Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 41

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S,eptember 24, 1926 ·wi.LMETTE LIF :E I . 41 COMPLETE SCHEDULES FOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE ~y-four Gra~ar . School T eama in League; Will See Northwestern Games \\"ith a total of t\n~nty-four . teams entered from grammar schools in the village the \\'ilmette Grammar . School Football league was formed last \Vedn~sday evening by. Daniel .M. Davis, dtrector of community recreation. The league is really a combination of four leagues, one each of fifth gr;J.de, sixth grade, seventh grade and eighth grade Loys. ·. Attractive articles made by the Vo-l Charles H. Schweppe, Mrs. Lawrence ceeds being ~ent to sw~ll the amount cational Society for Shut-Ins will be W. Scudder, Mrs. Edward D. Shum- of th~ Morame Hotel fund. on sale Friday October 8, fr~m 10 in Iway, and Mrs. T. E. Wells. Mrs. DangOn October 21, at the home of Mrs. the morning until at night, at the ler's home is one block east of Sheri- I D. H : Burnham, 1335 Asbury avenue, .home of Mrs. David Dangler, 333 May- !dan road. 1 Evanston, another sale will be held, flower av~nue, Lake Forest. . This is Headed by Mrs. James Waller Mar-: the list of patronesses to be announced the first time a sale has heen held in shall, 674 Prospect avenue, Winnetka, later. L~ke Forest, ~ncl those who live no:th! president, this society has become j Mrs. Marshall, the president has. ~Ill he especially benefited by ha\'mg. well-known up and clown the north left Winnetka for a month, arid in 1t clos~. at hand. . I shore. The last sale, held at the Mor- her absence, Mrs. Eric Scudder, of The ltst of patronesses mclude only aine hotel, Highland Park on August Chicago, vice president is presidin·g. Announce Two Sales the following Lake Forest women: 27, ~as reported to be a great success. -· ., ·A · [ · M d b Mrs. Charles Edward Brown, 1r., Mrs., A contemporary sale was con~ucted by 0 rttC es a e .Y John A. Chapman, Mrs. Charles S .. Mrs. Laird BeH of Vvinnetka, at her Shut-/ ns. in October .Frost, Mrs. Ernest A. Hamill, Mrs.' summer c.ottage in Michigan, the pros I I. I In the seventh and <:ighth grade divisions seven teams arc entered three from the Stolp :-chao!, two fr;m the lloward and one each irotn the St. Joseph and St. Franci!'-1 schonb. In the fifth and ~ixth grade~ three teams arc entered frotn the Central and two irom the Howard in each league. · The schedule of games runs until October 15. hy \Yhich tim~.: each tca111 \\·ill han: played once \\·ith c\'en· other team and a champion ~lcclarl~cl. At the close of the schcduk three wcigltt tl·am:-; will 1Jl' urganizcd to con1pctc ,,ith Keni.h\·urth and l·:van -tlln in the :\orth Shore <~ran11nar Sclwol Foothall kague. The tntirt.· program is unckr the direction oi Daniel ~[. Davis, assisted by Duclky C. Stoq~.: and Gll'n Ca tlwrcoal. Attend N. U-Dakota game Arrangement:\ han het.:n made 1}\· Director D;l\·is with :\orth\H·sttrn uni"n·r:--it,· \\·here!}\· tht· iouthall teams will gc, in ·a hoch· !1~ \'il'\v the :\orth\\Tq('rn ~outh Dak;,ta it,ntball game on Saturday. Octola·r 2. a~ the gue:- t .-; oi t ht :\orthwesttrn ioothall team. Thl' :-chedult.· Cli gaines ior the St\'t.'Jlth- and eighth grade:-; iollows: Seventh Grade Football "\\\·dn(· sday, Sq>tt·ml.h'J' 2~ - StfoiJI .\ \·~. 'f,ward .\, Villag·1· Crt 't'll. Friday, St ·plt'mlwr :!4-St. .J,·~· · ph \s ll11ward ,\ , \'illagt· {;J't·t·n: St. Fl·alwi~ \·s. ·'-'tt,Jp A, \\'a!<hin:.non Park. ~fondny, ~kpt<>mht·t· 27-Stolp r: \"!'. June .. Like Warmth .All Winter - these homes have it, you can, too. T HESE homes- many of them right in your neighborhood- have done away with soot, smoke, uncertain fuel deliveries, and the many other worries of old-style heating. Stolp (', \\'a~hington Park; Howard .\ vs. Howard H, \"illag-C' < :rC'C'n. \\'t·dnPl-illay, fh·ptt·lllht ·r 20-St. F1·an<'is \"!' . St . .lt ·St·ph, Yillagt· ( :n·o·n; St11lp .\ \ ' S. Stolp ( ', \\'a!'hingt(ln J'arl<. Fri<ln~·. t ldo·ht·r 1 ff.,\\-:t nl .\ \·~ . St<olp H, \\'ashin .L:·ton Pa1·k: llown.rcl H \'~. St. .Jost·ph, \'illag·,. < :rt·f·n . "'lllnd a~·. Octolwr 4 -Stol p B \'S. ~l. Frands, \\':t sh ing·ton l'arl.; ; I [oward A ,·s. Stolp B, \ .ill:tg·t· < :r,·t·n. \\.t·(hH·sday, (ktobt·r !i-Howard n n.;. Stolp <.. ·, Yillag-t· < :n·t·n; St. Fnuwis \"s . lloward .\, \\'ashing-ton J'arl{. Frida~·. Cktoht·r X 1 loward B \·~. Stolp H, \'ill:tg·t· < :rt·t·n; St. .lost·nh vs. !"tolp .-\, \\-ashing·tmt Park. · ~londa~·. (ktobt·r 11- H(lward H - vs. Stolp .-\, \.illag-P ( lrct·n: St. .Jos1·ph \"S. Stolp t', \\'ashing-ton Park. \Yt ·dtlt·sday, ()<·tolH·t· l:l St. Ft·anci:..; Ys. Stolp ( ', \\'ashing·ton P:trl<; St. ,Jo :·wph \'K StCllp B, \'illag·t· (;n·t·n. Frida~·. Cktoht·r 15- St. Frands vs. Howard H, Villag-p c:rv\:'n. .\ vs. ~tolp B, \\'ashing-ton Park: Stolp · (' \"l-i. H.o\\'ard A, \'illage Urel'll. · .Friday, St·ptt·mhPr 24 ~t. Josl'ph \"s. 1Iow:~rd .A. \'illng-t· ( :rt:'Pn; St. Fran vis \"S. StolJl A, \\'as hing-t on Parle .:\Ionday, St·ptt·mlH'r 2i Stolp fl \·s . Stolp <.. ', \\'ashing·ton l'ark; llowar<l A Ys. Howard B, \'illag ~· Un·t·n. \\rt·dn"sdny , g<·ptt·mlwr 2~1 - St. Frands \ 'S, St. JO~f'))h, Village nrt'l'll; Stolp A vs. Stolp (~, \Va~hing-ton Parle Friday, (ktolwr 1 Howard A ""· ~tohl B, Wa~hing-ton Park; J Ioward B vs. St. Jost·ph, \Tillag-e <:n·t:>n. :\londay, Ot'tobl'r 4 Stolp H \'.~. St. Francis, \Vashington Park; llowartl A Ys. Stolp A, Villag·e Grt.·t:·n. \Vednt-~day, Octobt:r 6 - 11owa.rd B ·\"l. Btolp C', Villag-l· UreC'n; St. Francis Ys. Howard A, \Vashing"ton Pari<. Priday, October 8 - Jioward B \'s. !';tolp B, Village nrl't' n: St. Jo:-wph vs. Stolp A, \VaRhington Park. :\Londay, October 11 - Howard l3 Vl:i. Stolp A, Village Creen; St. Jost·ph YS. Stolp C, Washington Park. Wednesday, · Oetoher 13 - St. Francis vs. Stolp C, \Va:--hington Park; ~t. J 'J St·ph \'S. Stolp ll, Village Urt>en. . Friday, Octoper 15-St. .FranciH · vs. Howard B, Villag-e Green. They are heated with gas-the cleanest, most efficient fuel to be had. Their modern gas-fired boilers operate automatically-save tending fires -prevent overheating or underheating-assures clean, healthful warmth throughout the winter without a tap of work. Decide now- before paying out advance money for next winter's fuel- to give your home the comfort and convenience of gas heating. Special low rate for gas for heating brings it within everyone's reach. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Ave., Witmette \Vilmette 2899 Jno. S. Reesman, District Manager Eighth Grade Football \\'t·<ltH-sclay, St·Ptt·ml~t·r 22 - Stolp __I

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