed since the exten; 1 :n ·.·: rl\\'rl~ .'.'! <~\' t·nu··. \\'ilmt"tt.-: .~I. 1 tna t.tt.·r i~ 110\\' pending, reqlll'"tecl · and ! . . \lull) 1r d, ~ ···· l·.lm \\'~to d a,., ·nut·. \\ 11- ~ · · · .11 ,,. ,,. 111 : 1\o ·- \\·:1 -. L:"rantL·d .mort· tunc. hL·tore makm~ \\·ood a\·enuc. \\'as hn-.t tu :-;ix \\'il- :'ion of the ne\\' rapid tran it ser\'ice r: 1 ,. 1t1 ·: L. F . 0 ,,.,. 11 , 7:!~, 1;r, .1 tlll··. \\' ilnwttt·; A. ::\. l';q..:·~·. :1111 .\:-hlana furt 1Jt.'r rcc0mmendations. mette 1\len at his :o;ummt.?r home at through this section. Their conten:1\ 1· nu· ·. \\'ilml'ltt ·; .\1. t: . ~l.;inn.·r. 7:.! :: Eagle · Rin:r. \\'i:- .. on·r the la .~t \\'C.'ek - tion further i~ that the ne\\'ly sub' 't·rrtral a \'t·nut·, \\"ilml'lt1·: D. l :. ~tilt·:<. I · 11111 Jo'fll't ·S t ;t\'t·IHit·, \\'ilm··ttt· : . D. A . I Communtty Chest ·Answers end. Tite glle:'t:' \\'t:re \\' illiam :\rnold. divided sections =-hould tHovide water ~t·d\t · r . 7~ Ahhotlsfonl road \\'innt'tl·ut ·j C. l'. Carnahan. ]1>htt Hartmann. Hor- . at their own expense. l! . 1;. ~\\'ig-art, 1n::1 A~hland ;1\.t·nu··. \\'it~ Call for Florida Relief ace Jan·i:;. J aml':- :\t·L'dham and EdThreaten Injunction n·· ·tt··: K Thompson, I ::,iti <:t·t·t·It\\'fH ·d I ,, .. , . . \rare) ZiJ)f. The controversy, it i:> said, may re1 'Irl'l··. \\'ilml'ttt·; Cl·orgt· Turnt· t·. ' ]IIJ:· I ht.· \\ Ilmctte ( nmmun1ty Chest tbts ,\:-hland a\-\'llUt'. Wilnwttt· ; K \\'. \\'t·ht·r, \\·n·k contributed $230 tO\\·anl relief 1n Thou~h la:-;t in the alphahetical ar- sult in injunction proceedings. The territon- in di;-;pute het\\'een the ~~~:! 1 't·ntral :t\'t ntlt', \Yilnwttt-; ont· l'l'(>1 l · st · k , t' f rangelllent noted ahtn-t·. :\fr. Zit>f aj)rt·s··ntatin· from (·ach of thl· following· t tl' . ltlrrtl','~ne . nc en . sec IOns ~ 1·r~anizations: 'Voman's Club or \\'it- Flonda. 1he C01lllllUn1t\' C'hrst ts pear:-; first on the cards as winner oi villages of G'tem·ie\\' and \\'ilmette. rndt··: l't·ntral-Laurt·l l'at't·nt-Tt·a dl- \\'ilnldte':' s\·stelll uf unified solicita- the goli C0lllpetition which claimed h ·ing directly east of the tracks is af-. controversy. ;·.r~· : ·~~".~'iation .; I _II>Wat·d-Logan l'an·nt - tion for alt ·recognized charit,· and much oi the parn·\ attention in t the fccted hy the present I ··: ll'ht·rs asso( 'latton. . . ,, ·. · tl l ' · Committees from the two villages are -====:..:::====.;========~I \HI tare a.~enc1es. .I he cnntnhut1on nor 1wooc s country. stil l negotiating disposition of the mati' for Florida relief has bet·n made ter as to which \'illage the disputed ECONOMY SHOP TEA through the American Red Cros · the strip reall~· belongs, final sett lement of Do not forget the date of the official relief agency in all disasters of TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK! which it is said i:-; expected soon. Central Stat\dard time will be reEconomy Shop Tea, October 13. to that character and extent. sumecf thr~ughout the Chicago area l>e held at the \Vilmette \\'oman's SPONSOR CONCERT ENROLLMENT INCREASE Sunday morning, September 26, and duh at 2 o'clock. Come and bring The Woman's Home Missionary soThat Ke\\' Trier High school's enit will he necessary to turn your a ~Itt ior sale at the shop. As \'Ott ciety, northern district. of the Metho\Yill greatly exceed · that of rl)llment time-piece5 back one hour if vou kltO\\', the proceed:-; from the ~a le dist church is sponsoring a popular la=-t ,.<'<lr \Yas indicated h,· :-chool wish to con form vrith the schedu le of the:-;e gifts ;.;o to the building concert by Ambrose We~-rick at Or· authoritie:; this " ·eek. \\.hile. the total of things on Sunda\·. All church fund of the cluh. \\'hile the profit:; chestra hall. Octo her 14. ~lr. vV cyrick. enrollment for the entire pa-;t ,·ear sen·ices' on Sunda\· ·will he in aclmnt the thrift department go to tenor. who is a fa \·orite with music \\·a;; 1.305 the enrollment for the t)rescordance with C~ntral Standard charity. The shop is badly in need lm·ers. will he accompanied hy Albert ent :-emester is alreadY l.-t30. and is time. Turn Your , clock hack one or clothing of all kinds. Heilman. The pro~ram will com· expected to reach 0r e·xceecl 1.500 hehnur upnn retiring Saturday night. -Economy Sl~op Commit tee mence at 8:15 o'clock. ft'rt' next June. ~1u';; ·r:i:,·:·e v,r_c,iit~~~~i:li~t:. :: i~l ~~~"":t,~ : :::~ association \Yill he in the nature of a "g-et -together." sc hedulec! for Tuesda,· e\·cning. October 12. it wa s announce~! thi s week. ?\1 embers and f riencls of til~ organi~ation arc reque sted to keep tht s date Ill mind. Regardin~ the . objects of the Par- ~~r-;l~:cl·tl'll~;:;:ci.:~~~\' oarga~i~~:~:~,: 1 of of 1 < · . H · N hC < ·.

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