ETTE LIFE Sc()Llt Executive \\' .dtn ~1d\·d, "ho\t' g<'ni.ll countrnJn<r j, ptcttttl·d .lbO\~ hl' l' ccn .tpputnt.·J S(out {:.,_,·cutt\'1' tor the noHb ~horr to '>Upcrn.'l~ Scout .ll t ,,·,t ,,., und,·r rl1l· th"~ h . . ,.,u bli'>hcd 1\:onh Shor~ Counnl ot rhc Bo\ \,out\ of Amnict. h.l' till), Jllrt'>dillton tn \Vtlmcrrc. Kent!\\ onh Glcn Ulf lli~hl.1nd!... ~r.Jd liJh· of tlh· l'nt\U\1!\ of ~dwol lot s,·ou! r,,.,·utl\,'\, Ll~l' ForcH .1nd l..1~r Blull. Mr. McPee!... t~ .1 lhH.tgo .wd of thl' ~.nrotul Tt.ltntng r.