WILMETTE LIFE December 17, 1926 BROWN~UMLANDT ·CO. 1567 Sherman Ave. ::::: FURNITURE Telephone University 6300 Evanston, Ill. Attractive Mag· azine Basket in green, red, black or parchmentbeautifully decorated, an ideal gift at Solid mahogany Priscilla Sewing ·cabinet, g o o d workmanship and beautifully finished. $6.95 Here is a popular smoker. Base, 11 ln. In diameter. The rod Is twisted herigon, and the top carries a large 7-tn. glass tray. Furnished in three colors: Apple G r e e n and Gold ; Chinese Red and Gold, and Black and Gold. $6.50 We invite you to visit our store to see our wonderful selection of Coxwell chairs ranging from $39.50up $4.95 J Hand glazed and pa:i nted ~ azine Holder in blue, green or black wirh suitable decoration. I Gateleg Table, 3 6x48 inches and finished in walnut or mahogany. Large enough for breakfast table y~t small enough for living room prece. $29.00 $16.95 · Spinet D esk . stu [dily built, nicel y fi nished in mahogany- sliding writin g bed , size 3 6 inches by 1 9 inches, a good value at $25.00 others up to $75.00 $369.50 You can~o~ secure better. upholstered furniture than this kidney shaped Laving Room Suite, regardless of price. The frame is hand car:ved, solid ~aho.gany cove~ed in mulberry chase mohair, reverse sade of cushions In lanen fneze. A beautiful ·suite at this price. The Humidor illustrated may be . had in ~abogany, copper-ltned and 10 a dis· tinctive design. $16.50