Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1926, p. 54

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WILMETTE LIF~ December 17, l~L6' Another Hartman Home Ia Chicagoan to Occupy New Work Progresses on New Sold Under Construction· Residence in Kenilworth E. B. Knudtson Residence Porter G. Fox of Chicago, who 15 I The· foundation and other preliminin the bond business at 208 S. La ( ary work_ is completed on the fine. new Salle street, is bUilding a vt!ry attrac-~ home whtch E. B. K ll'trl·son. pn·s,lent tive English type residence at Essex of the First National Bank of Wiland Warwick ro,acls, Kenilworth, a de- mette, is building at the southeast ve.lpoment ·. with grounds, representing corner of ~welfth street a_nd Chestnut an expend_ tture of about $60,000, it is avenue, \\' !lmette. and whtch he plans said.. S. S. Beman of \Vinn.etka is the to ~1ave finished br occupan·cy in early arclutect and lohn H. Davres of 1157 sprmg. Wilmette avenue. Wilmette, is the conThis is one of the choicest of the tractor and builder. few rcmai1,1ing- .vacan! pieces .?n ChestThe house will be of brick veneer. nut, the a\enuc of wtde. heavily woodcomprising nine rooms. three baths and e(! lots and where the past season has featured by a tower with winding witnessed the erection of so many stairs from the main floor. A stoi1e pretty homes . ·rrace at the tower base and a large · E. \V. Proctor ~f 2614 Tsahcll_a s'tr~' et, oren stone terrace off the dining room !~,·anston. g-el~eral contractor. ts hulldare a few of th_e many features being lrng for 1:Tr. Knudbot~. ~he plans call developed. June 1 is the date set for I for an. eight-room, l'.ngltsh house. of completion. red hnck venrcr, fronting the long way of _ the lot, on Tv.-el_fth street. There w1ll be a two -car hnck garag-e. 1 Hartman Brothers have sold, sixty days before c?mpletion, t~e second of the three rcstrlenccs wl11ch they arc j Give a gift that brings income-a First Mortgage Gold Real Estate Bond secured by North Shore Land and Improvements. ~u·RT~ - ·£ N LJJ.~~coLE 1564 Sherman Avenut Evanston building on Dundee place, Wilmette. Their second building, just sold, is l<~cated at Xo. 214. It is to he occul l'lcd ahont }{arch 1, hv the new o\\·ner:- ).f r. and : M rs. \Yilliam. Arndt, of Chtcago. ).fr. Arndt ts spcctal reprcsentativc of the Unden,·ood Type ~ ,,-~i,tc.r c~mpan~. _ . l IllS ts a s1x-room Dutch colontal , constructed of red brick. with the exccption of the <brmcr sides which arl' done in white stucco. \Vith tile rooi 1 sunroom. breakfast nook, t\.\' O hath~ and a t\\"o -rar brick g-arage, it ha s prm·cd a mo~t attractirc design and· la,·-out. particularlv at the price r1 i , $22.500. · ' Thr Hartman s have one more vacant , ht remaining in ~his block. just to tht nort h of the re-;iclr nee which t hev Inn· Zero Wave Fails to Stop · l sold to ~rr. ;u_HI ).frs. Arndt. Th-ey :1n Building Permit Demand notmce that In t~le very .car_ly spring . . . . ·. thry expect to hutld on tl11s s1te a very A lnuld_mg perm1t wa.s 1ssued at\: tl - attracti,-e English colonial. which al so mettc tim \\'eck ~o I·.verett L. l\en- : "'ill he for th~ market. nedv for the erectton of a (hn:·lling at · 1 )315 A~hland avenue. \Vilmette, ~ost- J 0 mg $10.500. Permit:-; were abo issued · n · avtes UJ S for two garages, one to A. H. Hoff- I Home for Manufacturer meyer for a frame garage at 1418 \Vii- I T n H mette a\·enue costinn· SJ25 and one to )' " . ugucnor, manager of tht: St. John's Luther<~l 'f cl·~·;ch for a T . ';,tsln~rg- P~at~· Glas~ co.mpany in Chi garage at 406 Prairie an·ntH' the par- c,t : 0 · 1" hutldlllg· a .. rrstdrnce at 131() sonagc, costin~ $225. A lH'rt;Iit to rc- · .-; ,],J~uHI a ,- ~·~~tu.·. \\ dm<"ttc, which· lh· model a porch. ro:--.ting $500, wa..; is - ~ \ath tn .h.n (' rrad,· fnr _ occupancv sued to John Etienne. The residence ~~-~Jut :\pnl 1. Jnhn _H . Dartl' "· nf 11.~7 is in Seeger's subdivision , , 1 mettc an·nuc. 1..; the contractor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _· I he Pl"<') ~ ert \" comnkted will co..;t a1)(, 11 t 1 $30.000, 11 i-. ..,aid. · 1 ew Coffey Residence Is I . ~fr. Hug-ncnor is building an Fn ··to be Completed March I ;ll_~h IHtlh(' ~ f --~X rnom . ; , th(' fra!~~~· ).[ " ork of \\'hrrh 1s now up. The ex . . ~ arc 1 ·. 1 . t.s th e C?~plctiOn date ~f t(·rior wiiJ h<· hrick V<' llPt'r with as 1lh;;l t 7 the_ attractn~ L:1gltsh type colontal -; lat<' ront. There \\'ill he :1. Ia ·· resH ence \Vhtch l·.. \\'. Proctor of "2614 porch hrt·.,kf ·· ·t 110 k 't . rg( open Tsal II t F · · nn " the '"' ftr st () · · c >c a ~ reet: :.vanston. general con- lavatnn· flo;>r ."n1 !nth ' '. tractor IS bUIId 111 g f r H R C ff · ,tn( a one of Chi,cago at 309 oD I ~ ey car _ldctachl'd garal!"e, h<·at(·d fr~m the of the plast'er con~nctorntll\t."soo~ kane, rc c.;J c en~e plant throu .cdt underground . ,. " . \\ ee ·. connectiOns W tlm~tte. fhe house is in the haurl s · It Is ~ srx-room stucco, featuring Driftwood Lane I the Enghsh colonial type, with larg'e S Scene open porch, a nwst appropriate de - i of New Home Construction s1gn and. lay out for the fifty-foot lot 1 Thr h <: t Jo . · · overlookmg the golf greens to the lane \Vi!J t. S~\ e ~nc. Ill Dnft\\'oocl south of ~1aple a\'cnue There will I ' th ' _nette. IS hclllg dn·clopcd In· a two-car stucco gara.cre Tl I· H :.l . e erectJO_n of a SP\·en-room. h.rifk . , I'"> · 1e pace 'l'IH·er rl"itden I . . . I comp Ietc . It . ts said will cost about ' :tther flft . f rc. atH tt I" . :wl thL· 1 · ' - oot vacant lot dirrcth$18,500. ·~nrth of the onr on which ~fr ~ . l\[ ~ " h<' llrm.:tnn . of Rio ' ·l;nt"n 1'hr(' ·F,·~ anston. IS nnw building. i" al--o t.o I . 1 5 h~MONEY I tJ,c c.;rf'll(' 0 f . . ., Jl . Sll11l ar . dc\·t'lopment 111 Have funds to loan on choice imt I1e spnng. proved North Shore Suburban restd enct property at 51J2% Interest. John H · DaviPc.; the \\"rll 1. ·j · ' " 11 f '" "l1 COil See us on renewals. t rae or \\"tth nfttre.:; :-~t 11-· 7 \\r'l · · · · · ' "' 1 met t t' E. G. Pauling & Co. ,t\enue, ts ln1lldtHg fnr ~fr s ~ l . . mann A · . · c leur 5 N. LaSalle St. MaiD 0250 1· t . .I Prr 1 1 ts set for rompktion ria e a~2(o the properh· i . . one costinr· a lOll t J'l o.OOO. · · ,. , I. 1 1 1 h H D . B ·td ,_. 1 'ft .. ·f 0 .. o~h~ hoTilse will )le a colonial of c.;cnn here ,,·til tt ·1 · Ill k S. so 1 >e a t\\·o-car b nc garage. ' Apartment Hotel Comfort at Thrifty Rentals! . I>et·n · ·.-:\frs. tl 1 Hattie Lockwuocl · ' \·I10 I1a-, "t 1 l<'r dau~hter. ~f rs y; I . . 't (" I Rand 81S 0 k . . .r \\an 0. ria , . ~ a ·wood. avenue, left Snn' to spend the \\"111tcr 111 . Pasa d cna, Cal. M Greenleaf ANY have discovered at The Elmgate-at surprisingly lower costevery charm and comfort of the large apartment hotel. The unusual degree of attractiveness has been complimented time and again by the very best people. Inspection daily · 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. LOANS C\lMMISSION WITHOUT On Desirable Homes and Apartment Rullcllngs John Hancock Mutual Life lnaurance Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 W · Adams St., Chleago 2100 C)he ELMGATE MAIN STREET AT ELMWOOD AVENUE ...... !

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