Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 34

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34 j W I ,L M E T T E L I F E.. September 24, 1926 Winnetkan Purchases ·.Noted Engineer Take Residence in Wilmette Residence in Wilmette Harvey A. Craig, formerly at 14 Indian Hill road, Winnetka, has purchased through R. M. Johnston and company, the ten-room home at 716 Lak~ avenue, Wilmette, from Louis A. and Sarah E.- Clark of the Orri'ngton hotel. The Craigs have taken pos~ession of the ~~operty an.d are mak1 mg numerous tmP,rovements. School Children Must Have The Best Food! And the best food for s. c h o o 1 children, as e .,veryone knows. 1 s pure rich milk. Give them Winnetka Dairy milk, and you've helped them to do good schooi work. Ray C. Newhouse, vice-p~esident of the Cowham Engineering company, has purchased the Beidler residence at the southwest corner of Eleventh street and Ashland avenue, Wilmette. Eddington and Allen, Inc., represented the seller and R. M. Johnston and company, the purchaser. Mr. and Mrs. Newhouse and daughter have recently moved to \.Vilmette from Milwaukee Mrs. Robert Stoddard and children and are temporarily residing at 1129 ·a re again at their home at 524 Lake Elmwood avenue. avenue after spending the summ er at the Thou sand Islands. Edward Wachs, son of Mr. and -o,_ Mrs. Charles L. Wachs of 934 ElmMi ss Grace Hartman of 1305 Sheri- \\'ood avenue, has returned for hi s dan road is attending .the Gulf Park sophomore year at the University of school in Mississippi. Michigan. New Trier Squad JJ!lakes Ready to War on Proviso With the fast approaching : first game with Proviso on October 2, staring them in the face, the New Trier High school grid \\'arriors are being given hard workouts dail y by their coaches. One hundred meu . have turned out for the sq uad, and these arc divid ed into three squads, known as the first s.q uad, or var ity, the reserve squad and the freshmen. The first sq uad numb ers thirty play-. ers and is under the direct supe rvision of Coach \\'alter Aschc11hach. assisted 1)\· Caten and Grater. Track Coach Jolm Nay and Clarence 11innema handle the reserve sq uad of forty men, \vhile \\'. L. "Duke" Childs. head of the physi~al education department, and De Forest Slw\\'ley arc in charge of the freshmen . Coach A. ..;henhach declares .that hi ..; men arc fast being \\'hipped into shape, and although there arc not \'Cr\' manY S('asonecl i.>laycrs on the tcai11 th{s year he hope . to he ah le to trounce Proyi:-;o \\'hen the latter lint·s up on the Gray and Green field October 2. ON WEDDING TOUR After one oi the nw:-.t heautiiul home weddings in \\'ilrnette, \rltich wa:' iq 1-- t kt t t h c h rick':-; f t) i :-. t \\·ere ir her bridal party, ~I r. and :.r r. . Roher Kenneth :\n,·hall (Ethyl G. Barret ) dcpartt>d fnr .\..;J,nilk ~. C. A iter their h(lnn·mo()n , t lrt·\· \\'ill occupy the apartm~· nt oi :\t r. · \'r\\'lrall'... father and mnt hn cIJl Bl:t .· }.;.., CIIIC , \'t'nne. ChicagCI, ,,.h;lt· t!rt·y art· in California . . Later th<·,· \\'ill mak e their hon1t: in Rn!..!'ers P.trk . ALMOST NEW The whole coun~ry is commenting on the fine appearance and exceptional riding ease of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. Several of these new types; driven only a few thousand miles, are now available. An exceptional opportunity. for anyone who really wants a high . grade, dependable Used Car. un u c0· ur s rr.:-. Ke.ep Plenty on Ice! . C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street EVANSTON A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DE-PENDABLEAS THE- DE-ALER WHO SE-LLS IT Miss Mary Sayle :, Hill, of 391 Sheri dan road. \\.innetka. has returned to Northfield, :.1 inn., whne . he \\'ill · enter Carleton college. Order Your SATISFIES THE MOST EXACTING ENGRAVING · at Chandler's No matter what your needs are in engraving, you'll find our service entirely satisfactory. Genuine (;Jean as tlze Sun's Hellt ,. MADE IN CHICAGO gives to thousands of satisfied fuel users the clean comfort and convenience YOU are looking for in YOUR fuel. · Visitillg Cards Party and Dance Invitations Sympathy and Birth Cards Announcements Invitations Order a trial ton today Arrange with your dealer to have a Service Man stop and explain · GENUINE Koppers CHICAGO Coke to you. This Senice is Free CHICAGO BY-PRODUCT COKE COMPANY Nt~nufac:turers PHONE LAWNDALE 7025 -~~rs FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON " STATIONERY and ENGRAVING First Floor J

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