Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1926, p. 47

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December 17, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Pro/~· Schevill Tells Christian Science Churches of Political Fo,~ms in the Modern World ANNOUNCEMENT In conformity with our policy of representing only musical merchandise of quality, we take pleasure in announcing our appointment as authorized dealers in The polit ical forms evolved by histo r ic me n in t he modern wo rld we re .. ~;od the Preserver of '\ Ian" was the discussed yes terday in the second o f s~t l))cct of the lesson-sermon in all t he se£ies of two lectures t hat Prof. of Christ, Scient i ·t, Sundav) Ferd inand SciH:vi ll. professor of ).foci- Churches Dec<:mber 12. ern History of the Gni\·crsity of Ch icago, has deli\'l~rcd the last two weeks _The Golden Text \\'as from Psa lms as a part of .the Contemporary Thought 2:1:21, 22. "Let integrity and uprightlcc tyrc scncs at \"orthwe . tern uni- ne~~ prcsern~ me: for I wait on thee. Redeem Israel, 0 God. out of all his versity. The lect ure of a week ago dealt with troubles." . . . ).f esopotamia and Egypt, Greece, PerAmong the cttattons \\·luch comprised sia a nd Rome as exemplifying tbe po- ~he lcsson-s.ermon was the following . litical his tory of the anciel1t world trom the Bthle: ").Joreovcr. brethren, which re\'olves around the principle of ! I woulrl not that ye_ :d10nld be ig-norant, unity (monarchy) and the principle of ho\\' that all our 1athers \Hre under freedom (republic, democracy). Yes- the cloud. <~nd all J.>as:-ecl through the terclay's lecture discussed the failure , · C'a: At~d dtd all dnnk the ~ame spiriof the Roman .Empire, the Middle 1 t. u~tl. clnn~: for the:v drank of that Ag-es. the Rena1ssance, the absolute spmtual hock that lollm\·crt them: and monarchy and the constitutiona l mon- th:Jt Hock \\'as Ch:-i;o;t" 1 r Cor. 10 :1,4). archy. ! · The les~on - scrmon al-.o included thr. The continent of Europe followed tol.lo\\'ing . passage.; f rnm the Chri->tian the English development during the ~~lt·nr~· textbook. "Scil'llCt' and Health nineteenth century,· he pointed out. \\'lth h.l·~· to the Scripture<' by ~fary and industrial re\'olution released pop- B.;~ kn L<ld~·: "Thr()t1. !.4'hout al l gencrular forces nc,·cr before encountered 1 < ttt.,ll:-- IH>th I>L·tr.'n· and aittr the in hi:--tory. Tht·sc force:, untilized hy C'hri,~ian C"ra. the Chri ·t. as the -.;piri- ' the constitutional ~tate, led to imperi- tual Hk.a- tiH" rdltction of Cocl-l1as ali . m, this 'to impcriali:--tic ri\'alry C(lllll' \\'tth -> Cl lllC mc·a~urr of po\\'cr and which culminated in the \\'orld war. l!racc tn all prl'parerl to rl'cei\'C' Christ, Prof. Schevi ll ga\'e the la..,t of the Truth . :\hrahalll, Jacoh. ).f nscs. and the lecture series for the year 1926. The prophet:' caught glorinu~· l!limp~c:-. of course w ill be resumed Jan. 12 when thl' ~ft · s..,iah. or Christ. \\'hich baptized Edwin E: Slosson, aut!J()r, director of hc--1· Sl'ers in the di\'inc nature, the Science Service, \\'ashington, D. C., v~-l' ll C(' r)i Lon" (p. 333). \\'i ll he the lecturer, considerin~ "~oci cty anu the Natural \ Yorld." SINGS XMAS SONGS '\f i:--s '\f arjori I )a~· (If 1233 Elm ,,·ood ).fr. and '\fr-.. Gcorg l' ]. Phillips, 1119 an·tlllc \\'ill sing Chri stmas song-'i at Forest a\'enuc, are expcctl'd home Sat- 1 the ~\(ln· Hour at the \\"ilmette Free urday after spl'nding- a nwnth at Public J(hran· Saturdav morning DeAtlantic City, Xcw York City, and ' cemher 18, at- 10 :JO o'cl~ck. The ;1msic Canada. After th e holida~· s they ·a~e , " ·ill he follo\\·ed by a program of contempbting a trip abroad. Chri stma . tories. As Representatives· of Chickering ~ I 1 1 Sons Pianos, The Viva -Tonal Columbia (Successor to the Phonograph) And NOWRADIOS we are completely equipped to 'assist you in making your selection of a musical gift for Christmas - that kind of a gift that every member of the family will enjoy not only on Christmas Day but for many days and m_ a ny a Christmas to come. ZENIT~ A visit to our ware-rooms will convince you. Open Every Evening Till Cbti8tmas ~ckeryn, &- i)ons · mm~en &- tllenden ·V,rcuastw THE AMPICO ~<mtit~ng~fubios Carleton Kaum,e9er PIADO~ S27 Davli Street ... Bvanston 11/lnob g;k,Nm-0~ )2)0 1 1 THREE NEW BRANCHES To provide better facilities for handling its rapidly increasing business, Consumers Company has opened three new branches on the North Shore. · The new yards are located on the freight line of the ~ailroad and are. readily accessible to every locality. ning,. the Glencoe yard has been moved a short distance west where larger space and m~re modern facilities permit the handling of a bigger volume of business with greater satisfaction and better service to patrons. For convenience call at the new sales office, 7 1 2 Glencoe Road, Glencoe. Miss Clara Schramm is in charge. · In order to cooperate with the city authorities and with the park and community plan- BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL EVANSTON SALES OFFICE I o 1 5 Church St. Phone University 4500 @nsumers @mp81!Y COAL- COKE- ICE- BUILDING MATERIAL CONSUMERS GLENCOE SALES OFFICE 7 1 2. Glencoe Rd. Phone Glencoe 7 5 THERE'S A YARD I N YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD

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