Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1926, p. 53

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December 17, 1~26 WILMETTE LIFE .~ Stage and Screen News and Reviews· THE NORSHORE ~lilton ~ills i ~ said to he one screen st ar w!10 can turn to any typ e of role and play it ~ ucccs sf ull _\ · . He is not limitcd to any particular kind of story or characterizati0n, and ha ~ appeared in pcrhap~ more different type.., of role than any other player on tht sr r'een. In his new picture, the scrc~.:n ver. ion of Cosmo Hamilton's 110\'C I. "Paracli,e," which comes 1() the ~orshore theater Sunday, he will bring ..,till an other Sills to the screen. In "Paradise," Sills step-; iortlt a' a de\'il-may-care, irre spon si hlv, Londo n n_ tan-.ahout-town: .t.h~ wastrel ~o n ?f ~n btgltsh ear-1. It 1_s .t role L'lltm~ l) dtfferent frf>ll1 anythtng lw It < ~"> t·\'~· r ri1·1H' before. · ] fe IS ~<:en at lti ' g;t _ \·.t·st molllt' lll'- :t" W"J R 1 8 k a Hit·r in tht' Hoval :\ir '-tnice. a.., a I mette ea ty ro er member of an ex--offtrer;' hand \\'hi.ch . in Big Chicago Transfer. ~~~ays upm~ the strl'et:- 01 I.(Jilf~()ll .\\·rt!t , E. C. Phillip,, \\'ilmette real estate St!J, as ch!ef collertor qf ror~tnl>utJO_n". i r·Jlnatur. rt·presented the seller, and a~ the <!nvcr of a IH,t<'l ~Jgh~~srcm~ Earle Shilton Realty company, thl' \utnm?hllc and _finally a.s Knt ~- 01 buyer. in the :.ale nf property for what I arad1se Island tn tht· South S('a> i.., Cllll:-iidered the highe . t price per '_dwre he a.n<l Betty l~rnn -.o 1_1 tak e ~hctr iront foo t enr paid on East Pear:-.on tadro ut w1th a hfet rml' <d happrne:-;" , ,trc t, Chicago, adjacent to the Drake i11 iront of them. hotel. Tltt· IH'\\' huyt·r~. \\'h :) comprise a :-.yn dicatt·. plan to make cxten~iYe THE HOYBURN intpr<·,·cntt·nt:-. <l tt rhc property. "TI~t· Fnur H r,r . . <'I11L'J1 "i th e I .\pq ca lyp ..<'." in thl' . opinion ()i rritic:> Bishop Griswold Visits and pubiJr 011e ot thl' h(·-.t play~ · · , t·n·r frlmcd. i-. nn tht ~l- rt'l'n ior tlti.; St. Augustine s Sunday \\'t'l'k-end at th e I lo.\·IJmn thl'att·r. Tt Tltt· l~ t . 1\n·. ~lwld :Jil \f . (~ri..;"·o ld. 1 J,rot t. [4ht the lat e Rtuhlph \'akntin l) tn -..ullra .~an l·i:--lw!i 11i thl' J ·:p i~r o pal ckiallle. the star playin g <·Jlp()..;itv :\l ire 1H1Jilinati·l11 in t 'lliL· ..L:o. \\'ill \·i:-.it ~t. Tnry and doin~ "0Tlll' ni hi . . par-ex - . \m~W· tinl'·, Fpi:-.ropal rlturr!t ~unda~· Cl'llent work. :\n t·nr,nnoth ra,t \\'a.; llt!lrnin!..:. Dl't:t·mhtr ll.J. \\'l tt·n hl' \\'ill fl'Crttited for the great featllrt ·. \\'ith l'<llldurt a c<,JllirnLttiCln ~t·n· irl' ior a tlw c han~r of hill :\I nnda~· tht· -.lto\\'i ng lar.~t· ~·b . . -.. Bi,Jtop Cri~\\ C! ld \\'ill also \\·ill he "The P op ul:t r Sin." ~ t arr in~ ~in· :111 :tddrt·:-o, at tilt· lll< J rllin~ :-.t·nicc. l :lor t~ ncc Vidor and it·aturin(.! Crt'ta ___ - - -·-- - - - ~i,..en in the supportin g ca,t .. Fr i~·11 <1 - ol ~I i:-., I la rriet :-:t. Clair · ·-..urp:i-.ed l1n \rit l1 ;t p;trt:-· at her llolllc THE NEW EVANSTON at <J33 ( lak\\lll HI an.·r111t on ~unday ··~!epping Alon g-," a talc oi \"ew t'\ t'ttill~ . IJL·n·111hcr 12. Till.' occasion Yurk politic~ and ~ how liic, i ' aturinr; \\a .' .\ii" llan·it·t\ 1\\'elith birthday. .\hn· Brian and thl' choru- <·f the ··~ca.ndab." i:-. the offnint:· tlti, \\'l'l'k :1 1 the ~L'\\' E,· an ~t(IJJ theater . It -.tar.; J<dtnny IIin('S, and in the -..upp1,rti11~· ca,t j.; Dan ~[ason. \\ ho j.., (1\·cr Rn WILMETTE, ILL. Yt';tr~ nf age. ~Ir . ~fasnn h; ts bet' ll "'Ltrrt·d u ndcr practically c\'C.: ry Broad\\·ay manager and has crrated many amusing characterizations on the 'l'l'l'l'n . He has appeared with Johnny TI inc:- in ~e\'C'ral r,j hi..; prn·ious c0mcdies. 1 1 a thrilling picture ·with the late war as a background. The story deals with an American aviator, who becomes a dancing man in the cafes of Paris his European complcxed mother and' the· g.irl. It is taken from a story by Edna I~ crhcr. of the same name, and repre:-;cnts one of the best of the se a on's productions. lt will be shown on \YedIIL':-.clay only. "Laddit," taken lront Ct 11 e ~trattun Pr·rtn's ntonumtntal epic is to ht pre..,L·nted on F riday and Saturdav and is rJnt r·i the fin est Jove sto rie:-. ever fil111cd . F e\\' pictures of rccL·nt years arc as intere st ing or as \\·ell n·tade: i('wc·r sti ll have that rar e spirit of I ..,~· mpath:-· and deep understanding that 'o 111ark~d ~fr s. Porter' s ho11b . Tt is itt<kl'd a ma~tcrpiece. ~inglt programs \\ill be gi\'en 1111 l'ltri..,tnta'i cn? and Cltristllla' d<t\' lllaj tinn·. ;tart in~ , at 7:.30 and 3 ~~·clo~k rnpectn·ely. lite n·gular ,cltnlull' "11J IH· rn111ne d f11r l'hristnt<t-- night . . I BALABAN I~ -~ K cHEER BUY B &R cHRISTMAS BOOKS FO GtFTSt d for B & K theaadmissio~ m .a~~ld at the box trc, a~yt$2tmso $5.00 and $10.00 office m books. · ' Books ~ 1 r fckets goo 1 - ~~FL~~JJtY~%QR GRETA NISSEN in "THE POPULAR SIN" Big Stage Show ~ ~STARTING SUNDAY- MILTON SILLS BETTY ~RONSON with Jn J ""Paradis~' dd d A"ractton tS Sensatton .. Extra A ART SINGERS RUSSIAN · a1 Voices. 1 NEW EVANSTON "THE BIG PICTURES FIRST" TODAY Village Theatre JOHNNY HINES "STEPPING ALONG·· and HAL ROACH COMEDY -----------------THE CAMPUS ~fan o' \\ 'ar," j ltn initial starring \·c hicle. is on the I --cn·cn no\\' at the Campus theater, with : \\'illiam Bnnl pla\·ing oppo~ite the I .'t~r. :\ st0r.\: of cirrus liic. "Span .t.des." wJII c0me tq the screen there Saturday, : it·aturing Charlie Becker, a dwarf actor. Hobart nnsworth, Glady~ nr0ck\\'ell and others arc in the cast. "Thel -· Return of Peter Grimm." the screen . version oi Da\'id Belasco's famed j stage play. \\·ill come to the Campus 1 : next Monda\' and Tuesday. The lead- : ing role is played by Alec D. Franci:-.. ./tiLl Gouda! in "Her NOTE The New Evanston Theatre will be closed from Dec. 19th to 26th in preparation for opening of i .\Jon . IIIHI 'J'u('s., lll'e. 20·21 .\ lat. 'l' urs. :I::W-EYC. 7::W·9 -2 JH Ys OXI,Yc·onstnnc·e TalmlHI!l'e fn I , - i ··DUCHESS .\hu f i OF BUFFALO I I I 1 ,. HARRY MINTURN STOCK CO. HOYBURN EVANSTON INSTITUTION" Jimmlt· Atlams in SHJ-:I.L sO('Iil:H a :! rt·PI t·onu·tlr . I.atest J·atht· Xl'ws 1 I , ,- VILLAGE THEATRE "The Dttchess of Ruffalo," which \\·ill he presented at the \ ' illagc theatre nt·xt ~'fonda\· and Tuesday, is a ~plendid comedy ·drama in which Constance Talmadge , masquerading as a "rand duchess in H.ussia, appears at ,.her ., 1 best and again demonstrates 1er flair for scintillating comedy and fast acting romance. It is said to be Connie's greatest success, better even than Ita triumphant "Sister f.rom Paris." "Gigolo," starring Rod La Rocque, is I I i ' WNI., nrul Thurs., nee. 2:!-.2:; 1i n1u wunt to lJe a great dnnrer · si.'c Rod La Uoque In i ~ TODAY RUDOLPH VALENTINO. - ALICE TERRY Retum of "Gigolo" - ~- j . ~ ~ · The Jlicture you'll nenr forget Gene Stratton Porter's 11 Also Ills Oft' Day, httest c·atlonul C'om£'tlr nntl Pathe Ueview t n ec ... IJ-1 2· }'rl. and Sa ., · ., I'INt~t' rwtc· tht·re wilt l1e only one ~how Xmas }~H at i':30 und one "at. on suturtln.r Xmas Day at 3 o'clock. The munagement wishes , cn1 all u )fERRY CURISTJL\S. }~dn· 4 'Laddle" I . 1 · I f I i ! ··THE FOUR HORSEMEN·· MONDAY "THE POPULAR SJN·' and i ·:··-~-~-~----- .\Jso Boster Brown and 'I'Ige In nesTER ·,)V ~TCHES TIGE and Patbe N~ ·· O'HENRY COMEDY

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