Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE September 24, 1926 Society Will Hear Princess ·=· f~amous Band. -: ·:!iii : : : Group Comes . On for Benefit for Married ·schultz-Schu·all Wedding Margaret McCue · and · ·to Be Afternoon Affair Perry Lieber Will Invitations have been iss ued for the marriage of Miss Catherine. Loui se . ·By JEAN TEN BROECK Schultz, . daughter of Mr. ann. Mrs. The marriage of . Miss Margaret The Princess Pat regiment has gone Henry Schultz of 1209 Washmgton McCue, daughter of Mr, ar.d Mrs. down in world history. The Princess avenue to Charles Edward Schwall of Ch~rles McCue, 631 \Vashington avePat band, many times decorated, comes Reinw~ldt avenue, Wilmette, which · \V'lt' to Chicago Sunday. It will be hailed will take place Wednesday, October ~6, nue, Wilmette, to Perry · 1 ram by many here for its famous self, for at 4 o'dock in the afternoon at St. Li'eber, son of Mr. and 1frs. ~Iaurice jts music and for the purpose for Francis Xavier thurch. A wedding Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, which it comes, a benefit concert for supper for members of the familie s and . wifl take place at 8 :30, Saturday, Septhe British Old People's Home: friends will follow the ceremony at d The bana, said by the conductor of tember · zs, at the home of th e hri e. the h01~1e of the bride's parents. the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra Miss Pauline Schultz, sister . of the The . Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the to be "probably the finest organization bride\.will act as maid of honor. The First Congreg~tional church of Witof its kind on the American continent" bridesmaids will be Miss Gertrude mcttc will perform the ceremony. will not gi\'e t ,1e program alone. KathSchwall sister of the groom, Miss ViMiss McCue will be attended by ryn Baird (Miss Canada). cho:en from ola Budinger of Wilmette, Miss Mar- ~!iss Doro thy Hall. daughter of ~·fr. among 150 as the be st and the most garet Bernau of Chicago,' Miss · Ruth and Mrs. Henr y Hall, 500 Central a~c beautiful singer in Canada, and Gladys Tabbert of Somers, Wis ., and Mrs. nlle Wilmette. as maid of honor. Miss Graham, champion woman Scotch danEchvar:d Wagner of Niles. · · · f · w·1 ·n Hall was a Pi Phi soronty s1ster o cer and winner of 250 contests, will give · Jack Schneider of t mette wt ur·ss ~.fcCue at the l'nin·rsit~' . 0f special features of song and of dance. serve Mr. Schwall as best man. The ·\ 1 .v, The concert, which begins at 3 :30 ushers will be Harry Schultz, brother Illinoi ~, and is coming from Champaign o'clo::k in the afternoon, is given under of the bride, Harold Tabbert of Som- to attend the wedding. the auspices of the British EPlpire asThe hest man will be Frederick ers, Wis., Herman Zibble of Wiimette , sociation, of which there are many and Carlson and Herman Affeldt of Fisher of Ottowa, Ill., c. Phi Kappa members on the north shore. . And Winnetka cousins of Mr. Schwall. Sigma fraternity brother of ~ r. wives of members of this organization, Miss I;ene Tess of Niles will sing Lieber, who <tl:-;o 1s coming from known as d~ughter of the British Ema few selections, accompanied at the Champaign. pire, have two local chapters, the organ by her si§ter. The list oi ushers includes Frederick On January 9· of this year, in the .Cambridge in Wilmeth~ , and the Wind111111 uttttlllllllllllllllllllllllll uu111 Armstrong of the Edgewater Beach home of Doctor and Mrs. Russel R. sor in Glencoe. Peckham of Hyde Park, Dr. Marcia 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 hotel Sumner Crossley, \Vheato.n, Ill., Friends in Council to Agnes Lauer became the bride of both' of whom are brothers-in-law of War Veterans' Work to Francis Lionel Moore. The marriage O:pen New Season . Today the bride; Kenneth Cox, Chica13'o, was read by the Rev. Frank on Sale October 1 service The Friends in Council of Evanston and Keith Davis, Chicago, a fratermty R. Myers, rector of the Church of the announces as the event of its program hrother of Mr. Lieber. The results of nearly a year's handi- Mediator. The young couple now are Three little flower girls \\;jq he work of disabled war veterans at the visiting relatives in Canada, but will for Friday; September 24, which is opGreat Lakes hospital will be on sale return very shortly to make their home en to the public, its annual celebration members of the wedding party. Th9t of American Indian day on the Evans- arc little Misses Betty and Peg Armto the public all day Friday, October in Highland Park. ton Public Library at 8 o'clock in the strong, daughters of M~. and ~1 rs .. 1, at the home of Mrs. John Boylston, 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIM ~IIIII evening. · 1302 Chestnut avenue, · Wilmette, unFredet.isk Armstrong (Ehzaheth Mc Dr. Fay Cooper-Cole of the depart- Cue) of the Edgewater Beach hotel , der the auspices of the committee for Plans Well Launched for ment of anthropology at the Univer- and Miss Patsy Crossley, three-year co-operation with ex-service men of sity of Chicago, the principal speaker, old daughter the Woman's Catholic Club of Wil~.fr. and 1f rs. Sumner Annual Club Bridge Party has chosen as the topic for his talk, Crossley (Loraine McCue) of \Vheamette. Many pretty things, for the Tickets are selling for the annual "The American Indian." His lecture sale wilt be a large one, among which ton, Ill. Beckwith Bronson, son of bridge party to be given Wednesday, will be illustrated. will b~ rugs, · bags, scarfs, and examMr. and Mrs. R. W. Bronson, of Lake The Camp Fire Girls and the Ev- Forest, and . Edward A. Bie.r y, Jr., son ples of other manual work, will be October 27, for the department of displayed as attractive gifts to tempt philanthropy of the Woman's Club of anston chapter, Daughters of the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Biery Wilmette. Pivot hridge will be played American Revolution, are co-operatthe shopper. (Ruth · Lieber) of Los Angele s, Cal., and a prize provided for each table. IIIJIII hll"lllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiJ IIIIIN ing with the Friends in Council this wilt act as ribbon stretchers. Mrs. Charles A. Wanner of Evans- year, and the former will give a Fete Young People Miss Gretchen Stratton, sorority ton, the general chairma.n, is assisted stunt, and Mrs. Wilbur Helm, regent The remainder of the pre-nuptial by Mrs. William H. Holmes, tickets; of the latter, will speak. Miss Gert- sister of the bride, will play the wedaffairs given in honor of Miss Be a trice Mrs. ]. M. Camelon, prizes; Mrs . 0. E. rud~ Hemingway, teacher of dramatic ding march. Metze! of Kenilworth, and her fiance, Thaleg, social; Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, art in Chica~w and New York, will Miss McCue and Mr. Lieber will be ' include a supper party given at Skokie table reservations; Mrs. Nathan P. give a reading of "Rerl Jacket's feted and dined until the day of the club Sunday, September 19, by Mr. 'a nd Colwell, Mrs. C. P. Berg, Mrs. Hayes Speec·h." wedding. On Monday, Septemhe~ 20, Mrs. George E. White; a luncheon and McKinney, Mrs. Judson F. Stone, Mrs. 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 · IIIIIIH Miss Elizabeth Kerr entertatned shower given by Mrs. R. S. Pattilo at George W. Kibby, Mrs. ]. A. Pantwelve voung people at a dinner bridge, Skokie club September 22: a luncheon coast, Mrs. David }. Davis, Mrs. Ray- Catholic Club Opens at the -home of her parents, Mr. and and · shower given by Mrs. James mond Wheelock, Mrs. William McThe first regular club meeting for Mrs. Wallace W. Kerr, 709 Forest avePrindle of Evanston, September 24. Gibbon, Mrs. F. M. Bowes, Mrs. C. the new year of the Woman's Cathonue: Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. McCue Saturday, October 2, Mr. and Mrs. E. Miles McDonald, Mrs. Albert N. Page, lic Club of Wilmette will be held thi5 entertain twentv guests at a formal B. Metze} will entertain the bridal par- Mrs. B. G. Calloway and Mrs. George afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wenbridal dinner-dance at the Edgewater ty at dinner, and the following day, Iliff. delin P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue. Presi- Beach .hotel the evening of Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John Higbee of Wilmette, IIIII. 1111111111111111111111111111111 &111111 dent's day 1s the special feature. for September 24. . will give a Sunday evening tea. Miss the hostesses for the afternoon will be The last pre-nuptial affair ' given in Ethei Berger of Kenilworth, will give Urge Women of Wilmette past presidents of the club, Mrs. C. A. the young people's honor is a .luncha dinner dance at Indian Hill club to Join Sewing Meetings Barton, Mrs. W. P. Seng, Mrs. W. L. eon Saturday noon, September 25, to Thursday evening, October 7. Mr. · Ballard, Mrs. L. W. Crush, Mrs. ]. The philanthropy department of the H. Verhalen, Mrs. Edward Kirchberg be given by Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, White will give a dinner at the Orring704 Lake ave,nue, for the fat,nily of the Woman's Club of Wilmette is again and Mrs. P. ]. Cunneen. ton hotel for his ushers October 6. 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 llllllt ready with work for its bi-monthly bride and th~ house guests of Mr. and Carl Craven will sing and Ruth F. Mrs. Albert Curtis Wenban of 900 meetings which are open to all wom- Elson wilt give selective readings. Mrs. Charles McCue. The luncheon Lake avenue and Mrs. Jacob Brandt en of Wilmette, whether club members will be held at the Skokie Golf club 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Wllllll Olwin of 820 Lake avenue, have is- or not, for sewing for various charitin Glencoe. Members of the Associated Guilds of sued invitations for a luncheon and able institutioAs. Out-of-town guests who have come Friday, October 1, at 10 o'clock in St. Augustine's Episcopal church meet to attend the wedding include Mr. and bridge at the Orrington hotel roof this afternoon for the first time this the morning, at the clubhouse, women garden Friday, SerHember 24. Mrs. George Van Dyke, formerly o£ ·11111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 of the village are invited to gather for season. After a business session, tea Wilmet.te, who now live in Indianapowill be served. The North End circle of the Con- a day of sewing for the Economy Shop, lis, and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sheldon of lilllll ~1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 gregational church will meet Monday, which will be the beneficiary of the Muskegon, Mich., former residents of September 27, at the home of Mrs. work done at two meetings. LunchA two-day rummage sale will be Wilmette, who will accompany the John W. Cullen, 1226 Ashland a~enue. eon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. conducted at the Economy Shop bride's parents on a two weeks' outing The committee desires the accom- Thursday, September 30, and Friday, Luncheon will be served at 12:30 to White Sulpher Springs, West Va. oclock. This will be the first business plishment of even more work than has October 1, by the North End circle The McCues and the Sheldons plan been done in past years. meeting of the year. of the .. Congregational church. to leave on Monday, September . 27. ,, Old People's Home Marry September 2:, Be of

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