Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 17

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September 24, 1926 . WILMETTE ' LIF,a .: 17 .,POSTMASTERS CONFER Meet at Luncheon With Heads Other Government Bureaus in Great Northern Hotel ,r Thirty-five postmasters from the fifteen counties comprising the Chicago Federal Business A ssociat ion zone in which the villages of Wilmette. Winnetka and Glencoe are included, attended a business meeting and lunch eon held oy the · association at the Great Northern hotel, Wednesday of la s t week. This is known a s the seventh area and there were p~esent at the recent meeting more than one hundred gov:.. crnment officials, including, b es ides the postmasters, representative s of the various functioning bureaus in the district. This \'\'as the first time the postmasters have met with the other bureaus of the association. vVi lm ette wa s repre se nted by Postmaster Jo seph E. Shantz; \Vinnctka by Postma ster Elmer E. Adams a·n d Glencoe hv Postmaster Percy \V. Armstrong. ~ The counties included in this area arc ·Cook. Lt!ke, McHenn·, Boone. \\'innebago:--tJ'gle , Lee, DeKalb. Kan e. K e nd a ll, La Sa ll e, 'i' ill, Grundy, Du Pagc, Li\'ing"ion and Kankake e in Illin o is and Lake and Porter counties in Indian a. · 'I'he Cnited St ;1tes is divided into ~even co-o rdinating areas, in eac h one of \\'h ich i" stationed a rcpresentatiYe of the l'hiei Co- o rdinator, d "s ignat ed as Area Co-ordinator. The Area Coo rdinat o rs - act as the Chief Coor dina tf)r\ fit·ld deputies , in the o-ordination oi the various r o u tine l>u :-. in es~ act i,·itie s oi th e Fed era l GoH·rnnlcnt in their areas, to dTe.ct ecnnr,mi~' ~ and greater effic iencY b.\· -..rcur in g harmonious co-o peratio;1 ·of dep:1rtmenta l fi eld agencies in trans ac ti ons in \\·h ich two or m ore clepartlll l'llh are coqcerncd, s uch a s int rrdepartllll' ntal transfers of property. exchange n f sc n·ices, economical utilizat io n oi gm·(·rnnJL·nt O\rn ed building-s. tran..;pnrtat in n and stoc k s, and to r erOll11llC11d tn th(· Chief Co -ord;nator such lll C' :l -> urrs within admini..;tratiYe control as in the o pinion of th e Area Co-nr dinator " ·ill rifect greate r rconom\· and in creased e ffici ency. · nnouncznq the Arrival ot · ~ilks~ new fall silks are here-weaves T HE of irresistible beauty. Velvets are important. Gorgeous brocades and gold and silver cloth add resplendence to the array. Sa~in-back crepes, cantons, flat crepes and georgettes appear in a profusion of new autumn shades. It is a colorful season and by their colorings the .new silks are recognized. The.y are not just the reds, blue and greens of other days, but shades of newer and more exotic hues than have ever oee.n shown before. Combinations are the vogue and the wontan of artistic bent will take keen delight in combining colors into creation& of subtle harmony and striking contrast. ew7alt North Shore Boy Leads .in Intelligence Test Of 800 frcshmrn \\'ho have ju s t tak en mental alertness tests at Northw<.:stcrn uni\'er sity's College of Liberal Arts, tv;o young men were the leaders and both were only 15 years of age. One was Charles W. Mac Sherrv of \\' ilmctte, a graduate of LoYola Academy, and the other wa s Louis \Verner ~ of ·Senn High School, Ch icago. Among the ten who led in this rather diffic~tlt test, seven \\·e re men and three '"ere w0111 e n. According to Director of Personnrl Delton T. Howard, mental alertne ss tests for the entering cfass at Northwe s tern are empl oye d merely as a mean s of enabling advisers and in stru ctors to r ender the best service to indi\'idual stud e nt s. "Exceptionally hright students merit specia l treatment," he sa id 41 a nd tho se \'l:ho are dull or slow must also have consideration. Northwestern's general intelligence scores will assist greath· in placing students in courses and sec·tions where they can " ·ork to best ad vantage." Charles \V. Mac Sherrv, WilmettP. who is youn!!er than Louis ·Werner, of Chicag0, hv two months, was a leader although Mr . Werner's score was on a ge11eral par with Mr. Mac Sherry's . Both had excellent high school records. ,Lillian Kroll, dau g hter of G. C. Kroll of 1023 Greenwood avenue, a graduate of New Trier high school in the clas s of 1925, has enrolled as a freshman i~ Lake t:: "" c;t college. EDGAR A. STEVENS. 10 INC. .THE EaSt SILK SHOPS Madis_on Street 6y.r1Street at Woodlawn Avenue .nJinE dzu.t I6}80ningtonAve.

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