Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 38

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WILMETT~ LIFE September 24, 1926 St. Augustine's Church Next Sunday will be the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church school at 9 :45 A . M., and Morning Prayer with sermon at 11 A. M. Congregational Church Ministers: Stephen A. Lloyd William E. McCormack On Sunday morning the . services in each department of the Church · scho?l will begin promptly at 10 de lock. It Is Reorganization Day in the school and a record attendance of the old ~?embers as w ell as many new members. 1::1 ex~ected. The teachers will meet thc1.r pup1l.s for the first time and prepar~t1o~s Will be made for Rally Day wh1ch 1s only a week off. Do not forg et that the change in tim e conH·s this Sunday. :16th Suson Now Open WILMETTE 627 1 BRANCH Wednesday, September 29, is St. MIchael and All Angels' Day. There will bt· Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Ith St., Boulevard Building Telephone Wilmette 36 I 2 Teachers in charge: ANNA CHINLUND and LAURA COUPLAND Pupils 1Iay Enter at Any Time PRIVATE AND CLASS LESSONS Piano -- Keyboard - Harmony - Sigh Reading )fain School, 609 ~-----·--------------------------~------------------·· s. Ear Training Send for Catalog. Wahash AH., Chicago. New Cream Top Milk'Comes from Ttiburcular· tested c~ws. Sanitary hood sealed caps. 111 ; : The first meeting of the Women's Associated guilds for the season will be held in the Church House, 1126 Wilmette avenue, this afternoon. There will be a busin ess m eeting at 2 P. M. , f ollowed bY afternoon tea. A special invitation is The Sunday morning- scnicf' of wo:extended to wom en not already members, ship is held at 11 o'clock. Dr. Llo.ycl w1l1 to attend. vrear h on th e subjl!ct of "Apostolic Proposals." Saturday afternoon at 7 :30 o'clock, all past and present members of Troop 4, On Monday th e North En<l circlP, 1\Irs. Boy Scouts, are Invited to a m ee ting in H. c. Toeppen, chairman, will _l_?e !.mterthe Parish House to discuss the program tainecl at th e home of Mrs . .J . \v. C ull t> n, for the year. Clark L each, scoutmaster, 1226 Ashland awnur, at a 1 !'! ::10 o'c lock will be In charge. lunch eon. Mrs. n. E. P. Klint·, ~Irs . C. A. ]<:; ldridge, and Mrs. Hope Thompson Church schools bE:"gan last Sunday. All are the assisting hostesses. old m embers and tho:::t· inte nding to join should be on hand Sund~y at !) :45 A. M. The "\Ya s hing-to n A,·,·nnt· C'irt' l(· will hold a n·ry important busi1wss nwt:ti ngA met>ting of Church school. teaC'lwrs on ::\Tonday afternoon at 1 h1· hom1· of and offic<>rs will b(· h(·ld tonig-ht in the ::\frs. .J. C. f'rosslcy, 40i \\'a s llingt on rE:"ctor's office at 8 o'clock. a \'enu ', at 3 o'clock. R eservations to tlw dinnl' J' ti1 h e tf'nder ed tlw Lorrl Bishop of London in th e Grand :Qall :aoom of the J,aSalle hote l Monday' evening, Octobf'r 4, should be mad e at onct>. Th<'re nr<> to b(· accommodations for something onr 1,000. ·Apply to th e rector. · 'l'u!'sday pn·ning at 7 :1 ii P . ~T. Roo~f' , .f> lt Troop Xo . 2 will nwd at lwadquart ers, nr. C h a rles B. Blake, S('OUtmastl'l'. On ·" ' Nln<>s<lay afternoon 1lw Junior rhoir m£·l· t for rdwarsal. "\\· . E. :\{('('o rmack, directo r. J Ask Our Drivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. lie per e··rt The cream taken from thi& milk will whip Tlw Young- Pt·oph·'s (' hoir nwr·ts for. n ·Tlw r egular meeting of the Y(·st ry was h <:'ld last '\Vednesday e\'('nlng-. A rlwf'k lwn rsal at 7 :1 ii o'clock Thursday {· Yt ·mn~ . for $1,500 was rf'c'ivec1 from :M rs. Frank Pl·rt<·r "\\'. H t·a ps, org-anist .arHl din ·dor. Bake r to bt> appliNl toward th e r P<luction On Jwxt Thursclay and Friday th (· of th e mortgage on th P church. Xorth J·:n <l f'ird·· will hold :t rummag-e Be sure and rememher that all :--;£·n·- :::al·· nt tlw E cnnomy Rhop . :\Tr~ . .T. A icE's Sunda:r. Sept('mber 2fl, will } )(' lwld PanC(I<tst is in !'harge of th·· committt-r·. on (' entral Standard tin1<', 11ot Daylight Saving time , which e nd~ Saturday at ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL midnight. An Important List ofimprovemen ts Following a year of unprecedented engineering prqgress, Dodge Brothers announce another important list of improvements for their complete line of motor cars. No one who contemplates·the purchase of a car should fail to investigate the impressive nature and - scope of these improvements at the earliest opportunity. Touring Car Coupe - - - Sedan - - - Special Sedan $ 860.50 Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Paul so'n of 38 Mrs. vVilliam Lawton of 230 Laurel Ravinia court, Ravinia, announce the avenue has as her ~ ucst s . her sister,. engag<'mcnt of their dau g hter, Kath1 Miss Mary A. D. Charlton, and Mrs. ryn \\' inifr cd, to Carl N. Forberg, ~o n E. C. Simmons of Hamilton, Canada, of 11 r. and ::\f rs. ]. A. Forbrrg-, 0(,0 who are stopping in \Vilmettc on their Linden avenue, Hubbard \\'oocls. Xo way south. dat e ha s been et for the wedding. Saturday is the LAST DAY of this anpa· ralleled oHer-Get a 911.50 965.00 1017.50 C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street There ia not a minut& to losel Think of behag able tO get a brand new, genuine Grand Prize Eureka Vacuum Cleanerforthe astonishingly low down payment of only $2.00, witb the balance on such extremely easy terms you'll never miss itl PHONE OR CALL TODAY Univ. ·224 EVANSTON Complete $850 Set ..,Hfrh·Vcaeuum'· Attcaelamen fa Call up and we will deliver the Eureka and complete attachments right to your door. Take them and use them aa if they were rour own:-no cost-no obligation. Then, if you dectde to keep them, pay only $2.00 down. But this is the LAST CALLI Hurry. DCDEiE- BROTHE-RS MDTDR C:ARS .. :·· FREE with each Eureka purchased <TWa offer ma~ be witbclnwa at&Q time) ~DE IN YOUR OLD CLEANER Liberal allow&Dce will be IT&Dled oa the purchue of a Grand Prize Eureka. EVANSTON BRANCH 1235 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 1734

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