38 WILMETTE · LIFE December 10, 1926 News O.F the North Shore Clubs I Ask for Xmas Gifts Club Committees on North Shore Working to Supply Boxes for Great Lakes Unit 1'\orth Shore "·omen from \\'ilmette to Glencoe arc expending a great deal of energ-y to make Christmas a happy day for the veterans at Great Lakes, at the P~ychopathic hospital. Two sales have taken plaee rer,·ntlv, a day apart. Cnder tht' direction ~)f Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Kenilworth. chairman oi the committee on friendly co-operation with thr \Vorld \Var veterans of The Neighbors. a most successful sale was held Tues<ia\' November 30. at Mrs. Jm·ce\ home.' ~fore than $400 wa:-; cleared, all to go to the men who made the articles, and to others in need. Aside from the articles on salr. the committee sold hot waffles, sausages. doughnut:->, cofT re cake, and hot coffee to tho:->e who chose to ha\'e rcfreshmeht:;. The sale lasted all day, aJl(l the committee announces that the \\'affles and coff<·e a lone tH'ttcd a hou t $1 t The Kt·nih\'ort h r·ommittee is now preparing to pack Christmas boxes of cigarets. candy, nuts. a necktit· or t\'\'0, handkerchiefs and socks, which will be delivered to the hovs. The committee announces that it ~,·ould he appreciative oi any donation of an\' oi these thing.~. a carton of cig-aret~.' a necktie, or a hox ni can(h·. TIH.'re are aholtt 350 wounded and .:->ick vrter;,ns in tit,_. hospitals. and the Kcnih,·orth committee hope:-> to furnis]·, about 50 hoxes. carefully packed and wrapped. For further information, onl' ma,· call ~lr:->. Jo:-;eplt Joyce at Kenilworth 2134, ~frs. ~f. H. Dement. at KenilWf?rth Ifi-ll. ~frs. E. John Hicks. at Kenilworth 1401. or Mrs. l. K. Farlr,·. Jr., at Kenil\\'orth 1392. · · The \\'ilmctt e \Voman's cluh has a committee for friendly co-operation wilh ex-service men, headed hv Mrs. \Villi s H. Hutson of 1112 El~nwood avenue, \\'ilmette, which also gave a financially successful sale, \Vednesday, Decemher 1. at the \\'ilmette \Voman's club. ~f rs. Hutson was assisted hv " large committee of \Vilmette won;en. and announced that although final re ceipts were ·not in. orders having heen taken, the sa le was a great success. The \\'ilmette committee asks that peo.ple interested in helping the Christmas box end of the committee's activities, send money to Mrs. Hutson, who will turn it over to the Hcd Cross to purchase candy, cigaret:-> and other articles at \\'holesalc prices. The various chapters recei\'C credit for t mning in the moneY. it is announced. Aside from collecting welcome contributions for tl;..' Christmas boxes. one day during the holidavs will he devoted to the 31 \\'est. unit, in which the \\'ilmette club is particularly interes ted. A specia l Christmas partr is being planned hy 11 rs. Hutson and her committee for this unit, and if \Vil mette \Yomen have extra clothes. candy. cigareB, cards and such articles. they are asked to send tht.·m in. And Glencoe is not to he outdone. Mrs. Norman H. Camp of 492 South avenue, who has charge of the committee on friendly co-operation with war veterans for the \Voman 's Librar\' club of Glencoe is interested in the Christmas box fund, and asks that money be sent her, which she will in turn hand over to the Red Cross. In for Disabled Vets . N otth Shore Kentucky Has Xmas Party Tues~ay At \Voman's Society The \Yon1an's society of the \Yinnetka Congregational church will hold its second December meeting next \Veclnesday. beginning with se\\'ing at 10 in the morning. At 11 o'clock. a most delightful musical program has been arranged, with ~~ rs. Valona Brewer giving a program of several \'iolin numbers. Mrs. Taliaferro Milton. reading one of O'Henry's delightful Christmas stories. and ~~r~. George Frazer giving a group of song-s. Each of these women · is known to \\'innetka people. and will he welcomed. for the ability of each bas heen proved. Mrs. Norman K. Anderson will lead the devotionals from 12 o'clock until 12 :15. Luncheon will be served the society at 12:15. and an important sewing session will foliO\\'. ~Irs. Arlan \\'. Com·erse, who is in charge of the sewing, announces that the work \\'hich is bring- done for the Chicago Commons fl}Ust be finished he fore Christmas. The Commons is \Vinnctka's parti'Cular charge, and the society has been active in scv.·ing for it. Dean Peter Lutkin's choir will sing Christmas carols, Mrs. Dan B; Brummitt will read the Christmas ston·. and girls front RoYcemore will dance the minuet next T~esda,· afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. in the roof ballroom of the Orrington hotel on the occasion of the Christmas party planned by the Kentucky society of Evanston and ·the North Shore. Mrs. Leroy Gidding, ~f rs. John A. Lee, Mrs. J. B. Heth. ~r rs. \\'. L. \Vright. 1lr:->. D. L. Fester. Mrs. lnYin Keller. 11 rs. Robert Reed. ~r rs. \ V. H. Bryant. Mrs. John \\'. Leathers. Mrs. Preston H. \\'illiams. Sr .. ~Irs. H. \\'. Talbot. ~~ rs. Henr,· \\'ebster. ~~ rs. Crain, Mrs. ~~ usick. ~~ rs. J. Sherman Dudle,·. Mrs. Harrison Smith, Mrs. James. \V. Guest. Miss Bessie Duke Kinne,· and Miss Luc\· Blakemorr, ·will he th~ hostesses. · Club Program Will Please Eye and Ear Wilmette Woman's Club Program Offers Music, Pictures Myth and Legend Thl' next all-da_,. meeting of the \\'oman's club of \\'ilmettc promisee;; a drlight to the eye and to the ear. ~fusic. beautiful pictures. and the charm of narratives recounted with a voice of musical modulation \\ill comprise the program for \Vt'dnesday. December 15. The two artists appearing- in till' tnorntrl~ ~ession commencing at 11 o'clock. prt·vinusl~· han· gin.·n program before the dub audience. an audience th:4t ahva,·s ha.., reccin·cl tht'lll \\·itlt enthusiasm . .An interpretation oi \\' agner's "Lohengrin" will be giHn hy ~f.rs. Harold B. ~faryott and ~fis:' Gt·rtrude Fa rrrll, :; o p ran o. hoth oi "·hom are popt!lar in \Vilmcttl' . Lunchron \viii he ~er\'ecl as usual at 1 o'clock. The aiternoon pr(l<Yrant will han· a parlicular appl'aL ~ri~:' ;\orma Alter n a tt wil I play '<',.<' ra I violin :->c le ct i(Jn, pre<;edin~ the talk nf thl· aiternnon. tltc tnpic ni " ·hirh \\'ill ht· "~ational AchinTill<'llt in Cntbt'n·atic Itt." ~f r:->. E. Tolman East, a woman of charllling per:;nnality anrl \\·ith a speaking voice oi unusual heauty, " ·ill depict the priceless h<'rita,ge in thL' national park., by sterrcqlticnn :-;)idrs ()f settit1gs rich in Indian m,·ths and le~l'nd..,, the nar ration c·i "~ hich " ·ill acr()mp~, .. ~. tht· picturt. ' "· Xmas Stockings Collected at Next League Meeting Christmas stockings for distribution among thr orpl1ans oi the St. Joseph hnnh in ('hie ago are to he coll"cted at the cotninl! mreting oi the t\ortlt Shore Catholic \\'oman':; leagut· on Tursda,·. December 1-t. at 2 :30 o'clnrk. in the \\'innrtka \\.ontan\ rluh. The afternoon's program will IH' gi\'(·n h~· ~frs. E. Tolman. who wi11 :tddres" the gatherinl( on "Our !\ationa) Park:'." In· ~frs. ~idm·, · B"erl1, :->oprano. and ~f r·s. Gt·nrge On:. arcom panist. Tuesda~·. December 2R. h;l:' hl·tn ~e t aside for the league's TH'Xt se\\'ing d:1 ~· at the re:-;idrnce of ~r r:->. Lro T. Hill man of 345 Park ;l\'tnuc .. Gkn~·ot'. St. Margaret':-; home \\'ill hl'nefit In· the . wnrk dotH' at that time. Garde·n Club Views Color Pictures of Great Beauty Illustrating his talk with slides made hy color photography, Dr. C. 0. Schneider of \\'innetka told the \Vil mett<' Garden cluh last Fridav. Decemher 3. ahout mountain flowe;s in their natural em·ironment, and about the le sser known national parks. This meeting of the club \vas held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Redman. 1309 Cht.:stnut i:l'venue. \Vilmette, last Friday evening. The members en io:o-;ed the opportunit \' of hearing Dr. Schneider talk about the.;e su1)je rts on which he sneaks with authorit~·. and of seeing hi~ remarkahlr selection of slides. M r~. Keith Kellenberger of Evanston sflng <;everal songs, accompanied hy ~f rs. 1f agner. At the next meeting of the club on Tanuan· 7. ~fis s \; V inifred R rig 1: t wi.tl talk nn "Garden:-> tn Poetry." The Friends in Council of Evanston holds its December meeting today in the Orrington hotel, commencing with a luncheon at 12 :30 o'clock, followed by an afternoon program which will include several speakers. order not to seem to show partialit:v·. it is stated. the Red Cross is going to buy ~t wholesale lots. and then pack tlw hoxPs as nearlv alike in quantity and quality a~; possible. Mrs. Camp t\lso adds that besides money. personal giits are very acceptable, in the form of cigarets, cigars, randy. and anvthing that woul9 appeal to a sick or disabled man. Tbe making of ba.by clothes for the Infant Welfare has been a most interrsting phase of the sewing \\·ork thi. fall, as well as the vvork done for the Bahies Friendly society. An urgent appeal come:-; to the so ciety in the fortll oi a tllc:':-age i ront · the Paul Rcn10lds in China. The hospital near the Rnnolds' tcrriton· is British American Club sadly in need of p·ajamas for the· paPlans Children's Party tients. coats and anrons for the cooks. Tltt' Xorth Shore British Am -. rican surgeon:-;' gov;ns attd other articles oi cluh h<. l s announced the date of its anclothing. \Vith the church so wellrepresented in China lH· ~f r. and Mrs. nual children's part\' for Thursday. Reynolds. tht· society i; anxious to an- Decelllher 23. in the :\.ssemhlv room of swer their call for these easily made ar- the Community House. from ~7 :30 until 10 o'clock. ticles. l'nder the direction oi the club's And from the Sam Higginbotham committee which i~ in charge of the leper hospital in India comes a plea for babies' flannel garments. This social gatherings. there· will he a needed work is to be done hy the will- Christmas tree, loaded with presents. Santa Claus will be on hand to distribing members of the society. ute giits to the fifty or more youngEveryone is urged to remain after sters. games will he played, and rethe luncheon to assist in completing· freshments served. the old \vork and beginning new. Following the children's party. at 10 o'clock there will he dancing for the Local Smith Club Puts members of the club. Although the date has not hecn set Off December Meeting d<"finiteh', tlw annual Bobbie Burn~ The December meeting of the Evdinner given hy the club "·ill he held at anston Smith College club will not he Com munity House some time the first held on account of the meeting of the nart of .T anuary. Thi s dinner is truly Chicago Smith club, which wilt take Scotch. fwm the menu to the enter place sometime between Christmas and tainment. Ne\\' Year's. There is a meeting once a month usually, but since the Evanston club is Folk Sona Proaram for automatically a member of the larger Neighbors Next Tuesday' organization, there will not be a disTh" pro g r a 111 s plannec: for The trict meeting during this busy season. Kei{!hhors on Tuesda,·. Dl'remh!:'r 1-t. <lncl Tur~day, lanuan·- -t. ;1re to he in CJ UB DANCE SATURDAY The Scandinavian club of the north l<'rchang-t>d. 1\ext Ttt,.~da,·. at 2:30 shore, will hold its regular monthly o'r-Inck. fnlk songs 0f Flt"opean coundance Saturday, December 11 at the tri(·S will hi:' sung In· ~rr s. ('lara F . Wilmette Odd Fellows hall, 1211 Wil- Schcvillc. lllf'zzo-soprano, and Ferdi mette avenue, at 8 o'clock. Harold nand Scheville, professor of modern Anderson's orchestra will furnish the European history at the l:'niversit,· of Chicago, will give a talk. · music. . Tuesday of this week, the art and hteraturf' d<:'n:utment of The Nei(!l>hnrs SPEAKS AT TEACHERS' CLUB met at the home. of Mrs. Harn' Vis Miss Frances Kern has just returned sering, 257 Kei1ilworth avenue. · Mrs. from Grand Rapids, Mich .. where she E. F. Snvdacker read a paper on "The spoke . last Monday before the Earlv French Cathedrat in the Gothic Period'~ Elementary Teachers' club on the topi-c and Mrs. John T. Dix read one entitled "The Objectives of Earlv Childhood "The Italian Cathedral in the Gothi~ Education." · Period.