Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 36

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WI i. M E T T E L ·1 -F E September 24, 1926 BREAKS ARM IN FALL Mrs. Perceval Bingham, 259 Wood court, suffered a broken left arm and painful bruises when she fell do:wn the cellar steps in her home while carrying a basket of clothes last Monday. She was not seriously injured and is recovering at home. AT COUNTRY CLUB Tom and Jack Riley, sons of Mr. and The Ouilmette . Country club has oil Mrs. H . F. Riley of 730 Lake avenue, left last week for St. John's Military its program for tomorrow evening a academy at Delafiel<\, Wis. din~er at 7 :3Q o'clock which will be -ofolJowed by dancing. The affair will Mrs. Edward Bradley, 234 Catalpa be informal. Monday afternoon the place, has as her guest this week, her second game in the ten -week pivot bridge tournament will take plac e. niece, Miss Alice Eck of Chicago. Presbyterian Church Stop the clock for just one hour next Saturday ni{?ht, otherwise you will b e one hour ahead of time for. our Rally Day a nd Promotion program m the Sunday sch ool Sunday, September 26. Standard time for a ll a J)pointme nts h ereafter . T he sermon s ubject for th.e Sunday morning 11 o'clock churc h ser vice will b e "A n Expt>rt's Ad\·ice to the burc h : S ha ll \~·e Follow it'?" The quartet af\n ounces .the following program: . . Fl ., Organ Prelude-"Andantmo m D at .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lemar~ Anthem-".Tel' US Only" .......... Rotoh Anthem-"I'm a Pilgrim, I'm a Str a n ger" ........ . ................... M~rston Organ OffL'ririg-"FI) Ik Song" ;; TorJU Ssen Tt>nor so lo-"Come Yt> B\Pssed ·... Scott 1\lr. l\Ji\lcr Organ Postlude- "In the Garden" .... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ... ·... Goodwin We ha\'e anotlw~ intcrestin~ announ cement especially for the gi rl s and older voung peop\P of onr church and congrt>gation. Mi ss Kat hryn 1\IcPh ~ rson. r ecen tly pastor' assistant and d1rector of young pPOJile's work in the Ct> ntral PresbytPrian dlUrch of L~fa~· .. ttt·, Il!c~ .. h~s bt-t·n SP<'Urt·d for a similar })OSit iOn m this f'hun·h. Rht· is an t'X } WriPnN·d lPadt> r in r t ligious Pd uration, C'hristian Bncleavor and Girl Scnut work and has b e ' n promilkntly idPntifit><l with state and national org-anizations. A Cirl f·knut troop will at OIH'f' bt· org-anizt·d . Otlwr plans for tlw girlR, tlw llttlr folks and thP oldt·r · young- pt·r,plt· will bt~ announcPd n<'xt wH·k. :\Tiss :\ff'Piwrson will f'Oopl· r at~· with )Jr. no<l(ls. our JWW Sc·nutmastt ·r and dirt·f' tor of g·f·Jwra l r cr r t-at !on a 1 wo1·k in all ,,ur n·lig-iou:.;, soria I n ·c ro ·ationa\ Jllan s for tllf· coming wintf' r. Tlw St·\·t·ral ~pokt>s of tht· \Yonwn's snrid\' " ·ill mt·d Tut>sday, Rt·pt .. mbt·r 2. , P X<'t·pt wlwn otlwrwis(· nott·tl : ~o . 1 . ~Trs . Anna L. S~·,· rs, 7~0 C't>ntral a\'i'11\lf' . Xo. 2. :1\Trs. H . K. ('urll. 4:) Cr ..... f'r·nt pla<"··. ::'\n . :l :\frs. H. .\ . Bal1lwin, !11 Ahhott sfnrrl road . K· ·nil\\'orth . ::'\o . -t . :\Trs. H . 1: . l:ra\·t·s. 1 1:-, Sixth strr-Pt . Xo . ;;_ -:\Trs. nn ,·i<l Hn II. ~~~7 f'··ntrn.l a,.,._ nut ·, \Yt ·<ln· ·~ <lay , ~t·ptt-mh· · r 2~1. ::'\o. f~. -:\Trs. .\. L. T~tsst · ll, 1 ()():; Onkwontl a \'f'11tlt'. ::'\o. 'i :\Irs. P· ·~trl J . Lamwn, 1021 Grf't·nkaf :tY\'IHit '. Xn . ~ - :Olr~ . \\'. X . Pnnlt·l'tt~· . 11 r. Xinth ~trPd. Pasrengers on North Shore Line dining cars frequently remark upon the cleaniiness of thQ dining car service-the crystal clearness of drinking water, the absence of floating parti.. cles in milk, the freedom from sooty specks on taple linen. These things impress upon one with special force the advantage of riding on a clean, electrically..operated railroad. film- - «=~ .. to ORTH Shore Line ofters you a distinctive and unequalled transportation service to Milwaukee. There is. a fast train every hour. Trains operate into the very heart of the city, saving you time and taxi fare. Located at Sixth & Sycamore, our Milwaukee terminal is convenient to everywhere. Electrically,operated, North Shore Line trains afford the utmost in cleanliness and travel comfort. ~ 1o smoke, no cinders. You reach your dest~nation fully refreshed, in tip..top condition for a day of successful business or pleasure. . The next time you go to Milwaukee, take advantage ot the superior service afforded on this high,speed, elec, trically ..operated railroad. Note: Seven Milwaukee~bound trains operate each day via the Shore Line Route, stopping here for passengers. At other hours, Shore Line Limited trains operating to Waukegan make direct connections at North Chicago Junction with Milwaukee Limiteds operating over the Skokie Valley Route. For.schedules, fares a~ other infonnation, i. nquire at ticket oflice. :--;- .. ~~- .\ Irs . .Joh11 K. l' nr~hall, 121 \\·oodbint· :t \ '(· nw ·. Frir\av. Octnlwr 1. Xo . 1 fl . ?\Tr~ . l ~alph ·H . Hii'P, 1007 Thirtt ·f· nth stn·..t. ::'\o. 11 . :.rr~ . \\· . E. ~uits. 71 ~ F'on·st an'nuP . , ~o . 12. :.rrs. FrPc1 \\'ild , fi2~ CrPt·nlt·nf a \'Pnue. N Thi' C'hrist ian Enrl··a ,.,1r ~nC'ir·tr will nwr·t r Pg-u larly t·ar h Sunday lwrt'a ft f' r at ri: :lO o'elork. ~u·~da\' sr·hnrol, !· :~ 0 n. m . Church sen·· it·P, 11 A. :'If. Th i' PrPsb~· t· · rian chur<'h is locatt>d at th<' rorrwr of Xinth strt·d arHl (:re nlPaf aY<'nU P. ON MOTOR TOUR A. S. Van Deusen of the Van Dense n Grocery and Market. left Thursda,· of this \H'rk on a week's motor tr!r through \Visconsin in company w1th Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lav; of Evanston. :M rs. Law is Mr. Van Densen's ~lau ghter. The~· will stop at Erhra1m and other points in the state. Mr. Van Deuscn wilf return to the village late n ext week. Irving H eller, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. H eller of 808 Elmwood avenue, left Thursday of last week to enter as a fre shman at the University of Illinois. Bldeaa Mo·~nelll Concert Soprano Teacher of Volce Mme. Edith i one Placing a Specialty Complece Repertoire for Concut and Opera · Reserve Hours Now for Fall and Winter The Studio Bldg. 1 7 1 8 Sherman Ave. Phones : Studio-Greenleaf 3523 Resfdence-tJmv. 7278 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. · The high-speed electrically-operated railroad WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmetce 2514 Baggage Checked -lot

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