Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 42

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··-· WILMETTE Tele····e Wll·ette Df'l VILLAGE OF WILMETTE - --~--- - ... ------ ·- -·-- LIFE . September 24, 19l6 Scripture-"The Invitation of Jesus to tne Chlldren"-Mark 10 :U. DR. FRANK B. ERWIN ~tteelallal. . Ia 7ear ~t Speelal Assessment Notice Wilmette Spec!al Assessment No. 171. IN' THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of Wilmette Avenue from the south curb line of Lake Avenue to the east curb line of Park Avenue, and Central Avenue from the west curb line of Eleve'nth Street to the east curb line of Park Avenue, excepting the right-of-way of the Chicag·o and North Western Railway and excepting the right-of-way of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railway by widening the pavement and paving the additional width with reinforced concrete and otherwise improving the same, al.l in the . Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements, of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, the amount reserved for interest, and that there is the sum of $5,549.18 to be abated in reduction of said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 4th day of October, A. D 1926, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business al the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the frlea.. tile ' "De· - · Cat" .&11 eal.. reeehe ·7 peneaal VETERINARIAN t·e tnat.eat et METHODIST CHURCH HAS Leamin· to Know ,.Jesus ia the Department ANNUAL PROMOTION DAY mary Pri- atteatlea W0t B14ra ATe. WllaeU.. DL Children of Church School to Participate in Special Program Sunday Moming Promotion day will be observed with a fitting program Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in the Wilmette Parish Methodist church. At 9:30 o'clock the pupils of the Sunday school will assemble in their class rooms to prepare for the processional to the church auditorium. After an organ prelude played by George McClay, the entire school will participate in a progran1 of worship, followed by the presentation of promotion certificates, Bibles and gift volumes. In the absence of Thomas H .. West, the church school superintendent, Dr. M. H. Bickham, chairman of the committee of religious education, will preside. E. M. Stafford, the· first ·assisttant superinendent, will present the certificates of promotion and Dr. Gilbert Stansell, minister of the church, the Bibles and gift volumes. ~ Theme: Learning to Know Jesus. Song-"Holy, Holy, Holy" Lord's Prayer , Song-"Story Song About .resus Leamin· to Know Jesus in the Junior Department Hymn-"Fairest Lord Jesu~". Scripture-Laws of the Kmguom Jesus"-Matt. 5 :3-11. Hymn-"0, Jesus Prince of Truth." Life 01 Learnin· to Know Jesus in the Hiab School Department and M. Portenhausel Painting Decorating Estin1ates given '"'ithout obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf AYe. Promotion WILMETTE r···················································~ Establiabtd 18 54 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 7 Z Yean Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals consid~rably 612 Presentation of gradu<tting das::;-B eginners' department, hy l\lrs. Osbourne, superintendent; Primary department, by Mrs. Fuller, superintendent ; Junior department, by l\Iiss Fisher, supenn· dent. Diplomas A warded. Hymn-"Jesus -Shall Reign Where'ei" tb~ Sun." Recessional. Promoted by departmwts: Kindergarten-Barbara Colvin, :\Tadeline Clark, Lois Bennit, Marcia Smith, Alice Varney, Betty Todd, Carl Widney, Tom M'acl\Iorran, Robert Cochran, Junior Matson, Dean Ket>fer, Robert Spiegelhc>.uer. Primary de}>artment-Billy Culver, George Green, Gilbert Stansell, Al:;:tn Henrekson, Billy MacMorran, Theron Smith, Frank Hooper, Ann Olson. :\·t ary Clark Weber, Frances Haskin, Jean Ann Moulding, Mary Jean Lewis, : M ary Ella Waidner, Fern Ahlstrand, :\firiam West, Eleanor Burpee, Gladys Kernston. Junior devartment-Margaret Bkkham. Prelude Virginia Burgess, Pa~nyola Burpet-, Proce~sional Hymn Pr~ yer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Minister Detty Burrows, Vera Gross, Lois Hanna"The PUf))OS~ of the Church School"- walt, !·'Iorence Hoffman, Llewlyn .Tone.s, Marion ~ettl e man, ~ancy Nordorf, Edna The Director of R<'ligious Education. Learning to .Know Jesus in the Begin- Stiles, Theodore Buck, Bradford Fikt>, Robert Fuchs, 'Valter Kawkinson, Jam · s ners' Department Iverson, Paul Jonf's, Royal Martin; WilS<1ng-"This Is God's House" liam 1\forgan, ·w illiam Sherman, Roln·rt Song-"Gentle Jesus Meek and ~lild" Youngberg. I G ...... t ,., Davis St. Phone Unavrrsity <t<t9 Wilmette Oftict Phone Wilmette 3 j 54 CHICAGO Phones Superior 7709-7710 300 E. Erie Sc. --~---·····································---------~ I'REDERICK E. ·LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director 1 '. hearing on sa icl application.. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may aJ)pear on the hearing and mak<' their def enst>. vated, September 16, 1926. EARL E. ORNER JOHN CLARK BAKER ELMER D. BECKER WILFORD W. DeBERARD CLARENCE E. DRAYER PAUL A. HOFFMAN JOHN F. WIEDLIN Board of Local ImprovE-ments of th <' VHlage of Wilmette. l..31-2tc VILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE PLAYING GLENVIEW NINE The Wilmette Athletic association baseball team will journey to Glenview Sunday afternoon, September 26, to engage the stalwarts of that community. Game time will be 3 o·ctock and the local rooters arc urged to accompany their team and shout for the home boys. Special Assessment Notice Wilmette Speelal Assessment No. 16;~. Classified Advertisements (Continued from page ~~) 25 Twenty-two years of successful professional service.' Personally recomn1ended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others whom we have served on the north shore. · \Ve personally attend all call,s, rendering the tnost careful, courteous and conscientious · service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. Private De Luxe Ambulance Service The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it neccessary for us to add to our Limousine Equipment, an Invalid Coath which is the last word in Ambulance Service. Located in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Compfete Our Motto : ·"Golden Rule" MRS. F. E. LEWIS FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Phone Wilmette 35 51. Liulv Atttnd11nt Rtsidtnce Phone Wilmtttt 3 5 51. IN THE MATTER OF THE SPEC'IAL ASSESSMENT of the Villagf' of Wilm ett E' for the improvement of the central ! eighteen (18) feet of the first alley south of Central A venue extE'nding from tlw easterly line of Wilmette Avenu e to thf' westerly line of the right-of-way of the Sanitary District of Chicago (except that portion of the intf'rsections . of Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth StrN>t, Sixth i Street, Seventh Street, Eighth StreE-t. Ninth Street, Tenth Street and Eleventh 1 . Street, between the east and Wf'st line\-:; ' of each of said streets with said all ey, which are already paved) by grading an1l paving with concrete and otht=>rwise improving thf' same. all in the VillagE> of Wilmette. Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all perRonR interested that the Board of Local Improvements, of said Village, has herC'tofore flled in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of thP improvement, the amount reserved for interest. and that there is th0 sum of $7.698.05 to be abated in reduction of said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in Rubstantial conformity to the requirements of the orir?;inal ordinance therefor, anfl has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts statf'd in S!,tid certificate are true. and that saifl court has fixed Monday; the 4th day of October, A. D., 1!l2G, at ten o'clock A. M.. nr as soon therf'aftt>r as the businE-ss of the court will nermit, at the room of said rountv C'ourt in the County Building, in the City of Chil'ag-o, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All pt>rsons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense Dated, SeptPmbt>r 1 f:. 1 926·. EARl~ E. ORNER JOHN CLARK RAKER ET~MF.R D. BECKER WILFORD W. DPBERARD CLARENCE E. DRAYER PATTI~ A. HOFFMAN JOHN F. WIEDLIN Board of J ..ocal Improvements of the Vllla.ge of Wilmette. L51-2tc \\T M. OTTEN Nlason Con tractor rounty Line R<l. 899-Y-4. Tel Highland Pa!"k 2aLT~;j2-ltp ...... . CARPEXTI~R - OE~ERAL O~TJL\('t?r and repairs: remodPiing a SJWClalty. Hugh 'l'aylor, 321 Hamlin St., Greenleaf 1032. 25IA!l-Hp :?!l P .\JX'ITXH A~B JlE('OR.\'fiXG A. P. HILLS PAINTEH AXD DEf'OHATOR Estimates gin·n upon appliC'ation. 1422 'Yilmettc Aw. 'l't>l. '\Vil. 271 S 29L52-tft· 31 H a ,-e your fall cleaning done bv t he l(enil\\·orth Honse Cleaners, all \vork guaranteed RUGS CLEANED, FLOORS W.AXED and varnished, woodwork and wallR washed, window washing and screem; 1aken down, storm windows put up. All kinds of repair work drme. Furnaces taken care of. Have your auto ~ashed and simonized at home. Cook· mg and serving parties by appointment Day work by male and femal~>. Phon.,. Kenilworth l20!l. · 31 LTN52-ltc 32 .. , BUSINESS SER \.J(;l'~ - - - - - FOR SALE PEDIGREED r.~RMAN Police dog, 1 year old. Must sell on account of giving up home Tel. Wilm~tte. 1954. 114 5th street. Wilmette, Illm01s. 32LTN52-1tp FOR ~ALE - VERY FINE PEKINESE puppies from champion stock. 1014 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. 32LTN52-ltc FOR SALE PONY. REASONABLE price: Tel. Glencoe 237. . 3%LTN52-ltc

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