Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 13

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September 24, 1926 WI'L,METT . E LIFE . 13 Kenilworth Happenings CLUB MEETS MONDAY The Hc>me and Garden . club ,,,ill meet Monday, September 27, at the home of Mrs. Robert Becker, 632 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. Prizes will . be awarded for the best bouquet of wild or garden flowers. The last meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Charles R. Erwin, 538 Roslyn road. Miss Barbara Erwin, who has just rc:turned from Europe, gave an interesting talk on the 14 Art of CzechoSlovakia," and Mrs. George Spangler read a paper on "Fall Planting·." R. Wikoff of Bound Brook, N. J ., announce the engagement of their daughter, Elsie Marion, to Donald Whidden Boice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Boice of "Craiglocken," Martinsville, N. ]. formerly of \Vilmette. Capt. James 1\I urdock of London, England, ts the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap of 239 Essex road, Kenilworth. -oMrs. Charles Ware, 325 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon at Indian Hill club Thursday, September 23. -oM iss Louise Tinsman of Kansas City, formerly of Kenilworth, will be married to Hugh Whitelow Saturday, September 25, in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Haley, 1434 Lake avenue, Wilmette, announce the birth of a son, Charles Dalton. ~eptember 15, at the Evanston hospital. -o- Mr. and Mrs. 'vV. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, 333 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, entertained their evening bridge club at dinner -oMr. and Mrs. David R. Decamp, 615 Saturday, September 18. -~ Abhottsford road, Kenilworth, are moMrs. ~{. H. Dement, 337 Abbottstoring to Bloomington, Ind., to leave their son, Wilson, there to attend thQ ford road, K~nilWOrrh, entertained at luncheon and bridge .at her home C niversity of Indiana. Thursday. -a--oFriends of the Drama held a mretMr. and Mrs. George E. Shipman ing in Evanston Tueiiday, Septemand Miss Alice Shipman, 432 Warwick bet 21. road, Kenilworth, returned Monday -o11 rs . Alfred ~1cDougal, 325 Abbotts .. after spending ten days at White ford ro<ld. Kenilworth, entertained her Lake, Mich. -0bridge club at luncheon today. Mr. and Mrs .. Leon Ellis and Mr. and -o:Mrs. Fr.ank Cherry, 422 Abbottsford Mrs. Sam Clark have been visiting the road , Kenilworth, left last Sunday for Robert Bennetts of Kenilworth on their island in Crooked Lake, \Vis. a month's Yisit in California. Original Imported Models For Immediate Requirements or to Your Individual Order 660 Rush St., at Erie CHICAGO T elepbone: Superior 6965 M iss Jeanett~ Cherry, 422 AbbottsPrentiss and Karl Korrady ret urnrd to Kenil\\'orth last week after ford road, Kenilworth, has been spentling the week Yisiting in Madison, \Vis. a fishing trip at Hay\\'ard, \Vis. J a mcs -O- -o- 628 Grove Street A University 252 ~==~========::::::;; When You Borrow Money From NEW STYLES in AUTUMN FOOTWEAR The Vilma pr(sented in patent leather with brown snake skin trim. Evanston Secllrity Finance Corporation YOl. K.:\0\V exactly what it will cost you before you sign the note. YOU KNOW you do not ha \'C to assign your wages. YOU KNO\V there is no chattel mortgage needccl as security. YOu KNOV/ that there will be no publicity. YOU KNOW that vour character and earning capacity is sufficient security. YOC KKO'vV that you can seYOU K>JO\V that there is no · unnecessary delay to get the money. YOU KNO\\' vou borrow on the same i)asis as other bl\siness men. YOU K:t\0\V the loan is made without sacrificing your elfresDect. YOU KNO\\' $100 finally costs $7.83. if you pay as agreed, and you repay in fifty ~2.00 payments. YOU KNO\V that the directors c u r ~.: an \' amount up t" and oft-leers arc local men $1,000. who are interested in \·our fOC K~O\V that the repaywelfare and many of \\'hom ments can be made \veekly, you kno\\' personally. semi-month ly or monthly. Priced $12.50 The Rita, a neat one strap featured in patent leather, brown kid and black kid. Priced $10.00 $1.6:; a Pair -· 3 Pairs for $4.50 AUTUMN TINTS IN THE WINDSOR SERVICE CHIFFON HOSIERY Evanston Security Finance Corporation 628 Grove Street Phone University 2 52 1\~. fi RCH PiiEsERVED SHOE ·ISHOP INC. Greenleaf 231 Open Saturday Evening Till 9 OFFICE HOURS: We~k days: 9 A. :\L to 4 :30 P. Saturday: 9 :00 A. l\T. to 1 :00 P. M. Tut·!::<lays and Saturdays: 6 :00 P. )l. to 8 P. )l. C. )J. lUcDON ALD President Lee Nelson Thomas OFFICERS LEE NELSON Vice-President FRED G. BROOKS Sec'y-Treas. and Jfgr. 630 Church St. DIRECTORS C. l\1. ~lcDonald Fred J. Schuett W. L. Dormand 1~. Williams E. A. Brown Fred G. Brooks 1.!::== Character Plus Earning Capacity is the Basis of Credit -

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