Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1926, p. 23

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December 17, 1926 ' WILMETTE LIFE Vets in Hospital to Enjo}" a Very Merry Christmas From the Atlantic scahoanl to the Paciftc coast: wherever a Veterans' l>ttre;tU hospital harbors a di sa bled war Wteran from Chicag-o, Christmas cheer rom the Chicago -c hapter of the Amcrt<an Rc(l Cro:s will find it s \\"a,· th i. Yu!rtidr. · Gifts 1n Good Taste That Beautify the Home It's the small pieces of furniture that give the nooks and crannies of the home a personality, and change the room otherwise lacking in atmosphere. · . . ! . ).f r :; . Gr acr P et tin-gil l. \·ol untc er ..:c·r,.t cc dir ector of the chapter at 616 ~:->ut h ~fi ch i ~a n annue Chicano and hundreds of \'Olunteer' \\'ome~ . have hC't:n l>t~ ~\· for man y (lay s pn:paring tlw holtd a~· mr~:-.ag<'s and gifts for t ht· ..;(' 37.1 Chicago mt·n. each of whom i.., t () he remr·ntiH' rcd a~ an indi,·idua I. and nc.t merely a" a sold ie r or sailor. f 1l add it ion tn thf' Ydcram, there arc a number c,f disabled Red Cro . s ntt r~ ('" ,,·hn will re ccirc ~imila r chec rf ul package s. Mirrors Both with and without cords. Long and high hanging mirrors, tn o d d shapes, all sius . bevelled edges, w i t h a n d without frames, w i r h and wirbout mitre cur. Pictures Imported prints and water colors. Selected subjects and originality of designs. Oil paintings that will warm up the wall. All of this in appropriate frames. Pacbgt' -.. hearin~· g i f!~ for each· of t1 1 t' n ·tn :tm . \\'ith a plentiful supp ly o i thr1""' minor th ings that I ' lld the real hnlida~· atmo-phC'rl'- tni st let nc. IHtlly. <':lllrh·. ( 'hri-tm:ts card-., and ~o f(>t'th :trl' htin!..!' ti('d ttp and acldrt·,s~d at th~ ('hir:t ~tt rh;lt~'c·r < ,i the T~ ed ('rc,._._, and Small Pieces of Painted Furniture Magazine screens. etc. racks, fire Specials \\'ill J,t. nnild nut in plt·nl\· '>f tilllr tr1 re :1t· h t],. t·\-- (·n·ice men. hdrtr<.' De crmher 25 . . \" fnr th(' 1'\'tll:t in cln ni th(' n:krans " ' ith \\'h(t11l th<' Chicago rl1apter ha~ had cuntart. 'Jit·r ial prl·paration a·rt..: lw:n!..!' n:;l( k tr1 r:trry llCt!iday nJt:s..,ag c~ !11 tlwn1 :tl'r'. \f'arkvt ha~kt·h filll'rl "i!l1 ';J\'C·n· irttit cab·"· :-;altcd nut . ; , rand\' ha r-. "ina II h11tt k;-; of grap·' jnirl', park:t:·t·, :>f r:ti'- l n -., orJn~r· .... :tpjdn and incl i,·id t, :tl gift... and dt· rr ,r:ttl'cl "i:h ltril!ht pnin-;dtas and red rihJ.rqJ ... , \'.ill I·t· ra rri{'d to the rariou-., JH,_ ·,it:,l- in and arouttcl l ' hira~o. inclttdin·r th t (~n·at T.:tkt· . . ho spital. the \f un:r·i q;tl Tttherrttlt,..;i-., ~a nitarimn. th e \\'intil'lrl -:tniraritml. the \'l'ter an.-,' hosl'i ;tl at \'orth l'hiragr,, the :-;JWt · d\\'a~·. 0:-~k Forest, ChicagtJ Fr c'h :\ir ho!'>l'i!<d" :tnd OWler'. \fr .... l'l'lt :ngill :-;~,- . . that ne\'t.'r heir trc ~i nce the \\'ar hin·c :-.0 lllat ly r-.trk :l!..!'e:> l>een :- ent to the \'t:h:ran . To Insure Picture Framing Orders have them in by Dec. 20, for X mas Delivery Gifts in Undecorated Wood In Basswood, Oak, Veneer, and Birch, there are: Windsor and Tudor chairs, telephone stands and stools, hanging hook racks in all sizes, corner · shelves in all sizes, candle sticks, magazine racks in all sizes, and hinged picture boxes and trinket caskets. Wrought Iron Magazine Basket Lacquer finishes of jade green, Chinese red, and black and gold. 1 9" high, 1 1" wide at side, and 8" wide at endS. Miss Marie Hopp Taken by Death on December 6 rt"!iiclent oi \\'ilm ctt e for \t·:tr'. \\h() pa:'sed a\\'a\· ~fon cl:ty. Dn·t·nll H·r · (J, \n·rc he ld ir~om the rt ·"i cl t"lt't· ·!I tr130 f. ;th· an·nuc·, Saturcl;ty. I >t ·rc rnhcr 11. The ..,en·icc.;; were dvl:t~·l'cl a\r:titin~ the arri\'al of ).[i s~ Jf npp\ . i..;trr. ~rr ~. Tohn F. Fuhrmann (1i ~r i:-tmi. Fla. · ~f ;,, lf <,P; ' h;td bt·~ ·r t ill <l Hr a lung ;t $4.50 F u 11 J lt!J'!'. t· r a I spn·iccs for 1>.[iss Marie t\\th·~· Swinging Picture Frames All sizes silvered and gilded. Imported Holland Pottery 1Jt' r;ncl. \1 r-,. Fulmnann had only ju ~ t arri\·t·rl ir1 Florida aitn a lengthy ~ta~· in \\'iltnc It· ,,·hen ~he rt:cl'i\'t' d \\'on! I (li hn ,i,tn\ death. .Large Tapestries Both Imported and Domestic in Beautiful Polychrome Frames \1 i~"' K:ttiH·n·n Bunte, daughter of \! r. :11HI \f r". Cllarlc.; F. Bunte of SOR ( ·l'n tral a\TIIU.e. is amung the group of ~t udent..; arri,· in~· home for the holidan. \fi.:;.; Btrn.te is at \'ational Park st·t.uinary this y.ea r. -oTcr(ltllt Spiegel . of 42-t \\·ashington :l\:ttlllc . " ·ill spend the holidays in Pitt~httrgh \\'ith his grandparents, ~fr . and ~t r :-;. J. ~f. Friedman. -0- This Long MirrorLong, in three sections as pictured_;_ Mitre cut glass; beautiful polychrome frame. $7.00 Pier Cabinet $5.50 Magazine Basket $7.50 $1.50 Corner Shelf $1.00 Pcggv ~ei!-;on of 1126 Forest an'tlllt' J" attending the Phi Kappa P~i hottst: dance at the Unive r sity of Illinoi~ on December 21. ).fi~~ Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works Glass, Pictuce Framing, Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering, Wallpaper and Art Materials. DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Phyaiciana RE-sidence and Office fU3 Central A venue Phone 300 1133 Central Ave. ALFRED EVERS, Prop. Ph. Wilmette 3493

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