Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE December 10, 1926 DID YOU KNOW- Esther Gould's Christmas Suggestions In a season when even those who are supposed to know what is what, in· books, are overwhelmed with their number and variety,' how much more mus t the layman be wondering what those hooks should be that he was intending to give for Christmas. Here are a few suggestions which might be made: The fir st of these novels, or books ip the lighter vein, would probably appeal especially · to men: · "Early Autumn" in which Louis Bromfield tells a very competent story of New England. "Revel~y" a story of political intrigue, FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON . University I 024 Wilmette 600 Rogers Park II 2 2 That DuBose Heyward has gone to New York to be there during the Production by Cecile B. DeMille of uPorgy" which 'Will be called ((Catfish Ro·w" in the movies? That uHm·mer Jolm" was start- ~evnte\W'8 <O>f ·Nte ~ Iffi (Q) <0> IlK ~ "Gala had"-John Erskine. Anyone who describes John Fr!' kine's books with only the spa rklin~ adjectives of "witty," "bri lliant," "original." "Scintillating," and thinks he ha~ said enough has made a mistake. True th ey arc all those things but they arc sometl1ing more. In each case-in the character of Helen of Troy and Qut: cn (',uincvcrc - ~f r. Erskine ha s taken a character whom we han· suppost' d tr1 he perhap;o; not exactly in the wrong-but at lea ~t not so po:-.itivcly admirable as l1 er contemporaries. and shown that she was the trulv adm ir able one. That thev. th e ones ,,;ho got the halo s, "en· merely mediocre and therrforc appn· ciated hv a mediocre world while "hl· was so. unconventionatl\' ahcwc the mediocre that the C01111110n herd neH·r grasped the principles of her greatnc~~ . And in this later book. "\.alahacl." under all the verbal jott:-.ting in whirh his cl1aractcr~ arc as proficient. sMrth·. a:-; Launcelot c\'Cr \\'a:' \\'ith the o...pt·ar. ~f r. Erskine pu h into t hl' month of Cuinevrre :-.onlC' truth . . which arc J·ro fnund. dream:; at some tinH. ' of <·H·n· \\·oman . As ,,·hen :-he ,;;~n· !-. "I C<·\11~1 Inn· on h· nne kind oi m~n - thc kind that make . a difference in the wr.rld. ,\"lw build~ something. ,,.110 ah"a'·" goc . 0 11." And she add' with a cleep.C'r touch of sadne ss. "T oncl' thoug! : t Ar.thur was that." ?\fu ch could he said (,f the sam it,·. thl' compe·tence. the hrilliancl·. of ~(r. Erskine's style which " ·ottld be true . Bnt for me, its mo~t charming feature. permeating it as the s uhtlc profundit ,. permeates the subject matter. is th~ delicate rhvthm. a rhvthm which is simple and. complete, ~s in this sentrnce. "She dicl not rai se her head when Elaine came in-perhaps because she came in so (juietly." .· ':l~ NAPOLEON ~~ rd long . a!?o bttt Httf!i~ Walpole stopped tt .,,., order to write ((O ld Ladiesf" That Harry K. Thaw has written att auobiographv in which lr r cxplai11s how he -came to k.~l Thomas E. Watson Dodd, Mead ~ Co . ...... $3.50 SAILING ACROSS EUROPE Negley Farson Century Co. . : . .... .. .. $3.50 Stanf01·d Whitl? ALLEGRA: STORY OF BYRON AND MISS CLAIRMONT Armisted C. Gordon Minton. Balch ~ Co . . . . . $2.50 Drawing of the Great Masters . Series Til at u Beciu Ge:ste u B eftu Sabreur" and uThe Dark Dawn" ha·ve been given an entl·utsiastic reception ht their translated form abroad? :J a new departure for Samuel Hopkins Adams . "Fallodon Papers." in l\'hich Viscount Grey tells of the things in life he has really cared for. "Han·r ~· Gerrard's Crime," a new and FLORENTINE ORA WINGS OF THE QUATTROCENTO H. S. Ede H.enry ~a.n Dyke's "The Spirit of Chnstmas. ts as attractively gotte n up as a Chn stmas postal card and the Doctor's narrative powers 'seem not to . have. lost their compulsion. It is wntten m the form of a dream story an d has more appeal than the majority of Christmas stories. good Oppenheim. ORA WINGS OF THE EARLY GERMAN SCHOOLS K. T. Parker . I I FLEMISH ORA WINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY T. W. Muchall -Viebrook Each with 71 illustrations in Collotype Robert McBride ~ Co. Ss.oo each 1 ~l GEORGE THE FOURTH Shane Leslie little. Brown ~ Co . . ... . $4.00 f · I THE NEW BOOK· OF AMERICAN SHIPS Capt. 0. P. Jackson, U. S. N. Col. .F. E. Evans, U. S. M. C. Stokes ...·............ s5.oo ··--··---·--·--·-·-· -·=· T. I DES " FOUNDATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC: SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES Calvin Coolidge Charles Scribner's and Sons $2.50 TOURING NEW ENGLAND Clara Walker Wbite side Etchings by Ada C. Williamson Penn Publishing Co . . .... Ss.oo "Lord Raingo." Arnold Bennett's interesting story of English intrigue. Here are some more lighter books which ,,·ould appea l more especially to women: "My ~f ortal F.ncm\· ." \Villa Cather's delicate stor~· of ~ woman's defeat. - THE BOOKMAN "Hrr ~on's \"/ifr." Dorothy Canfield. as competent as usual. ~-·-·---·-·-----·-·:· "Tidt's." Ada and Julian Street tell a talc of old Chicago aiHI later f II · New York Lucy Fitch Perldna - "The Dark Dawn," a dramatic story of the northwest farm countrv bv i T he a uthor of the always Martha Ostenso · · popular Twin Series tells a new "Angel," DuBose Heyward writes as ' story for children about the sympathetically of the southern mountain people as of the negroe s. 1 1 "Gatahad." another of John Erskine's \ dog, Solomon , to see the ! inimitable stories. · world. Illustrated $2.00 "Custody Children," an unusuallv feelHoughton Mifflin Co. ing story of a woman in societv, by Everett Young. " \ Vedlock," another powerful novel hy Jacob \Vassermann. "The Dancing Floor," a colorful romance of the Greek Islands, lw Esther Gould John Buchan. "Th{' Romantic Comediath." a ~oph i s By Ada &: Julian Stre~t "ShmY Boat," enough said. ticated novel by Ellen (',Jasgo\\·. A surging novel of Chicago. in "Rellarion," as good a Sa hat in; a:-~ " f t ha pprnecl i11 Pc king." Lou i ~ .T orda n the days of the World's Fair. "Captain Blood." ~filn is r nt ertaining a:-. u~ual ahr.ut Doubleday, Page 8t Co. $2.01 C'hina ~· I.~\\ l' l' pi 11 g ~ '.. Ll' ~ t l' r r () h(' ll \\' r it c s a An immediate bit! good noYel oi Chicago. MR. CHICK .' I 1 I ~~~ic~~~~vs~~~~~~s w'i:h ~[~ I I I I MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOATIN' COLLECTOR'S LUCK IN ENGLAND Alice Van Leer Carrick Little, Brown ~ Co. . . . . . $3.00 By Herber~ and Edward Quick Destined to "The Time oi 1f an." a 11 r:-.t non: I ll\· l·:Iizabcth ~~ adox Robrrts hailed as · ()11l' oi · thc mastcrpiecr s of the year. That is a mere smattering oi the :-.eason\ good hook s. Some of the more ser ious things \\·hich men or \YOllltll would en joy, arc: Her~ is the s.tory of a great sm~s~mg, splendtd t poch in the WHY WE BEHAVE LIKE ·H UMAN ·BEINGS George A. Dorsey, Ph. D. Harper 8 Brother ....... $3. so New Line Book Just ln. Get Yours Now! Book Shop-First Floor First Editions and Rare Books Write for our AUTUMN CATALOGUE-just off the press. butldmg of Am eri ..:a. become a classic. Fully Illustrated, $3.00 Henry Holt 8t Cc,. N.Y. "The Story of Philosuph,·,' ' an,·c·ne who hasn't read it should · read ti1is important book by \Viii Dmant. "T he Hum a 11 Adventure," Profc:-;sor Breasted and James Harvl' Y Robin son tell us the story of our liY C~. "A Victorian American ," the first modern life of Longfellow b,· Herbert Gorman. · .I Everybody is talking about The Hard-Boiled THE Virgin By Frances Newman It is serious without being solemn and gay and clever without · being merely facetiou s. $2.50 Boni & Liveright N.Y. WALDEN BOOK SHOPS 307 Plymouth Court ._ .CHICAGO 410 No. Michigan Ave. "George \Va shington, th e Image ~ and the Man," the fir st hone st biography of \Vash=.1g ton . "Li ie and Letters of Joseph Conrad,'t by Jcan Aubrey, a \\·clcome book for any lov er of Conrad. "On the Trail of Ancient Man" the story of Roy Chapman Andr~w's famoqs expeditions int o Central Asia. - ·----

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