December 10, . 1926 WILMETTE LIFE k'JIF ·-As ·nA , · Little Chats · About Your Health. No. 61 Worthwhile Things Require Effort an9. Vigilance The bw of nature "rcms to Jet tow.ud the reduction of .1ll th111g Water flows down hill to .1 common level. . it h.1~ to be forced up hill . \ Fot'orite Christmas Gift The 'iJ me truth prev .1i Is n. ' g.l rding the suc:c'i'i .1 nd .uui n men t s of m.1n . Onlv in r.uc instJnccs is .wvthing re.1llv worth whdr atuined or kept ex cpt ,l'i the resu lt of susLlincd cfforr Jnd vigilance. Th1s fullv .1pplics to m.lttcn of he.1lth. The proh.1bility of vour .Ht.lining .1 ripe old age will be t .ll gre .1rcr If Lonc;t.1nt v1gil is kept .1nd trouble·s noted .1nd corrected in their eJrly stJges. Dep" nd upon vour doctor to prescribe prcscnpr10ns. .111\' Cara Nome Combination Set nen'""·nv tre.Hmen ·r .1nd upon us to fill his ~~~t~~~ J i· i.t L't '·I '1t1: ; 1t .tlld ,, j] et Phones 28--2 9 . iy l;;·,]t·, itt . t',, I ·,t·.t'::t:!IJ '·L:i 1-Jin l'r! ,l \I, ,t\('i'.tfl,.l l!"irt . e Store- Central and Wilmette Ave JEWELRY Th.e our of dic.cnm t n.H ion wotdd hu v cl ~C\\' here 1f thn· dtd not know our hr~'.Hl-s to be of excellent qu.1lit \. But thcv 'ittll prc lcr huving t rom u" th.H ~iost Setlsible (-;.ift ' l T F know VV p,llrons the s.1fest w.1y to buv jewelry. You hJ\'c the opporruniry to m.1ke vour own selection . .1nd should there be .1ny error. the jeweler is on the ground ro corn'cr it. Tb.H i" our way of dot ng business. Jnd perh.1ps that explJins Why._ We hJ\'e won the confidence of folks hereabouts during the !Jst fifteen L OCAL tr.1ding is W .Hchrs t·or men .1nd women. diamond .1nd other stone set rings. Pearls. silver\\.'Jrc ..1ll covered by our gu.1r.1ntce. I Opm Eceniny fill Christmas 41 Most nuurishing tovd" ·~ DOMINIC PAGLIARULO The .Wilson Bakery The Home of Everything Good That's Baked 1166 Jewtler f1 Optician Wi&mrttr Avr. Phonr Wilmrttr 1 1061 5 years in the same location. 1162 WILMETTE AVE PH. WIL. 414