Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 20

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W I L M E T T E: ·L I F E September 24,· 1926 Earl . W. Estes Returns · from Hospital in South First Church of .Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Announces a Free Public LeCture on. CHRISTIAN SCIEN<;E SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1926 AT 8:00 O'CLOCK by ]. L. Estes of 1626 \~lilmctte avenue. left last . Monday evening for Atlanta. Ga. and returned the following Thursday' with his son, Earl W. Estes, who had been confined in the Atla!lta host sevrn weeks, sufferpital for the pas" ·ng a siege of inflammatory rhcumatism. Earl Estes is in charge of the Cudahy Packing company branch offices in the South. His many frien~s \\·ill be I?lcased. to le~rn that he ts convalesc:ng sattsfactonly. RESUMEs MUSIC CLASSES Gertrude Lee s Robert s re sum ed her piann clas ses this werk " ·it 1' a large enrollment of pupils, it has been announced. -o~1 is s Linncttc Shepard of L'lcH land is the ~ucst of her sister, \Irs. Jarkson · V. Pa;kcr of 435 Tenth strc"t. Intt"rlor necorntlon VISTA DEL'LAGQ GETS FAMOUS WRIGLEY CUP North Shore Beach Club to Be Possessor of Emblem of Speed Boat World .Cham,ioriship Af~er fourteen years wanuenng, the .. · . DR. JOHN M. TUTT, C. S. B. OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURi .:\1 em her oi the noard of Lecture.::; hip of The: ~r other Church, The Firs1. Church c}f Chri :> t, Scic..:ntist, in Boston, ~l t:~S;! clwsdts. In the Church Edifice ~ENTRAL Imported and dom es tic fabrics b e l'ow Chica g;o pri ces. Making of draperies optional. AVENUE AND TENTH STREET, WILMETTE, ILL. Rose Marion Knight 606 l\1 icbi_gan A ' ' eBU'-' T'-·lt"pbone Greenleuf 131tl ~::~~~~~~~~~#~#=##~#~#=#=#=#~~~==='='~#~#~####==='='~##~#~##~#=#=#=#=#~#~###==#~#~##~#~##~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~##~#~#~#~#~~~~~~~~~~~========~ - Miss Margaret Elle11 Morgan Fonncrl)· at Glen Gables in Glencoe ({1l110llllCCS l';)at she is 110\\r conducting the dining roon1 and cafe ~t ROGERS P ARIZ llOTEL \\rhcre she again specializes in palatable and sustaining foods. At night the kind of foods \Vives like to set before husbands arc served-the kind they love to cat at prices they arc glad to pay. ~ famous 'A riglcy Cup winner's replica, ·c mhlat~latic of t;1c speed-boat champions hip of the " ·o rld, and the Wec~ler trophy . awan!rd to th~ Amencan champion, have bcPn offictally returned to Chicago's north shore . .herr t0 rc..ma in 1s thl' po. sess ion o.f Chicago sportmcn. The trophies, wo ~ 1 by Commodort: ] . St11art Blackton ot the Atlantic Yacht dub, on Chicago's Lake front in 1912. ,,·e re returned by ComtT·O(lore Black ton. with Commodore Sheldon Clark of the Chicago Yacht cluh as the re ctptent. \Vith otLer trophie!l won by Blac!:ton's "Bah\' Rrii.an ~c JI" the trophies arc toda: · the permanent 1)ossessio n of Vi .; ta del Lago. ·he new · Korth Shore Beach club. 11 iss ~f ae ~iarsh. tb" imt:w rtal hero:n·c of "The Birth of a '!\ation," ( v;ho is in Chirag·. incognito) and is one of the Southern Cat:fornia svndicate intcrc skd with Chica-goans i;1 the ln;ilding o; Vista del Lago. presided at the ceremonies staged on tPe club hou se site ovnluokii1g Lake ~fichigan on Sheridan ro~d. south 0f Kenih,·o rth . Comm odore Clari<. w~o was chairman d the Regatta comm1ttcc when the international speed !)o<:.t race s wer ::held in Chicago, and when thr late Jim Pugh' s "Disturber IT" wa s mon arch of the " ·aters until " sunk" bv Hlackton's "Baby Reliance IT". accept-ed as Life ~fcmher No. 1 of Vista del Lago, the trophies formally deliverL·d to th e new beach cluL by it s general chairman. Plan s for the new $1.500,000 project were shown at the brief ceremonies hv John Reed Fuga rd. architect, of E\;_ anston. The r,-uest's further includ.:-d E. C. \Vetten, Paul N. Dak, Jared Gar,c and Louis L·~ c Arms. Ground will Le broken this fall. it is s;>.id. The club, which is for both men ::nd v·omc;1 on an C( 1 ual membe rship lr~sis. is e:n:pected to b ~ OP\.:11 nc .<t S'Jtnm~r as an all-ve:\r. social 2nd a~hktic north shore -center, its sponsor~ ;1sscrt. Visit us on Sunday .M1\RRY IN \'.'ILMETTE Mrs. E. A. Hill of Chicago and R. Snow of Midland, ).iich., will be n.arried tumorrc yv evening at the home of Mrs. Bern~rd C. Bmyen, 605 Eigh(h street, the Rev. Stephen A. Llo ,·d of-· ficiating. The Bernards will ~lep~rt with Mr. Snow and his bride Sunday morning on a week's automohik trip to French Lick Springs. -o-Mrs. Max Zabel of 1247 Chestnut avenue was hostess at a small lunch eon at the North Shore Golf cluh Wednesday given in honor of Mrs. Frank Woodyatt of Moline, who is ·t he guest of Mrs. Louise Becker of 105 Fifth street. SHERIDAN ROAD AT PRATT BOULEVARD The Moody Bible Institute open. its weeki, SUNDAY AFI'BRNOON BIBLE EXPOSITIONS b) DR. JAMES M. GRAY, PY.uidm& Sunday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 N. t. Sane St. aDd Chlcqo A.a. AUDITORIUM with a leliea of studiee in Genetia "THE BEGINNING OP TIDNG~' Public: COTdiall) lnviwl RADIO BROADCAST ON WMBI

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