Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1926, p. 33

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D ecember 17, 1926 WILMETTE side of the studio's acttvJtles. Little clothes a nd bla nkets, in the softest of· wools a nd the most delicate of shadings, arc most pleasing. LIFE 3.l Baker Loomcraft Experiences Fine Success Locally , Among the many surprises in store ~f rs. F. R. Quayle of 38 Crescent for north shore .residents who have place left yesterday for San Francisco interested themselves in local places of to meet ~h. Quay le, who has been on novel or unique character is the Baker a business trip in Japan, China and the Loomcraft Studio, located at 1103 CenPhilippines i"or the 'past year. Mr. an d ~ tra l av.c nue, Wilmette, and operated Mrs. Quay le will remain on the western under the direction of Mrs. Hart Ed- toast for the Christmas holidays·. ward Baker. ·-oStarted as a hobby or side line years .\mongthe young people expected ago, it has dc,·cloped from the one lonm state to it s pre se nt proportions home this w~ek-end for the holidays is oi two store rooms and ·a number of ~lis s Helen Seng, wh~ is attending Namodern, hand -operated looms designed tional Park serpinary in Washington, especially for the weaving of all types D. C. Miss Seng is the daughter of Uc per qaar& of articlt·s from the simplest of scarfs ~Ir. and :Mrs. Julius T. Seng of 1222. The cream taken from thia milk will whip and the daintiest of baby clothes to the Chestnut avenue. -~···~··~··············~··························~···~~~·~~ prcttie~t of dress c s and robes or uniqudy dc..,ig-ncd rugs. Rcce11th· because of the incre;1sing hminess, ~1 rs. Baker ha s volume iound it ncce ·sary t(J i 11 s t a II morr to( Jlll s a 11 d to t ak c O\'l' r Ill or c spa cc in which to hotht' t huu. :\s a rt~ult she is nn\\' anJH)UJ1cing- a rL'-opening, at her olcl place of business, to which has been added the s· me room adjoining. Perhaps the mos t intcn· sting and original part oi t his 110vcl industry, howcn~ r, is the pr()duct itself. \Von~n from card ully sc kct e<l woolen;;, ~omt time-; dyed to tl1c txart ~hade desired 1 hY ~~ r ~ . Baker or her co-\\'orkns, thl'y it;volvc pre -planned design s and arc made in accnrdanrt· with the ta ste s or wishe:o; of the individual purchasingthem . Entire outfits, including dre ssl's, scads, top coat<>, l'tc .. made in the same pattern and color :--rhcmc, iorming a n1o-;t delightful combination . ~ o r is th(' '>election limited to apparel for \\·onit'IL E qua 11 ~· plea sing are the Illl'll's jackets, drcs :> ing robes, or smoking jackt~ ts . In these also individual ta-,tes are the go,·erning factor. Complete baby outfit s represent an other · j New Cream Top Milk'-. Comes from Tubercular· tested cows. Sanitary .hood · sealed caps. Ask Our D1 ·ivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleai 820. ci ... Cadillac- the supreme Christmas gift-beautiful and always acceptable, bringing joy ·and happiness into every day of the year. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO .. EVANSTON BRANCH · I Division of General Motors Corp . 8 I 0 R IDGE A VE. EVANSTO:-.l UNIV. 86oo CADILLAC

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