Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 58

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58 WILMETTE LIFE· De.c ember 10, 1926 November PrOVfS ·h tn · B anner M ont .brary H·story L· · The month of November is reported by Miss Anne Whitmack, librarian, to have been the busiest t'n .the ht'story of the Wilmette Free Public library, It was especially a children's month and the book party for the children greatly increased the interest in that department. As a · result the circulation is practically double that of last year, a total of 2712 books loaned as against last year's .total of 1378, which was 31 percent of the . total circulation for the main library. The growth in the use of the adult department has not been so striking, although, a .steady increase h4ls been shown .and i§ most noticeable in : the f d t A b f re erence epar.tmen . num er o specialized books have been added and literature for objective reading has been furnished in greatly increased quantities. The circulation for the adult department of the main library was 3428 books of which 67 percent was fiction. The circulation for the Laurel branch was 1222 books making ' 1 a total fot -the month of 7362 volumes loaned. . ·. Starting Junuary 1, a n_ew. pohc_y tn 11 b the handling of reserve nottces wt e inaugurated. Heretofore it has been Scout Executive Walter McPeek the policy to notify patrons that a cervisited Troop 2 of the Congregational tain book had been placed on reserve, church and Troop 4 of the Episcopal subject to their ~11, by phone. In or- church last week. der to give still better' service, notifi ~ cation will be accomplished by means of a postal card and the book held for Through the courtesy of St. Angusa period of forty-eight hours for the tine's church ou.r . Sco~t executive, person who had placed it on reserve. whose area office ts m Htghland · Par~. It is expected that this will expedite. may be reached every. Wednesday .atthe handling of this phase of the work ternoon, and at other ttmes by appomtand provide .a more certain and sa tis- ment, from 3 :~0 to 5 :30 at the Club factory means of notification. House , 1126 Wthnette avenue. Scouts, Scout leaders, and the public are invited to stop in and get acquainted. Boy Scouts The Wilmette Scout association held' a meeting last Tuesday night. ore Value than the Price Suggests In the year just drawing to a close the price of Dodge Brothers Motor Cars was materially lowered. yet during this period more important improvements were inc~rporated than in any year in Dodge Brotl)ers history. Advances were made in engineering and body designs. The cars possess a greater degree of smoothness, silence and ease. They are more comfQrtable, more beautiful. Current prices - made possible, of course, by constan'tty mounting sales- are therefore not an obvious measure of value. Prices, in fact, have never told the full story of Dodge Brothers dependability and basic worth. But now, more than ever before, there is far mor~ value than the price suggests. Touring Car Coupe Special Sedan $ The Executive board of the North Shore Area council will hold it s De cember meeting nex;t Tuesday evenin!o{ at the Central Cafeteria in Wilmette. NEW C. OF C. MEMBERS Applications of four new members were approved at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, at Central Cafeteria, Monday evening. The four accepted were.: E. B. Knudtson, president of the First National bank of Wilmette; E. W. Weber, editor of \"/ILMSTn: Lzre; Dr. C. G. Smith, dentist, at 1159 Wilmette avenue, and ] oseph Schneider, associated with the Cook county Board of Review. You may select you.r Appliance Gifts . commenctng ' in the evening, Dec.ll For the further convenience of hoHday shoppers, Public Service Stores will remain open each evening 870.00 925.00 1,030.00 Delivered C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street Phones: University 224, Wihnei:te 224 until9 o'clock. ~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN IWNOI8 1 14 1 "Buy Your Car in Evanston" ~e Also Sell Dependable Used Cars DCD6E- BROTHE-RS MDTDR CARS .f \ . C"nrral Ave., Wilmette Wilmeue 2899 .JNO. S. REESMAN, Dist1·ict .V a nager

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