Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE September 24, 1926 Co111plete Sizes from J4 to 54 in The Neighbors' Season Commences on October 5 The Neighbors, ·the . Kenilworth Woman's club, inaugurates its new meeting day Tuesday, October. 5, -yvith an aft ernoon reception ~o new members. Th e specia l feature of the afternoon will be a song recital with Ca~eron Mc Lean, baritone, the soloist, and Mrs. M abelle Howe Mable, his accompanist. · Th e club has cba nged its meetin g time from Thursdays to Tuesdays. Plan Commerc. ia.l Block ---------;~ ~ -··- Coats, Sport Coats and Dresses ~ +I ' .,. .. . '· . UNIQUE STYLE SHOP 11:16 B. COPLAN. Prop. Central Avenue Phone Wit. :l.fOJ T hi s group of stores i:-; to he erected on Sherida n road in "Ko \I a n's L and," betwee n \ Vil mette and Keni lworth. The att rac t iYC Spa nis h Colonia l type of archi tect ur e, with its red ti le ·roofs, wi ll har monize wit h t he ne w th eater to be built there, and \Yith the new beach cl ub, the Vista de l Lago. The stores and theater arc bring erected by a syndicate .composed of no r th shore res ide nts and are to he ready for occupancy by next ~J ay, it is sai d. Both th e stores an d t he · theater \\·i ll front on a tlC\\' st reet cut thr oug h th e prop.: erty fro m Sheridan road. and there \\"i ll be arnplc pa rk ing space fo r motor ist..;. Finds Wilmette's Water IMiss Kathryn McPherson Joins Presbyterian· Staff Supply Uncontaminat~d : vV. \\·. DeBcrarcl, chairman oi the I This Woman Has Taken the Steps to YOUTH Many people wonder how she has time to do thr things she does. And she tells .them that it is because she does not waste her time doing things that she can have done outside her. house. She ~ends all her laundry work to us-a nd with the many hours of spare time we give her, .she is able to do many things that are far more pleasant than doing the " weekly wash" or supervising it. A f~w words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man , and it would be just as eJsy for you to remove " W ashday' ' from your life also. SC\\"cr and \Yater connnitt ·e, reported at the meeting nf the Yillage hoard T ursclav cHning that the Yillag·e \Yater supply· continues good. Tru.'~ec DeBerard also referred ba ·k tn the August report, when the same degree of purity prcniled and said :\ugust is the month in \\·llich :'O many people arc a\\"ay on \"acation, durin~ which the~: are ~ftcn forccc! to drl!lk \\·a ter nt quesuonabl.c pu~·.ny .. Should any_ i.llness fo li o\\ , he s<.ud, tt cannot he t;:u rly attrib uted to the loca l ,,·attr supp ly. Kathryn ~ f cPhcr~()n rycently ~ of Lafayette, lml., !Ja.., bct·n st:curcrl as P~htor's as:dstant ancl director ni young pcopTc·s acti\"itk:-- in tht Fir:Presbyterian church. She \\"a . ior111n ~ t l~· associated with tlw Central Prl' ~ l1ytt.: rian church at Laiaycttt'. ! ~I i.;s ~fcPhns(ln \\·ill dn·ott- mo -. · cJt hrr time tn rdigintb, srH·ial anrl I rrcrr:ttio~1al acti,·it~· \\"ith the girt ... -,mall clllldren. and older Y"llttl(" pett 1pie in t.hc pari.;lt anc~ "·_ill prc_>l'e<:cl~·a nncc wtth thl' organtzatt,,n ol ~ Ctrl ~cr1ttt troop. 1 ~ri~:; The North Shore Montessori School for th e children from three. to eight years of ag~ will begin its ele ven th ye ar. ON MONDAY TH E FOURTH OF OCTOBER . Nineteen hundred and Twenty- Six Unttl the completion of its new home at . 76 1 Cherry St., the school will be conducted as hereto fore in the Winnetka Woman 's club. Address Miss DOROTHY SEARS, Directress 417 Warwick Road, Kenilworth Kenilworth 163 o· CALL IN BILL T0DAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY Comfort and Wear in This Moccasin Shoe A ftne, sensible shoe !or yeung !olb of all ages. Sturdy and ot good looking. M ade !rom a Special Ta!llned Grain Elk Skin wetting; practically scuff-proot Special soles. Tan or Smoked Elk Skin. unusual toughne!'!s and pUablUty; dries out ao!t afte!" Sizes 8~ to 11 Sizes 11 ;~ to 2 20% Discount on work brought in and called for $4.75 $5.50 Telephone .U niuersity 97 3 ·un dty 100-104IYMIJI~ PmL & PtPER £1!:4N.f1VN. ILL Ho~ WILMEI.I'E 1~5 ·INC· . CHILDilEN'S SHOE ·spe·CIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue Evanaton, lllinoia

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