Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 59

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Dece~ber_ 10, 1926 Wi-LMETTE L'IFE JOIN xMAS CAROLERS Candle-ligh.t Vespers ·· · 1 I 59 .., j . -- North Shore Glee Club to Tour Rea·A cat)'1)e 1- 1 t . · . 11 1 · · f N T · M u · - tg 1 vesper servtcr w 1 >c 0 denc:e D·~t.nc:t~ b~ ner on- held h~· the :-tudents of the ~a tiona! 27 day Even·ng, ec:em er Kindergarten and Elementary college in ~1arienthal nn Sunday evening, DeThe North Shore Glee club wilt he cember 12. Following the singing of one of the many organizations pta~- Christmas car o I s ancl hymns, ~l iss ning to join in_ the singin~ of Christ- Edna Dean Baker. president oi the mas carols durmg the holtday season. college. will tell the story "\\'hv the Monday night, Decemh~r 27, the mem- Chimes Rang." · · hers of the club will assemble in WinThi..; Chri:-.tllla" n·~pn ~ervice. held nctka and traveling by auto, will ·11 the h-, t ~unda,· hdnrt· tht· students make' a tour of the families of mrm - lean ior the holidaYs, is a custom hers having little children, where they ···hich all t h<' 1-'irl-; i~1 t lw clrmnitory will sing the customary Christmas learn tn love. and to which thCY look Sstoblilhtd 18S4 songs and carols. It i~ possible that forward iron1 year to year. · a belated Santa Claus will he on hanfl Anothtr cu~tnnt which tlH' girls have to emphasize the Christmas spirit, hut Santa hasn't promised to stay over for hrought intJ) thr IH.'\\' college from the old is that oi the !'>inging of Christmas the evening. carols through the dormitory bv a Fvrwrol Di,.ttlo,.s for 12 YttJI'S In appreciation of the help the wives Cl'rtain group nf -,tudents earl~· on. the of the memhers have given the club morning nn ,,·hich they leave {or home. Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals in its minstrel shows. anrl in servin~ considerably refreshments at the regular meetings Still anothn. is the telling of the and practices, the cluh will he host to Legend oi the Christ Child. This has oil Davis St. Phone University 449 the wives at a dinn<·r to h(' hrlcl th(' been C'arried do\\'n from the <'arlv days Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3354 evening of January 12. Besides the wh<·n Elizabeth llarri~on. now. pre~i CHICAGO dinner, cards will he played and there dent emeritus nf the college, told the will he dancine-. the narty to he held legenrl Christ.ma :; after Christmas to .200 1!.. Erie St. Phone Superior 7709-77lb 11 at the New Guest ~us~ at Tech y.l~t~h~c~gr~a~d~u~a~ll.~v-i~n~c~~~a~ s t~·n~g~g~r~o~u~p~s~o~£~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still College Custom students. It is beloved by the alumnae throughout the country, and thoc;e within reach will be most welcome to the chapel service in Harrison hall at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, December 14, when it will be told by President Edna Dean Baker, with musical accompaniment by Francis M. Arnold. he plans to have ready for the early : spring market. The home will include · a two-car brick sarage. The house is being erected at 1715 Washington ave· nue, another one of the west side streets on which the vacant ground is practically gone, there being but two· more pieces of vacant left in thi! street. Mr. Kroschel's house will be of red R. Kroschel Builds . face brick, except the dormer sides Residence. for Market which will be of white stucco. A sun Robert ] . KroscheJ , builder, complet- room and sleeping porch are ~ncluded ed the foundation this week for · a six- in the plan. The lot has a fifty-foot room Dutch colonial residence which frontage. J. C. H. JORDAN & CO. Ill. One of th" best clanrc nrcht~t ras on the north shore is scheduled to pia~· for the dance to he f!iV('Il hy th(' rluh, Thursday, Januar y 27, at the \Vinnet ka Woman's cluh. The Amphion Chicago Quartet C'luh )!roup at a stag oarty some time dur in!! the month of Fehrua n·. The Am - : ph ions were hosts to the ::\ort h Shorr I club in October. and the return .inYi tation will he set for the early part of 1 the new year. Jack Schultz. ntwly tlected prc~i clent of the cluh. is anxiow.; tn make this next year a mo st successful (Ill(', and feels that the t' nthu s ia ~ m the members show, as well as th<· inter. est the public is showing \\'ill re sult in a hanner season. 1 Rogers Park Methodist Church Offers "Messiah" An event of interest to 111any north shore residents thi s season will he the "Messiah," given twice at the Rogers Park Methodist church, Greenleaf and Ashland avenues. Chicago, Sunday afternoon, December 19, at 4: and Sunday January 2, at 4. The soloists, welt known to concert-goers. will he as follows: Grace Holverscheld, soprano, December 19; Monica Graham Stults, soprano, January 2; Frederica Gerhardt Downing, contralto, hoth dates; Eugene Dressler, tenor. hoth dates; William Phillips, bass, December 19; Rollin Pease, bas s, January 2. The leader wiJI be Noble . Cain. organist and conductor, formerly organist at the \Vilmette Congregational church. ,,~,,,,,,,,,,,, Showing the Way AS Columbus demonstrated to fl. the courtier 'vho sought to detract from the credit due him for his discoveries, anyone can stand an egg on end - or cross strange seas-after someone else has shown the way. The task of creating a nation'"ide telephone service, like that of discovering a new world, is one for the pathfinder and the pioneer. The telephone, as the 1nodern American knows it, has heen made possible by the doing of a multitude of things in the realms of research, engineering and business administration that had never been done before; by patiently working out an endless succession of seemingly unsolvable problems. · Only because of its 'villingness and ability to lead the \vay in telephone development has the Bell System been able to provide America with a nation-\\ride, universal service that sets the standard for the rest of the world. . ... M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estin1ates given \Vithout obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM 1030 Greenleaf Ave. One Policy One S~stem Universal Set"vice YEAR-1926 WILMETIE TELEPHONE ' s PIPTlETH

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