Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 45

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December 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE - ~ shall without fail vtstt Chicago and PLAN BAND CONCERT Telephone Wilmette llt7 hope then to have the pleasure of seeThe New Trier High school band is DR FRANK 8 ERWIN ing ·you all. With kindest remem - to appear in concert at the high school · · &J VETERINARIAN brances to Mrs. Blackton and your auditorium on the evening of January 8, it was announced this week by DiSpeelallzlng In the treatment ol your beat frlendl tile Sir Thoma s Lipton, famous English family circl e, and with every good rectot Schumacher. It is the plan of "Dor aad Cat" sports man, is the fir st honorary mem- wish, the hand to ·give a spec ial concert each All ealls reeeiYe my personal ber of Vist~ del Lago, th e new cluh Yours faithfull y semester during the current school attention DL ~I' h ' (Signed) year, it was explained. 1000 Rid e AYe. WUat& no·w under construction on the lake omas I.·· tpton ~hore · between Kenilworth and \Vit mette. During the Grand Opera Season, North Shore Line trains arriving in the Chicago Loop (Randolph In th e letter to Commodore]. Stuart and We_ lls) at 7:54p.m .. 8:03p.m., 8:19p.m. and 8:33p.m. will make a special stop at Blackton, ~ hairman of the Vista del Congress and Wabash. at the doors of the Audi ·orium. · For homeward-going passengers, all Lago board, the donor of the . inter Northbound tratns will _stop at Congress and Wab :- . . h fron 10:02 p.m. to and including 11:58 nat ion ally celebrated Lipton Cup, anP : m. Operating directly into the Chicago Loop, ( 6 southhound and 3 northbound Loop sta· nounces his pleasure in becoming a member of th e new North Shore cluh ttons l. North (. ~o e Line affords the most conve:tient scrvi _ e to and from all downtown theaters. and indicates that he rna\· Yi~it here in tiu' not distant future. Conimodorc Blackton ha s ktw·wn ~ir Thomas for many year-; and their I friendship was cemented during th r Lipton Cup races. when ~r r. Bla~kton. j as commodore of the. A.tlantir Y~rht 1 rluh. Seagate, L. T.. :\. 't .. entertaiJled I the titled Englishman a-; hou;-;e gue~t. Commodore Blackton\ (Jriginal lct - j tcr to . ~ir Thomas wa~ mi sad clrc s--rd and re.turncd i rom Fngland . ~ir I Thomas~ cotnml'nt. upon finalh- recti\'ing the letter. is typical. Tt -i~~no"· . . : 1 Dear Commodore: Your vt'rv kind lrttn oi tlw 20th ni ~eptemhrr -ha:-> only ·ju-.t rcaciH'd me · owing to the delay ·cau:-..ed thr ;> ugh the po~ta l authoritie..,· lark oi initiatiH·. li ' you had addrl'-.sed the l 'll \'tlupt: "Lipton, England."' '·Lipton , London... or . . . imp)_,. ··Lipton" it \YOttld haH· ioutHI ,. Sir Thos·. Lipton Honorary Member of ·V isla del Lago I. ~--~~--~~~~ 1 1 Ill('. I 1 note with intcrc-,t the pr11j(·rt in · "hich ~· :111 arc engaged and am g·rt·ath· 1.ldi.L:l'd to you i()r the -.uggt·. . tion tk; · I -.h111tld lil·conH' an ht·noran· ntl'ml,n . Thi.., I am n·ry pka:-t:d to ;q_irn· to and hllJH' your plan:-; \\'ill malt' rializt· tn ,·nm . . ati;-;iactiCln and that the club " ·ill · i1roy~· J big ~ ttccr ss. \\'hen T am again on your . . ide I to Shore Line ofters you a distinctive and unNORTH equalled transportation service to Milwaukee. There is a fast train every hour. Trains operate into the very heart of the city, saving you time and taxi fare. Located at Sixth & Sycamore, our Milwaukee terminal is convenient to everywhere. Electrically~operated, North Shore Line trains ·afford the utmost in cleanliness and travel comfort. No smoke, no cinders. You reach your destination fully refreshed, in tip··top condition for a day of successful business or pleasure. · The next time you go to Milwaukee, take advantage of the superior service ·afforded on this high. .speed, elec-trically. . operated railroad. Note: Seven Milwaukee..bound trains operate each day via the Shore Line Route, stopping here for passengers. At other hours, Shore Line Limited trains operating to Waukegan make direct connections at North Chicago Junction with Milwaukee Limiteds operating over the Skokie Valley Route. For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at ticket office. Fresh Eggs This is the lean season for fresh eggs. Enjoy the satis~ faction of knowing that your needs in this line will hE' taken C;ire of. This is our specialty and we pridt ourselves in being able to sup~ ply you with a fine fresh egg when other sources of sup· ply fail you. Drop us a card todayf specifying the amount you wish, they are packed· in 2f 4 and 12 dozen sizes, to suit your convenience. See the new container that prac .. tically eliminates loss from breakage. Partners ~larketing Co. Box 432 Mount Vernon, Iowa Rogers Park 1516-17 MAY FURNITURE AND REPAIR CO .. 6346 N. CLARK ST .· CHICAGol> We offer our service to you in n ·:o, toreng, repairing, remodeling or upholstering .my thmg in furniture . Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Baggage Checked Telephone Wilmette :15 1 4 I·IM

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