Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 9

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September 24, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 9· NURSERY SCHOOL GAINS .POPJJLAR.ITY LOCALL\. North Shore is Home of· Several Schools That Train Pre;. school Children "The home ·is the . cradle of the nation ;" But judging from the rapid growth of nursery sch.ools in the past few. yea(·s there is something wrong v>ith the ·cradle. When. child-study experts and even mothers themselves believe that hildren only two years old should leave home and go to schoo l, for a portion of the day, there must he fairly well founded suspicion, at least, that the home is not the be.st place for those very young children \vho might almost be called babies. Everybody, even antagonists of nursery schools, will admit that for the formation ..Df goon habits of acting, thin king, and feeling no years of a Ei person's life are so important as the first . ix. 1t is in this earliest period . ~ that the character . of an individual's E life is most largely determined. It follo\\'s, therefore. that the environment of the child during these important years mu st he the best that can be pro,·ided. Man,. believe that the home is not the best environment. but that th e sc hool is much better. These person:-; arc responsible for the recent rapi~l growth of nursery schoo ls. An article in the Literary Digest for Septemlh.r 11. 1926, states two vital truths: (1) The necessity of speci'fic scitntifir treatment of the pre-school child; (2) The important role which thr homr plays in thr child's life. T.he article also st re sses the fact that the nursery school is not a sub stitute for """ the home hut rather a co-opeFator with the home. But .as a co-operator the nursery sc hool is declared by its a(h·ocates to have an inrlispensahle function. On the north shore there are a numher of nurser~· schqnl:;, either called such or doing work of the same nature. A ~f other Stuch· club has been in existence for seve;1 vears at the home of Mrs. Alfred Alsr-huler in \ Vinnetka. Mi ss Lettie Johnson and Miss \V andy Gran houser. formerly of Highland Park. arc ronducting a nurse r y school in \\'innctka on Tower road. The Montessori school has bought a house at 761 Clierrv street. \Vinnetka. and soon will mo~e into it from their old f!Uarters in the \Voman 's cluh . This school is clirected b y Miss D orothy Srars of K enih\·ort h. The Community :r\ursery school, organized six years ago and st ill directed by Miss Corinne Fitzpatrick. ~t 769 Locust street, Hubhard \Voods, has remodeled a home for its 15 chi ldren . An intrresting phase of the movement is the number of mothers on the ~ north shor e \vh o hav e play groups in ~ thei; own homes. Among these mothers arc Mrs. \ValtC'r T. Fisher ~ and Mrs. John Macy of Winnetka, and ~ also Mrs. Walter Bachract,, a nevvcomer tv \Vinn etka , .w ho last vear di- ~ rectecl a nursery school in Ch(cago. ~ ro; TO · NEW RESIDENTS IN WILMETTE: RALLY DAY is an established event in our village life. This .day officially ushers in the season of renewed activity in Churches and Sunday Schools. Interesting programs have been arranged by . each of the co-operating churches.. Be on hand with every member of the family-make this a Church-family reunion day. In some churches I,Jromotion exercises will be a joint feature with the Rally Day program. Sunday School .. ............ 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. R. A LLY DAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 26th lti All Wilmette Churches Under the Auspices. of THE WILMETTE CHURCH UNION Directory of Churches: St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Ave. Fint Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rro. Hvbtrt C:cwleton Rro. Steplu,. A. Lloyd St. Jolua's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Aves. The F~rst Presbyterian Church Rev. Herma~J W. Meytr Ninth and Greenleaf Rev. George P. MGgill Seek Word From Railroad on Question of Franchise Th e matter of the expiration of the franchise of the Chicago, North Shore and Milvnukee Electric company, in Wilmette, was brought up by Tru ste e C. E. Drave r. at a meeting of the Village boarct. Tuesda y eve ning. A temporary extension of the franchise which was granted the company in 1923, will soon . expire ancl Trustee Drayer said a communication to the company several months ago had as vet brought no reply. The matter was ~eferred to the Public Service committee and the Village Attorney. ... E! ... !::: ~ ~ ~ The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Aves. Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf and Seventh Rev. Frsncil Stifl~r Rw. Williom Gt~ist ~ E Ei ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Gilbert Stan..rtll ~nw Ulll mu 11111 1.111 ""' llll lllll UIL Ulll lllf1 Ulf· Ulfl lliL 111.1 lliU llliJ lllll UIU Y. Ill lllli lllll llll.l liJIJ uw lllll 1111.1 lllfl 111 .. J

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